posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:56 AM
Ok im gonna put this here, as i think its the most
valid place to put it..
The Swedish and European version of internet policing
systems are now in effect..Called IPRED.
This makes it possible for Copyrightholder to demand
and GET information about traffic and user from server
admins. If the servers hold matrl that are copyrighted.
This is just one more step closer to 1984. (google it)
The fact that the major communicationsnetwork in
sweden "Telia-Sonera" is infact in bed with KGB in
former sovjet states, Uzbekistan, Kazacstan so on.
Wich allow KGB at ANY TIME, AT WILL and IN REAL
TIME, moniter, listen and grab information of and about
the user. This is NOT OK. In a normal democratic system
you need a courtorder for that. I dont buy this bull anymore.
Enough is enough...
Im goin Black...Sooo....
I need some one explaining to me just exactly HOW
to INSTALL, SETUP and RUN thor on my PC.
I have it installed but it doesent work "Vidalia bla bla bla"
and no connection...