posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 12:41 AM
The reason I ask is because something happened to me on 9-11-01 in the early morning hours. I have always been an intuitive, indigo, Jedi, whatever.
But I never tried to make that my path as I also had a career that brought alot of personadl satisfaction and kept me more civic minded.
Well on 9-11-01 I was having a video chat with an old friend from school. It was early maybe 1-2 am. I'm a night so I'm just finishing breakfast,
when all of sudden i felt like I was gonna pass out or fall over, just an instantaneous overwhelming feeling of "disturbance in the force"
I immediately typed brb and headed for the bathroom, unable to tell if I was going to be sick or pass or what. I sat down on the toilet and felt my
head slump against the wall next to me and being paralyzed there unable to move and feeling horrible. As my head slumped I coded my eyes and saw
dreams vision whatever or planes crashing into skyscrapers and so Much more. Like a thousand pics per sec flashing through your minds eye.the feeling
passed what seemed liked after a few moments and I returned to the chat to find I'd been away almost an hour. Tryingbto make an excuse that didn't
involve me explain passing into lucidville illness Tue commode I simply responded "Donna had a dream about planes crashing into skyscrapers and I had
to calm her down. When in fact it was me who need calming. I've had visions of plane crashes before they happen. Paris air show, medevacs, flight 965.
I could go on but that's another thread.
I'm just curious if thered be a way or tracking down our conversation online.Its seems everything's recorded and stored. And I wonder how many other
people began to feel that disturbance in the force once people started showing up and committing to their heinous missions. This was 5-6 hours before
the plane hit the first tower.ive always also how many more might have picked up that same vibe once a set of events were now being started that would
changw the world. Were we being activated? Ive got all the 11:11. And 3:33 wake ups ad nauswum. Im just ready for an answer or 2. Any computer data
retrieve gurus?
edit on 4/20/12 by Chillidog1 because: Fonix
edit on 4/20/12 by Chillidog1 because: Fonix and Jetsam