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Pssst...Hey Smokers...Wanna See Something Cool?

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posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by jude11

The issue I have with things like this is they use the most extreme scare tactics or worst case scenarios.

It's like the anti illegal substance/cigarette/alcohol campaigns we were all introduced to as children. They were so sensationalist.

'Just take one sip of your father's beer and you'll end up living in a van, covered in boils all over your body, your teeth will rot out of your head, and you'll die old, alone, broke, and starving, having to trade sex for your next fix, while bands of juvenile delinquents take turns urinating on your cancer-ridden corpse!'

It's so bizarre. Things like that don't scare me because it can be debated by 'What are the odds? Not likely' logic.

MOST smokers, drinkers, etc. do not turn up like that. I'd much rather be introduced to more probable risks. Those are the kinds of things that would make me consider my lifestyle. Not sensationalist scare tactics.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 01:55 PM
The Stop Smoking Song!

edit on 20-4-2012 by thebtheb because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by SarnholeOntarable
reply to post by jude11

Blah,and I'm smokin the native's smoke's for the cheap kill.....I have cut down too lately(i'm a liar)

Hi there SarnholeOntarable.... I am Cree native and live only about 45 min from 1st nations reserve near brantford.. I can honestly tell you that the NATIVE smokes r 100 % more toxic for you than the regular ones from gov.. I have talked with a few elders about this and they has all said the same thing... "We have been putting antifreezes aswell as other chemicals into the smokes"... I asked why, they responded simply with.. "The white man have continued to try to eliminate our culture from the start as we stood by and let them.. Now we have the means to strike back silently.. Hence why the majority of canadians switched to natives cause we made them super cheap...." So, I bet you now are convienced about the terrible smell they give off and the headaches you get if you somewhat chain smoking these.. thanx.. Just wanted to put that out there for ppl.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:14 PM
What a bunch of bull#. Stuff like that only happens to those who abuse their use of cigarettes. To much of anything can be bad for you. It isn't the pack a week smokers that have to worry - they can barely even call themselves smokers, it's the pack a day people that have problems like these.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Wewillrise77

You see, smoking makes you want to back it up to right in your brain something is not good for your body. Smoking does an endless amount of proven things to your body, just think of a few, asthma, emphysema, increases wrinkles, reduces the amount of oxygen supply to your brain, and of course there is more. I have been a smoker for years, however, I have recently started smoking the ecig, too. It took me a bit to accept it, and I did struggle a bit with making it my "new" way of smoking. I know the tricks your mind will play on you to argue, validate why you smoke, how it is okay, how you are going to die anyway- and I also know the freeing feeling of not smoking anymore, and never wanting another paper cig again. There is so many carcinogens released when you light that smoke up, it is crazy. I think the ecig is the way of the future, and it would not hurt my feeling if the regular paper smokes became banned. They are more addicting then heroine, think about that, you can't help but to defend your "friend".
A lot of companies do nicotine test as part of pre-employment screening(medical facillities) and at first I was a bit shocked and angered over this thought. But, it really makes sense, it is just too bad that even smoking the ecig can prohibit someone from getting a job. But, we have to evolve, seriously, away from burning all those chemicals right into our blood streams.
And, yes, I had an uncle die from lung cancer, and he was a heavy smoker. And no, heavy drinkers do NOT live longer lives, a friend of mine from high school was just buried(and yes I know others, and a guy my age, from high school is going through chemo from lung cancer(under 50 years old) and he STILL smokes. So, you have control, that is the way to look at this most clearly, no one is telling anyone to quit smoking here.
Why do people come into threads that they do not agree with that are harmless theads just to post angry comments? Well, in this case, I know why. That cigarette there, you will die defending. Will you get cancer? I do not know, but remember all the other things you REALLY CAN get from smoking, including strokes, and heart attacks.
THe pictures are terrible, but hopefully it will help many to think twice about firing up, and really would be nice to get younger folks to quit before even starting. I think cigarette smoking is so socially unaccepted anymore, that that alone is a major way to attempt to reprogram the stick that controls all day, every day, one way or another.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:33 PM
Wow! I still appreciate the OP for this thread. Guess it goes to show you that another side affect from smoking is anger. (sarcasm) I can't believe the negativity and furor that is spewed out on this thread. Keep on puffing and spitting! No one is trying to take your crutch away from you guys. But I saw one poster who said the pics kept him from lighting one up. Success!
edit on 20-4-2012 by jdb51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by AshleyD

Ok, after reading so many replies both for and against these ads and whether they work or not, I'll weigh in on it.

For the most part we are all adults here...right? And as adults we choose to smoke or not to smoke. Many of us have done so for many years while some may have only recently started. Some are heavy smokers and some are light. Some don't believe smoking causes cancer and some do. Some agree with these ads and others don't. This isn't the issue as I see it.

While I do see these ads as over the top and wonder why if they are so bad for us, why are they even legal? They just are.

I admit that every once in awhile when I see these ads, I try once again to cut down. But that's just me. The bigger issue here are the kids. THAT'S why these ads are good IMO.

Kids are very impressionable and if they start seeing these ads at a young age, I believe that many will not pick up the habit. This is why I support them. If only a few of our kids decide to stay away from a dirty, habit forming and potentially dangerous item, how is that a bad thing?

For those of you that say "pffft...I have been smoking for 30 yrs and I feel great" Good for you! Now please pass along a pack to your kids and tell them with all honesty that there is no harm in having "Just one".

I dare you!


posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:43 PM
Still gonna smoke.

Out of every terrifying image I've seen, I've never seen any of it exhibited in anyone I know. Now let me ignorantly grab my lighter. No, but seriously, I am still going to smoke... for the time being.

Me and my friends made a deal. If the world is nowhere near it's end by December 22nd of this year, then I will happily lay the cigarettes down. I figure if the SHTF that a little nicotine wouldn't hurt.

In all seriousness, I am hoping to quit this summer, but Dec 22nd is a sure-fire thing granted fire and brimstone doesn't spill out into a total fireign and death ray.
edit on 20/4/12 by murkraz because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 02:52 PM
reply to post by murkraz

Ha! I understand your sentiment. I remember telling my husband when I was trying to quit that if the SHTF, the first thing I was going to do was light up! I even kept a pack of cigarettes in my freezer for a year just in case. Never touched them though! (not yet!)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by jdb51
Wow! I still appreciate the OP for this thread. Guess it goes to show you that another side affect from smoking is anger. (sarcasm) I can't believe the negativity and furor that is spewed out on this thread. Keep on puffing and spitting! No one is trying to take your crutch away from you guys. But I saw one poster who said the pics kept him from lighting one up. Success!
edit on 20-4-2012 by jdb51 because: (no reason given)

Honestly though, from a psychological perspective, putting those pictures on can easily serve as a subliminal suggestion - every time a smoker grabs a cigarette, his subconcious gets the message "you will die from this". Kind of lame if you ask me.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by pointr97

I agree with you 100%, amazing how everyone complains about the Government infringing on peoples' rights, unless it's smoking, or how everyone is supposed to feel soooo sorry for the alcoholic because he has an "addiction", yet they still brand smokers for having an addiction that is worse then alcoholism.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:35 PM
There needs to be more ways to prevent smoking. I am the last person that believes in telling people what they should or shouldn't do with their bodies, but smoking doesn't only kill the smoker, it kills others who are around that individual. Second hand smoke is just as deadly.

I really wish my generation didn't think smoking was hip.

Also, ladies...

Nothing is less attractive than a woman who smokes. Nothing.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:35 PM
Darn, this thread made me want a smoke. I also thought you're louring me in to give me some insider secrets in regards to 420. lol You know, like that kid you used to see on the After School Special shows? Anyway I wanted to ask, where is a label accessible to the blind? Even now I cannot see the label's presented above, due to the fact that they're in image format. I feel ripped! Labels have changed alot since I could last see, which was actually in the 80's. lol

Now I think I'm gonna go u2u the member above to ask what brand of ecig he uses. I need to quit, these Newports are killin me. lol

reply to post by jude11

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:47 PM
hey Eaters...all you hamburger and ice cream and etc. lovers....,wanna see something Cool?

your main artery,caused by high blood fat...

don't enjoy food...if it's not macrobiotic that is

hey beer drinkers.... wanna see something Cool?

your liver,caused by drinking anything with alcohol

dont drink beer or wine... ever

hey lazies and car drivers out there...wanna see something Cool?

ride a bike,walk...always

get my point?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 03:55 PM
I'm afraid your impression of "cool" and mine are very different. Was expection to see something "cool" not some fearmongering BS. Sadly over the years all this has lost it's shock factor. I smoke and don't plan on quitting any time soon. Even more so when I see crap like this. I'm fully aware how bad they are for my body... With an emphasis on "MY BODY".

Every time I go for a smoke I see the message from our fat over weight surgeon general that smoking is bad. Do you see pictures of a heart with heart disease on a McDonalds cheese burger? I don't see the difference. Don't have the list in front of me but i'm pretty sure heart disease is still the #1 killer and lung cancer is still rather low.
edit on 20-4-2012 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by jude11

jack, jack lalanne, is that you?

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by jude11

Hey Coke Drinkers, wanna see something?

Hey GMO produce eaters wanna see something?

Hey people who take Big Pharm meds, wanna see something?

The list goes on and on! Get over it! People who want to tell other people what they should and should not do to themselves is one of the reasons we are having so many problems in the world today!

So what is your point????? Other than trying to tell someone who does something they might enjoy they are wrong.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:40 PM
What's wrong with the world today is people who find an argument in anything and everything. All the OP did (who is a smoker himself) was post something he/she thought some people here on ATS would be interested in. Apparently, it worked, right? No one on here commanded you to smoke or not to smoke. I CHOSE to start smoking in my teens, and CHOSE to quit later in life. What you do with your bodies is your business; same as how you choose to smell. However, if I choose to eat fat-laden foods, that's on me. Who else does it hurt? If I choose to drink excessively (as long as I don't drink and drive) who else does it hurt?

It's when I have to be exposed to others habits (second hand smoke, etc) that I have a problem. It's when children are forced to sit in an enclosed car with parents who smoke, or live in a house with parents who smoke that I have a problem. They go to school stinking, their backpacks stink, their clothes stink, etc. Even their pets stink!

That's one of the benefits of quitting for me...Just an observation, mind you. Seems you can't post anything here anymore without everyone getting bent out of shape and getting defensive. What happened to conversation?

edit on 20-4-2012 by jdb51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by jdb51
What's wrong with the world today is people who find an argument in anything and everything. All the OP did (who is a smoker himself) was post something he/she thought some people here on ATS would be interested in. Apparently, it worked, right? No one on here commanded you to smoke or not to smoke. I CHOSE to start smoking in my teens, and CHOSE to quit later in life. What you do with your bodies is your business; same as how you choose to smell. However, if I choose to eat fat-laden foods, that's on me. Who else does it hurt? If I choose to drink excessively (as long as I don't drink and drive) who else does it hurt?

It's when I have to be exposed to others habits (second hand smoke, etc) that I have a problem. It's when children are forced to sit in an enclosed car with parents who smoke, or live in a house with parents who smoke that I have a problem. They go to school stinking, their backpacks stink, their clothes stink, etc. Even their pets stink!

That's one of the benefits of quitting for me...Just an observation, mind you. Seems you can't post anything here anymore without everyone getting bent out of shape and getting defensive. What happened to conversation?

edit on 20-4-2012 by jdb51 because: (no reason given)

The other problem here is that the smokers are the ones jumping to conclusions after seeing the title then those pictures that no smoker likes to see every day...

Most didn't even read the thread to see that I am a smoker myself and the OP is just showing the new ads. Not once in this thread with over 100 replies was I even asked if I agree with the ads or not.
Some even stated that I was a holier than thou non-smoker or a reformed smoker...I wish!

Interesting thread tho. Really shows that the ads do have an impact...

ATS...Gotta love it!


edit on 20-4-2012 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by jude11

why would you post such a thread?
ive gotten quite good at ignoring pics on tobacco packets.i dont want to see those pics on my favourite interweb page.
science still hasnt proven any link between smoking and illness, so i want some hoax tags.

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