posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 08:28 AM
I believe it goes beyond globalization.
Computers are at the root of job loss. They have been eating jobs since the early 60’s.
Even mega outsourcers like Walmart used to need rooms of people to keep the books. Not anymore. I can’t think of any field that hasn’t lost jobs
due to computers.
Even top tier jobs are now being lost to computers. Lawyers and doctors. How many people will go to a lawyer for a will now days? Simple contracts,
and more, all the cash cows for lawyers are now being done online. Fill in the blank and press print.
Got a medical condition? Likely you look up your symptoms online before you make an appointment. And in many cases you know what the treatment will be
and even if it can be treated. Soon there will be a national database for prescriptions. No more doctor shopping. No more bad drug interactions. No
more office records clerk. The doctor will enter your data into his pda which registers nationally.
I called an airlines last week (Delta). I knew it would take a while before I could get to a human to answer my odd question. But gone are the days of
finger punching on the number pad. No more “Press 1 for reservations”. It’s voice recognition. Tell the computer what your question is and it
tries to deduce what department to transfer you to.
When you boil it down unless your job involves random physical movements, it’s at risk. Education is not immune either. There are many places online
that teach through preplanned lessons. This will become the norm in the future.