That's very strange and very interesting.
The discovery could literally change our understanding about everything in existence, but more importantly ourselves.
One profound thought that instantly jumps out, is if water has consciousness and a capacity for memory, then since human beings are made up of a lot
of the stuff, WE or more accurately our consciousness are not actually what we think it / we are...we're transport for conscious water that is
actually ourselves.
Our life experiences give us memories...our memories are stored in our consciousness, a consciousness which is actually belonging to the water which
is within our body / cells etc., and not the flesh that transports it around.
Yeah, very weird...and yeah, i am over using the word 'conscious' too much, but i'm hammering this out and can't think of something better....i'm
creating here!
We see ourselves as a flesh and bone being, with a fleshy brain which is where 'we' develop our sense of self...what if our fleshy brains does nothing
of the sort, what if instead our processes of learning and educating ourselves are really only simply organising or training our fleshy 'consciousness
carrier' we call a brain, to better enable and facilitate the consciousness that is in reality the water that resides and permeates through it?
If so, this might actually mean that water delivered via icy space borne comets and the like, to planets and bodies scattered throughout all of
Universal existence, is not as we commonly see it just delivery of the basic requirements for biological life, but actually delivering the
consciousness that will both enable and make use of that biological 'fleshy' life as a kind / vehicle / platform for itself?
A water ice comet blasts past a star in a solar system and what happens?
Of course, it begins to melt and vent and portions of the comet leave as water vapour while the bulk of water ice continues on it's journey through
space aboard a comet..what happens to the water that was vapourised off the comet? It could eventually be dragged onto a planet by gravity, and this
does happen over billions of years, it happened to Earth...convenient way for a water based consciousness to spread itself around interstellar space
isn't it!
The possibilities are endless.
A linked Universal consciousness, permeating throughout...everywhere in the Cosmos.
Water, conscious water, may even be what has come to be considered...God.
edit on 19-4-2012 by MysterX because: LOT's of finger bashing typos,
probably more i missed.