This thread and its creation has been permitted and encouraged by a mod as seen here:
Waiting for your response to OleMB. I'm sincerely interested in how you can rationalize the deletion of certain repeated topics while allowing
other topics to be talked about repeatedly without closure or deletion.
Enlighten us, after all, you're a mod. (posted by Skepticesque)
That's not the issue here. Feel free to start a new thread to address that issue. (posted by Gemwolf)
I am not going to make this thread another thread that is directly suggesting ATS's affiliation with any external group. That isn't what this thread
is for, nor what I'm trying to do. That being said, those of you who have seen certain things regarding ATS's questionable closure and deletion of
threads may know what I am talking about.
Numerous topics are reposted on a daily basis. Whether it be earthquakes, 2012, etc. people are constantly reposting topics or making new threads
inspired by other ones. It is only when there are threads that discuss the potential that ATS may have an external affiliation that the threads never
see the light of day for long. In regards to last night, there are individuals who did not post a link, or even mention the video at all, yet just
the mere notion that ATS may have external affiliations was enough for it to get closed and/or deleted. Many threads were not spamming, nor were they
posting any links outside of ATS, and from what I saw many of the said threads were promoting civil discussion and answers from the staff.
This thread is not to debate the validity of any video. I understand completely as to why the said video was deleted. My question is asking why the
Mods decide to delete certain topics when there are similar threads and yet leave other duplicate threads alone. I'm aware that the ToS states that
Mods can delete any thread, and any post, without warning for any reason. Is this not suspicious, then? Topics they don't like hearing get deleted
into oblivion, whilst other topics can be duplicated numerous times and it isn't even an issue. This is a conspiracy website, a site that claims to
deny ignorance yet embraces it.
In the ATS affiliation example, I know clear and well, as do many members, that the video was not legitimate, and it has been claimed to be a hoax.
The issue here, once again, is not the video, but how the situation was dealt with. I was told that the threads were deleted because it was people
talking badly of ATS on ATS, and that wasn't right. Fair enough, except many of the threads weren't talking badly about ATS, they were simply
discussing and bringing forth evidence to suggest or not suggest the claim.
Some answers from a mod would be nice in this situation. I was encouraged to make this thread, therefore if it is deleted, it is further proof that
there is something flawed here.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Skepticesque because: wrong link.