I do not believe it was a 'preplanned' type of satellite outage.
During the call, when it went out, it wasn't immediately gone!
If you listen, before the connection is all the way lost, Art says "discharge" and the guy says "I was getting" before it's completely gone and
you can't hear their conversation anymore.
This leads me to think that it wasn't someone, govt or Art, just turning off the connection, because it didn't just go off immediately, you know
what I'm saying here?
This seems more like the satellite really did go out of place in it's Earth lock or orbit or whatever.....
Which leads us back to the whole idea of it being a coincidence.
It would be an extremely strange coincidence for the satellite to just
fall out of place for no reason, during the middle of this particular
It seems more like the satellite ITSELF was sabotaged.
But this is just from my observation.
I have watched the video of the 'tether' from the spaceship STS-75 where there are a bunch of weird 'UFO's' flying around this tether that flew
away from the shuttle or whatever.
The idea of those creatures, since they are supposedly extra-dimensional and can only be seen in certain videotapes, rematerialize out of thin air,
Seems to match up EXTREMELY well with the frantic caller's claim.
And, if so, it seems entirely plausible to me that one of these weird extra dimensional creatures could have just gone to the satellite and shoved
But maybe I don't know enough about what happens when a satellite loses transmission... it would seem to me, though, that if you turned off the
satellite connection, it would just immediately turn off the transmission, without leaving any little clips of sound behind.
As for this guy's claim... well, it makes sense.
Think about Katrina and Ike.
Did you guys know that the govt stopped people from flying over the scene of Hurricane Ike because there were supposedly dead bodies floating around
in the water??
Of course, this claim has absolutely no proof, since no one could fly over to see.
But the govt hides a whole lot of stuff from us, and if you look at the stuff happening all over the world today, it seems extremely odd that this
guy's prediction about 'wiping out major population centers' seems to be happening.
I understand the skepticism, but I would strongly recommend opening up just a little bit and wondering...
a) If this guy was really a hoax, why would he call back to tell people unless he himself was genuinely freaked out himself? Either he was forced into
calling back to debunk his own claim, or he himself was so freaked out about the satellite outage that even if he WAS just making it up, he hit some
truth. No matter which way you look at it, this guy said something that was REAL. If it was all a crazy hoax that he made up, he'd never have called
b) The satellite outage was very iffy. Could Art have done it, could Art have actually created this entire scenario, while making sure that his voice
and the guy's didn't turn off the air immediately? I am almost positive he could not have. It wasn't a hoax engineered by Art. (and please tell me
if I'm not being clear enough about the 'satellite transmission not immediately turning off' thing because sometimes I'm not that great with
words.) If it wasn't engineered by Art, there literally HAD to have been some truth in it.
The only possible way it was a hoax is if the satellite really went down by itself. And Art himself said that that hadn't EVER happened EVER when
he'd been on radio (he says so later in the clip, I believe.)
I personally don't think it could have been engineered and carried out by a human.
I think that something up in the sky knocked the satellite out of position.
But please try and debate me on this, if anyone is still reading this forum. I am young and may not realize some things so PLEASE try and debate me
about this if you can.