posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:43 PM
I disagree about the title, I think this video is for everyone.
I will also categorically state that I agree with most of what it contains.
The world is not all it seems and our perceptions are clouded by ego.
There are dark forces at work here that manifest themselves in whatever form they feel will gain the most response from us. They feed on fear, hate
and jealousy.
I'm a Christian but I have an open mind and have been willing to hear all sides of an argument. I don't push my religion on others as I feel it is
something we arrive at when the time in our lives is right for it. It can't happen by force of "will" but only through sincerity of heart.
I may differ in that I don't hold the Old Testament to be sacrosanct. The crucifixion and resurrection made Old Testament law null anyway. There is a
beautiful simplicity to know that I don't have to worry about life or death, it will happen when it's time. Fear is a thing of my past and has no
place in me anymore. In life I strive my hardest to do right and treat others as I would have them treat me.
Good video, I hope some will view this with open hearts and see the truths contained in it. Funny how some will criticize Christians for following
"some texts from ancient sheep herders" while watching Ancient Aliens or reading some of Sitchin's work looking for answers. There's something to
be learned from all, being Christian doesn't mean we have to stuff our fingers in our ears and shut out the world - on the contrary, I'm as curious
as I ever was about the world and everything in it.