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18 Venn diagrams showing how corrupted American ‘democracy’ really is

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posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by ANOK

Indeed, it seems most people are etymologically brain dead and media-supplied semantic framing replaces the holes in their inability to see how words relate.

Capitalism comes from capital. Capital is by no means related in any sort of way to the toiler or tinkler who uses sweat and ingenuity to create the next new great invention or innovate his or her craft as he or she sees fit. The capitalists are just a group of vultures who use the leverage of their metaphorical wealth (money is a metaphor, by the way) to lord over the real back bone of any economy - those who use their sweat equity to create and build.

The Old Testament got it right - usury is a crime and the lender should take 1/2 of the responsibility if and when the borrower does not succeed. Unfortunately, we seem to have an upper echelon that benefits from a rigged sort of Socialism, where corporate losses are subsidized by the borrowers. NOT damned if you do and NOT damned if you don't seems to be the motto of the Capitalists.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:54 PM
All of them are corporations so it is nowhere near surprising to me. The Fed is a private corporation. So is the US Government, The IRS, and even your state and local municipality is incorporated. So what does that mean? They are private companies that have boards of directors that do what is in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. And before you think arent a shareholder. They get you to "contract" with them unbeknownst to you and that is how they "govern" over you. Police and judicial system included. So to me it really doesn't matter who the president is he is just a figure head for the real game being played. Using the people as collateral.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:12 PM
There is more than enough evidence for the SEC, FDA and other Government agencies to indite and convict most if not all, of these enormous investment banks on fraud ,unethical business practices ,insider trading,breach of non disclosure agreement ,basically all laws pertaining to using position and knowledge to manipulate and repress information for economic gain,when the evidence was brought forward about BOA, AIG pertaining to credit default swaps ,it was there in black and white no room for interpretation all these banks knew these packaged derivatives were going to fail,I am not a lawyer or a financial analyst but I think I could prosecute and get convictions .Here is the end game "There are laws for wealthy elite [none]and laws for the masses"and if there isn't one for the masses congress will legislate one before the trial ends.And still the masses deny, they deny 9/11 , they deny orchestrated financial destruction, they deny all aspects of alternative energy,they deny manipulation of agricultural entities by Monsanto and Cargill,they deny all possibilities of extra terrestrial life,I will admit there is awakening happening but occupy wall street isn't it . "Society is nothing more than than the concept of the symbiosis of a group of human beings.A concept is not a carrier of life .The sole and natural carrier of life is the individual,and this holds true throughout nature".Carl Gustav Jung

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by Common Good
Wow. Look at all of those (D)s.

I think this diagram pretty much sums it up.

Crooked. This entire administration and everyone appointed by them.

CROOKS. And people have the audacity to back these scum. The ignorant masses.

Makes me sick that so many fall for it.

This article does show corruption, yet it fails to show it on both parties equally and serves as little more than a grand piece of propaganda.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:26 PM
Ok. I just want to add something about this article and the diagrams.

Some people are using them as a catalyst for saying it's all Democrats that are corrupt.

And some are saying it's propaganda because it "leaves out" people on the right.

I honestly don't care what letter is in front of these peoples names.

If the person(s) who made these diagrams deliberately left out Republicans for some nefarious reason, then I apologize.

But it does not change the inherent problem that leads to this level of corruption, on both sides.

The only thing I can speculate is there are far more people appointed by Obama and Democrats because Obama is the President at this point. I'm sure if someone made Venn diagrams for the Bush years it would look a lot different.

But all of this takes away from the main problem: The revolving door between Wall Street and Washington D.C.
edit on 4/19/12 by ideasarebulletproof because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by detachedindividual

yes, IS both parties...they are two heads on the same dragon.....we need to slay the that, I mean, we need to vote out ALL incumbents until we get REAL is either that or a revolution....

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Sphota

Well I was with you until you said it was some rigged form of socialism.

It isn't socialism, I wish people would stop calling it socialism. It is capitalism, nothing more, nothing less. We have a capitalist economy, not a socialist economy, we have no worker ownership of any significance.

Socialism is the workers ownership of the means of production. There is some limited socialism in America, but has NOTHING to do with government, or what is happening with the economy.

What socialism there is in America, or any country, is worker owned companies, of which there are a few who are very successful. They are not the problem, but the solution. That is socialism, not big government, or free-health care, but worker owned and controlled companies.

The problem is capitalist owners of industry are in control of the government, and state, and have been since the beginning of capitalism. It is capitalism the allows those few owners of capital to exploit the rest of us.

You are all confusing terms. Liberalism is not socialism. Capitalism is not free-markets. Socialism is not big government. Socialism and capitalism are economic systems, not political systems.

It all comes down to simply who owns the means to produce products for the market. Either private entities, capitalism. The workers, socialism. Or the state/government, nationalism. We have capitalism, and nationalism, but very little socialism. Capitalists, due to the system of profit making, become far more powerful than the government, and thus become the government, and have a monopoly over the economy. That is what these Venn diagrams are proving. Both sides of the government support the capitalists, not the people. That is a conflict of interest.

This is why some socialists are anarchists, because socialism is not possible with government. Socialists tried to form a revolutionary government, 'labour party', but it failed because government ultimately becomes about power not change. But that is because of the nature of capitalism, and profit accumulation, which causes corruption. Human greed is a bad but natural condition, in certain circumstances, and to have a system that perpetuates bad traits is ridiculous.

edit on 4/19/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:56 PM
Wow, W was not that bad.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by bo12au
Wow, W was not that bad.

You know that list is not complete?

Go back to the Bush administration, because those lists represent the present administration.

For example the treasury sec for Bush was Henry Paulson, he headed Goldman Sachs, and was a partner with the Investment Banking group.

Bush Chief of Staff was Josh Bolten, he also worked for Goldman Sachs, as Executive Director for Legal and Government Affairs.

C'mon folks stop jumping to conclusions, and do some research before you form a biased opinion. This is why you're all confused.

Both sides do the same thing, both sides represent capitalism, not the people.

edit on 4/19/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by Common Good

I thought deny was better than ignorant and brain dead and oh ye inbred,are not all american politicians and bureaucrat [ones that never leave or that have been their since the Clinton administration]related by blood or by marrying their cousins?If you want to see a graph of corruption take a look at all the defence contractors who force the government to legislate things like classified projects and then can basically tell congress or any one else including the president who ever it is[doest even matter]to piss off when requesting disclosure on trillions of dollars given out out by the pentagon just ask Rumsfeld.The rabbit hole is so deep now that no one has ever seen the rabbit.
edit on 19-4-2012 by QUEEQUEG because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by ANOK
reply to post by ideasarebulletproof

Great find, thanx for sharing.

If anyone has read my posts, this is what I have been talking about.

The government is ran by, and for, the capitalist class. The "government" is not to blame, it is those who have hijacked government in order to control the state for capitalist interests.

The whole political spectrum sold to us by the MSM is an illusion, there is no opposition to the capitalist class in government. There is no one representing workers. There is NO left-wing. Only a pseudo left-wing that is nothing but liberal right-wing, and mostly designed to give people issues to be concerned with that do not have an effect on the real problem, the capitalist economy. Issues that simply distract and divide working people, and keep us from organizing.

The "government" does nothing but make sure workers don't organize, and keep making profit for someone else.

Amen, brother; we can still keep this ship from sinking. All we need to do - we meaning the poor, the workers - is make Unions strong once more and then fight to keep the leadership pure. The only way things stay fair in a democracy is when the various classes have equal representation.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by ideasarebulletproof

I have been trying to tell people for a long time that the elites are socialists/communists and in general leftwingers.

Just look at those lists, the mayority are leftwingers, libeals/progressive democrats who are pushing people into accepting their leftwinger global dictatorship.

These lists should put to rest the claims from leftwinger members that the elites are not leftwinger.

They once were like you were, "wanting social reform in all fronts" and that is exactly what they are bringing, and what this entails is a socialist/facist dictatorship.

edit on 19-4-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

People on that list work for however is in the White House at the time, I believe.

Some of them say Clinton/Bush, so they worked in the same position for both sides.

Yet the mayority are leftwingers, just like you are, and they want exactly what YOU want...

Your problem is that you can't see that what YOU want is for a global socialist/facist dictatorship.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

If there are people in government that represent corporations, capitalist interests, then that is corruption.

That is a conflict of interest. The government is supposed to be of the people, not of one class.

edit on 4/18/2012 by ANOK because: it's a commie take-over Harry

None of those people represent capitalism, they represent the global socialist/fascist elite. What you continue to fail to see is that even socialists/communists need MONEY to make their ideologies work...

What they have done is supplant capitalism for corpocracy...

cor·poc·ra·cy (kôr-pkr-s)
n. pl. cor·poc·ra·cies
1. A society dominated politically and economically by large corporations.
2. An inefficient corporation characterized by excessive layers of management.

Again, when corporations own the monopolies that drive capitalism is it nothing more than another form of socialist/fascist control over EVERY part of our lives.

What you believe is EXACTLY what those leftwingers in power believe and want... You just don't want to accept that fact because doing so means that what you want is a global fascist/socialist dictatorship.

edit on 19-4-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by ANOK

sarcasm mate.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by RatoAstuto

Amen, brother; we can still keep this ship from sinking. All we need to do - we meaning the poor, the workers - is make Unions strong once more and then fight to keep the leadership pure. The only way things stay fair in a democracy is when the various classes have equal representation.

The unions are just another leftwinger form of control. The sooner people like you learn this the better it will be for everyone.

The unions don't represent the poor, they represent the unions themselves. Do the unions give work for poor people who do not belong to the unions and do not/cannot pay the union fees?... They do not...

Do the unions help ANY poor people AT ALL who are not part of the unions?... They do NOT...

Unions are megacorporations, which have as much power and control as the biggest known corporations such as GoldmanSach.

edit on 19-4-2012 by ElectricUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by ANOK

The government is ran by, and for, the capitalist class. The "government" is not to blame, it is those who have hijacked government in order to control the state for capitalist interests.

100% RIGHT!!!!!!!!

Our government is not to blame for this mess. It is the handful of TRAITORS who there screwing the HELL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, and its CITIZENS.

If the TRAITORS in office were told to become decent and ethical human beings or else take a hike, the U.S.government would run like a dream for the country and its citizens.

The problem is that we have these ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS in office who are making everything that is GOOD in this country turn to complete HELL.

Get these anti-American traitor politicians out, and maybe we can get our country back.

Amazing how great our country and government would be again without BUMS in politics who refuse to represent We The People and America. They are representing only themselves and have ZERO of the country and citizens best interests in mind.
edit on 19-4-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by HangTheTraitors
100% RIGHT!!!!!!!!

Our government is not to blame for this mess. It is the handful of TRAITORS who there screwing the HELL OUT OF THIS COUNTRY, and its CITIZENS.

If the TRAITORS in office were told to become decent and ethical human beings or else take a hike, the U.S.government would run like a dream for the country and its citizens.

The problem is that we have these ANTI-AMERICAN TRAITORS in office who are making everything that is GOOD in this country turn to complete HELL.

What?... Are you kidding me? you are a very cofused person, capitalism IS NOT ANTI-AMERICAN... Anok is VERY ANTI-AMERICAN, because he doesn't like capitalism, and wants a socialist/fascist global state to exist...

You better get your facts straight and learn that the United States of America was made as a capitalist nation. Capitalism has NOTHING to do with corpocracy and the leftwinger socialist/fascist elites who have taken, or are taking control over every aspect of our lives...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by bo12au
reply to post by ANOK

sarcasm mate.

Well you forgot to use the sarcasm BBcode.

How is one supposed to know mate?

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by ElectricUniverse
None of those people represent capitalism, they represent the global socialist/fascist elite. What you continue to fail to see is that even socialists/communists need MONEY to make their ideologies work...

Oh jeez another one, I answered this already.

Yes they are capitalists. Global, fascists, whatever, they are still capitalists, the private owners of the means of production. That is why they are globalists, they want global control of the economy. Capitalists are fascists generally because they need authority to protect their capital, and they need the power of the state to condition people to be providers of labour for them to exploit for profit.

Again, when corporations own the monopolies that drive capitalism is it nothing more than another form of socialist/fascist control over EVERY part of our lives.

No socialism and fascism are not the same thing. How many more times do the definitions have to be explained?
Socialism and fascism are polar opposites.

What you believe is EXACTLY what those leftwingers in power believe and want... You just don't want to accept that fact because doing so means that what you want is a global fascist/socialist dictatorship.

Yes, those left-wingers 'in power'. But those in power are NOT left-wingers in the traditional sense, and thus are not true left-wingers, they are not revolutionary in the sense they want to reform government state and the economy. No, they want to maintain the economy, and use state interventionism in order to control the populations in order to make profit from them more efficiently. The government by definition is right-wing. The opposite of liberty which is a left-wing ideology.

The original political meanings of ‘left’ and ‘right’ have changed since their origin in the French estates general in 1789. There the people sitting on the left could be viewed as more or less anti-statists with those on the right being state-interventionists of one kind or another. In this interpretation of the pristine sense, libertarianism was clearly at the extreme left-wing.

If you go though and read more carefully what I'm saying and read the articles I link to you might start to make sense of all this.

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