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The Rise in Americans Renouncing Citizenship

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by _Phoenix_
reply to post by OldCorp

Or better yet I hope if the SHTF that people will actually act suprisingly mature for a change. Gotta stay positive you know.

edit on 18-4-2012 by _Phoenix_ because: (no reason given)

NINJA EDIT! But you weren't fast enough.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:28 PM
I think it has more to do with a lot of people that work overseas for a living and they find it saves them money by renouncing their citizenship, since they have to not only pay taxes on the money they make in the country they are living in, but also have to pay taxes to the IRS because they are American citizens.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:33 PM
I just could imagine a mass exodus out of the U.S. Would people really think about doing that? Does that even cross the mind of people? Here in the U.S. we welcome immigrants by offering them an option to get their citizenship legally, and to even offer them jobs. So could we migrate to another country, and say I want legal citizenship in this country, and assisting me in finding a job, would they welcome that, or would they just say F you? If that is the case, I would say screw it, if your from any other country outside of the U.S. then you can no longer get a citizenship, we are done accepting.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:33 PM
It's a difficult choice. Easier for some who may have grown up in a different country (me, Britain) but one where many things have to be considered.

Staying and fighting against the issues that would cause many to leave is certainly an option.

But what kind of fight?
Against whom?

As it stands, I will be returning to the states. But to say I haven't considered leaving, would be dishonest.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by ProtectedWitness

You say that...but until you have spent alot of time overseas as I matter how progressive a Nation a want to come back home.

The difference between the U.S. and the countries you mention is the U.S. Divesity of people. Some narrow minded folks think this is bad...but I KNOW that it is a strength.

Many countries keep to themselves and do not actively participate in shaping World Events. Now some of you may say...That's Good. But say that to the thousands of Japanese after the Earthquake and Tsunami that were rescued and provided Medical assistance as well as food food and water that was carries out by a U.S. Navy Nuclear Carrier Task force.

Same thing can be said after the Tsunami in Indonesia. The U.S. Military provided relief immediatly and even Japan which is a Highly Advanced Society...did not have the ability to help it's own citizens in remote effected areas before the U.S. Navy could.

If you want to be an introvert and then curse those who actually have done good on a Major Worldwide scale...then you are self centered and selfish. Split Infinity

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by ProtectedWitness

You say that...but until you have spent alot of time overseas as I matter how progressive a Nation a want to come back home.

The difference between the U.S. and the countries you mention is the U.S. Divesity of people. Some narrow minded folks think this is bad...but I KNOW that it is a strength.

Many countries keep to themselves and do not actively participate in shaping World Events. Now some of you may say...That's Good. But say that to the thousands of Japanese after the Earthquake and Tsunami that were rescued and provided Medical assistance as well as food food and water that was carries out by a U.S. Navy Nuclear Carrier Task force.

Same thing can be said after the Tsunami in Indonesia. The U.S. Military provided relief immediatly and even Japan which is a Highly Advanced Society...did not have the ability to help it's own citizens in remote effected areas before the U.S. Navy could.

If you want to be an introvert and then curse those who actually have done good on a Major Worldwide scale...then you are self centered and selfish. Split Infinity

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

Damn I'm a slow ninja, I edited it back now, I love kittens!

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:09 AM
Nearly the entire world is under the control of the same powerful individuals, I don't understand how people think they can run away from that as if the problem won't spread to wherever it is that they go. At least here you can have the chance of doing something about it, even if you feel like your voice is small.

The grass is always greener...
edit on 19-4-2012 by The_Phantom because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:38 AM
If you choose to leave please hurry,I'm in the safest place I can be, Colorado, USA my 3rd floor apt.They can stay out of the way.They've made a decision to leave. once we finally clean this mess up....and we will...your opinions on the issue will be as far# in the wind.All your disgusting naysaying prognostication will be heard as a distant whinning. you'll all be eating foreign food hating the water in places where kidnapping is rampant or where US polices have killed many people there who do remember these things.And heres something new you have no rights at all and you are unprotected in most bananna republics.But that's right ,history seems to be out of vogue isn't it?
AMERICA ISN'T DYING...dang I'm getting tired of saying that.
Yes I can die ,hell that's easy. But if this occurs so what,my enemies are afraid to die they fight in fear of their lives.Winning is more important than that. Defenders as heavily armed as the US have never existed in world history.Americans are the largest best group of marksman on the planet.Need I remind you an 84 year old sniper is still a capable
E pliribus unum.
And belay that jets and heavy weapons garbage, illegal orders that violate the oath will not be followed by 80%,in fact they might sabotage their effort.That is why Panetta wanted his own marines to disarm he didn't trust them.
That gives them a hand full of contractors that could be disappeared trying to hold a state.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:41 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity
reply to post by ProtectedWitness

You say that...but until you have spent alot of time overseas as I matter how progressive a Nation a want to come back home.

The difference between the U.S. and the countries you mention is the U.S. Divesity of people. Some narrow minded folks think this is bad...but I KNOW that it is a strength.

Many countries keep to themselves and do not actively participate in shaping World Events. Now some of you may say...That's Good. But say that to the thousands of Japanese after the Earthquake and Tsunami that were rescued and provided Medical assistance as well as food food and water that was carries out by a U.S. Navy Nuclear Carrier Task force.

Same thing can be said after the Tsunami in Indonesia. The U.S. Military provided relief immediatly and even Japan which is a Highly Advanced Society...did not have the ability to help it's own citizens in remote effected areas before the U.S. Navy could.

If you want to be an introvert and then curse those who actually have done good on a Major Worldwide scale...then you are self centered and selfish. Split Infinity

well, USA HAD to, to keep their image, where was the rest of the world to help them? Don't get me wrong, any shred of mercy is better than none.. however..

Might want to take a 20 google search for a country of ...Hati .. yea.. the country that got wracked by an 7.0 quake a few years ago and explain why they are still in poverty.....

Status of the recovery Six months after the quake as much as 98 percent of the rubble remained uncleared. An estimated 26 million cubic yards (20 million cubic meters) remained, making most of the capital impassable,[230] and thousands of bodies remained in the rubble. The number of people in relief camps of tents and tarps since the quake was 1.6 million, and almost no transitional housing had been built. Most of the camps had no electricity, running water, or sewage disposal, and the tents were beginning to fall apart. Crime in the camps was widespread, especially against women and girls. Between 23 major charities, US$1.1 billion had been collected for Haiti for relief efforts, but only two percent of the money had been released
Hati, the Status of the recovery

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:13 AM
Well I don't hail from the land of the free and the home of the brave, but if anyone who does is foolish enough to spit in the face of the nation that birthed them, by renouncing thier citizenship, I would gladly take their place.
Sure I know times are hard over there, but they are hard everywhere. Whilst the USA may have fallen a long way from the ideals on which she was founded, and her very heart and soul is under attack from within, I for one have not given up on her. There are some ugly things in the past that don't sit well with me, mk ultra being one, Abu Ghraib, being another, but even those I see as symptoms of the subversion of the principles on which she was founded.

Edit: see
edit on 19-4-2012 by FlutterByte because: Added link

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:44 AM
I have tp admit wife and I have considered it. We looked at Costa Rico, Equador, we have been on mission trips to Honduras and Mexico... and just like Dorothy in Oz...

There's no place like home.

We decided to stick it out and fight if it comes to that.I am more active politically than I have ever been and look forward to the fall elections. We have even considered running for local political office.

Despite all of her faults, the US is still a great place to live. I think a lot of what some perceive is due to their limited paradigm of where they live or what they expose themselves to. I suppose the same could be said about me.

However, I do know a lot of the things some say you can't do anymore or will be persecuted or prosecuted for... we still due here in NC.

In Michigan they are arresting farmers and killing hogs. Here in NC, pigs are traded via CraigsList.

In some states, you get arrested for defending your home.Here we defend our homes.

College is expensive and folks protests. Here all of our children go to community colleges, my youngest graduates this fal with two degrees with honors... she worked, I worked, and she got scholarships... no debt after graduation. Our oldest just graduated diesel school and got a great job with caterpillar and they reimbursed his costs.

The economy is bad, but my other son has an internet recording label up and running and after a couple of years of hard work is making money. My other daughter is manager of a succesful restuarant and assists with the Bed n Breakfast there. I am asst mngr at a farm supply store and we can't find good help. At a neighboring store in the next county over, the manager has gone 6 months without an asst because he couldn't find a qualified person willing to work 10-11 hours a day or they wanted every weekend off.. in retail you work when everybody else is off.

My point is...In the US, things are tough, but you have to be tougher. We tend to forget that all of this has happened before and for some reason we thought all those stories our grand parents told us were fairy tales.

You know the they wlaked to work 5 miles one way. How they worked all day or all night and then did work in the garage for the extra money... and were glad to get it.

Or they ate left overs until they were gone or they cut all the lights off exept in the room they were in or how they only went out to eat on special occassions or how they packed their lunch everyday or how they only had one car... Or come summer they had a garden and put up everything they could and grandma kept all of her empty jars, bags, mended old socks or grand pa kept his old ragged pants to paint or cut grass in.

Further, this is a big country. I mean a big country. There are counties out in western USA bigger than some European countries. Alaska is bigger than all of western Europe. In Europe, most villages are so close you can bike between them. Here, we drive 30 minutes just to get to town and the grocery store. Out in Montana or Wyoming, you can drive 30 minutes just to get to A store.

Lots of resources and good people here...lots of room and wide open places. And still a lot of folks that live good lives and take advantage and work for the opportunities we have as Americans. And these opportunities are for everyone.

In the next town over is a pizza restuarant. It is owned and operated by Ahmed, a Muslim. He has on his walls pics of Italy, the Cape Hatteras Light House, Richard petty, and Mecca, and Egytian Pharoahs. He has a big pic of the Koran in a special place where everybody can see it. His wife wears a Burka... and he always has a good crowd and sells some really good NY style pizza to the biggest bunch of Baptists and methodists and red necks and farmers and fishermen you ever saw... myself included. And no one cares.

If I ran everytime life got hard, I would constantly be running. So, we decided to stay and enjoy all the good things about America and fix those things that are broke. And if they come for me, my family, or my pigs... or Ahmed's Pizza...then we will fight. And so will my neighbors... and my extended family... and so will the farmer's co-op... and so on.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by martianboy

Has anyone checked this guys math? This is a BLOG so I'm not sure if he's accurate or not.
And the numbers are still only a handful of people. It's not like we are talking about
tens of thousands of people. We are talking about a few hundred.
Anyways, If I had the time and desire (which I don't) I'd be checking to make sure
this fella got his facts straight. It's just his opinion at this point ...

Originally posted by seabag
I wish more people would renounce their citizenship. Even better, I wish I could pick which ones.


posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Where would you go? Would you consider remaining in Germany? I doubt you'd want to come back to Britain.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by beezzer

Where would you go? Would you consider remaining in Germany? I doubt you'd want to come back to Britain.

Definitely not Germany.

The UK?

If we were going to go somewhere, it'd be Oz or New Zealand.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:22 AM
I have been considering this option sense Bush was the potus, i felt more urgent when Obama took office but if Romney becomes Potus Im out of this country, I refuse to submit to the filthy rich and I refuse to hand them more then they already have. peace

P.S. I would nto renounce america, but I would leave for awhile. If I could find a american friendly country which probably is not out there so heck I dont know
edit on 19-4-2012 by lbndhr because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 08:40 AM
its a sad day when people renounce there citizenship, i don't suppose its an easy thing to do but looks like its on the up. a sign of these crazy times. i thank god i am british

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by OldCorp

the nazi's were a little smarter than that. they used words like "relocation", "for your safety", "it's dangerous for you here right now", etc.

very little germans, even less jews, knew they were going to their deaths.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:33 AM
One question... What does taxes have to do with anything? If you are working in another country, the US government has no claim on your income, the government of the country you are living in does. They wouldn't even know you have an income, unless you were transferring it to a US bank, which would not make much sense to do if you are living in another country.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 10:17 AM
If the USA starts another BS war and
there's a draft, I'll renounce mine in a second.

Believe that.

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