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SECRET SPACE WAR - Which side are TPTB on? Which ALIENS do 'Star Wars' Satellites Target?

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posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 09:36 AM
Its my belief that most or all of what they listed there are true negatives. Good positive ET, are more like our Spirit Guides and Family, and do not usually come in and interfere in that kind of colonizing way. That is the takeover, not anything good. Not to mention that renegades, rogue ets, probably chased by others, have done some terrible things in the past here. We have a history of renegades.

If they kill the ones telling us to deprogram, free our minds, and help others, bring happines to all, not to let anyone divide us, we're one family. Then happiness and joy is an opposite frequency to whatever causes them to thrive. They thrive off our fears, pains, torments and anger.

So, if a group of people, determined to work through anger issues, to not react, or if briefly, to get a grip on self and work it through, to find peace and understanding. And then they focused on; creating and spreading happiness, helping those around them be happy, creating abundance, in their lives and working it out for the town they're in. No one should fall between the cracks, what problem solving we could do, region by region, locally. Get to know people.

We can make it really uncomfortable for them to thrive.

I feel they have overtaken many planets, many worlds like this: run the same way, cookie cutter models, for religions, wars, governments, fascism, bankers, jobs, tensions, divisions. Even people speaking similar or in some cases, the same languages. If its not broke, why fix it. It works for them, so they persist is reproducing it.

Our world is a world where light souls have been laid siege too, and programmed into, well lets look:

3 main tenants of this planet:

1. war

2. poverty and starvation and ignoring those in need. Valuing the slave goals over the family in need.

3. reacting with fury at all their set ups and instantly smashing anyone you perceive as a threat.

And all of this control is possible by ensuring everyone is very vulnerable, their jobs on the line, fear of stepping out of line or being left homeless or without.

So we need to look at those 3 points and our very vulnerable states as the culprits. Those are the lessons here. Overcome those.

And the fear, the vulnerable, that takes some doing to overcome, some planning. Bruce Lee says in a movie, you aren't ready yet, you still want to win, you have to be ready to die, prepared for defeat. So, it doesnt matter, win or lose, its the love that matters. In other words,we should be preparing our own incomes, replacing the monopolies by our own little businesses, and even perhaps, learning to plan what to do without the big homes, for example, in communities buying land and growing food and getting others onboard so people live without fear, they literally become masters of their own economies, and don't have greed as motivation. But sharing land and food and erecting small homes for others.

If you take away their power base over you, then you win. If you can actually overcome this frequency of planet, they can't thrive here anymore.

posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

Hi Unity,

Thanks for that video clip, although many won't understand its relevance here it did speak to me, if for nothing else that the tallish guy with shaggy hair he keeps kicking was my Karate teacher a long time ago. It sends me back down memory lane.

When you go after the Reptoids you aren't going to get any argument from me. I know they exist and are here. And I also have good reason to believe that we're merely colonized and farmed cattle to them. It is about time we took our planet back !

However, it also seems as if there may be several other species out there, keeping this from acting out as planned, and also possibly intervening with another agenda. One which could be worse or better, depending on what it may be and who they are. This is why our situation is rather alarming, as maybe some don't want to jump out of the frying pan to just fall into the fire. We must further investigate and over time determine what is fact and what is fiction in as many potential sources as possible, doing open research as well as more targeted inquiries into any leads which may prove productive. And once we know what we're up against, it is merely a matter of designing a strategy for Human Liberation from Alien oppressive forces. Mankind has done this countless times, however each time rapidly failing back into enslavement as they had thought their enemy human and not hidden behind the scenes. That is the cleverness of the Secret Government, which itself is taking orders from far more secret entities.


posted on Mar, 26 2013 @ 06:20 PM
Didn't read the whole thread, just wanted to respond to the OP:

The grand picture is not black and white, and perhaps even looking at it in shades of grey doesn't do it any justice (its a lot more colorful). There are many extraterrestrial species, flocked together in several different groups (common interests, views and values hold them together, nothing else), and if you analyze their motives you can begin to understand some of the crap that its going on here. Understand, not accept though, mind you.

They all, ALL, have an agenda. The issue boils down to this - Is their agenda, beneficial to us, and in what ways? That's why some are painted with the "benevolent" brush. They have an agenda of their own, we are part of it, but if their goals benefit us as a whole a lot more than the agenda of the others, then its clear who the "enemies" and who the "friends" are.

The only ones we should be interested in are those who consider us equal (though misguided, manipulated). Not those who consider us savages, pets, cattle or ants. Many of them do view us that way. Those are the ones we should stay away from. Sadly, those are the ones who some of the shadow governments depend on, since they refused the help of the others.
edit on 26-3-2013 by Basqiat because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 03:57 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

It is about time we took our planet back !

Hooray! How do we do that, fearless leader?

posted on Mar, 27 2013 @ 07:17 AM
reply to post by Basqiat

Hi Basqiat,

Thanks for joining the discussion. It appears you have studied Exopolitics and have your own privileged sources of information or theories about which Aliens may be interacting with us and our planet and what their respective motives might be. We are all most surely all (aside from the systematic debunkers) quite interested in hearing more about your opinions, and welcome your insight into how Human alliances with certain Alien races might be established, helping to better understand what is actually going on in the current Secret Space War.

Thanks for the input, I look forward to your further postings.


posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 01:16 AM
Regarding the species mentioned in the Russian source, whether reliable or not, there is mention of the Tall White who allegedly are mining the moon and in permanent contact with the US, Russian and Chinese governments. Here is some confirming evidence of their existence. I did already some years ago read Charles Hall's account of his experience, but here it is resumed in a few short introductory words.


posted on Mar, 28 2013 @ 10:24 AM


posted on Apr, 1 2013 @ 03:55 PM


posted on Apr, 2 2013 @ 03:18 PM

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 06:11 AM
Well, that is quite a read. I confess that I haven't found the time to pour over it in its entirely. What is amazing is the great diversity of beings and creatures said to be off planet, and to me, this can lead to one of three conclusions.

!. That much of what we know is a holographic illusion created by a mind force, and that we experience is therefore both real and unreal, no reality existing at all. A common focus of an illusion may come to be perceived as real, hence the use of "reality management" by educators, priests, governments and scientists?

2. That there are indeed real aliens among us, but that their presence in concealed in an ocean of tales and legends, this fact being disguised by mythologies and story books. Such an interpretation would imply that DISCLOSURE has been opposed for many centuries and that hiding the truth is an agenda which is as old as antiquity?

3. That there are so many alien lifeforms interacting from time to time with our planet, that it makes the universe look like a bacillim plate all sorts of beings swarming in masses all about the galaxy?

To return to the subject of a SECRET SPACE WAR, it is highly unlikely that we could be at war with every Alien life form encountered thus far, but far more probable that we have identified one or several specific enemies of humanity or of certain governmental interests, and have taken steps to prevent their interference with our planet.


posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 06:51 AM
Since you brought up ATS golden boy John Lear, I still don't understand why he was banned. Is it unreasonable to suggest that perhaps he was right? is worthless, and why to these moderators stop showing up: Johnny, Overlord and Springer are the only ones that do so.

posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 02:09 PM
Hi Speckle,

I cannot say why John Lear got banned after being a special guest here. I got temporarily banned myself once and still cannot understand why. A number of my forum friends here are now gone, courtesy of this method. I don't know the reasons why, though there MUST be a reason, otherwise they'd all be here. I regret them all, and remain here until my time has come...

Regarding what John Lear said, that the Moon is actually occupied by Aliens, this can be considered to be very plausible if for no other reason, than by virtue of the fact that for decades no Earthly power has seen fit to send astronauts, cosmonauts or spacionauts up to the Moon. No explanation can justify this, and unless you are ready to believe anything you're told, you must be at least "mystified" by such a policy.

Whether the Moon is also a place for storing Human Souls in gigantic SILOS for exploitation as a natural resource, this is however something which cannot be verified by other facts or known converging testimonials. The only thing I can see which might validate this is the presence in Judeo-Christian theology of an entity (usually called The Devil) who seeks to steal our souls. Whether his theory stems from theological teachings or is autonomously derived with theology lending credence, is beyond my grasp.

While it seems clear that there is a War for our Minds, whether there is one to take over our Souls is another matter. Many New Age adepts believe that there is a malevolent force seeking to seize our essence and take it away from us. Yet much in the New Age movement was spawned by US Counterintelligence programs so it is also hard to use such folklore as a valid reference. FWIW.


posted on Apr, 11 2013 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Regarding what John Lear said, that the Moon is actually occupied by Aliens, this can be considered to be very plausible if for no other reason, than by virtue of the fact that for decades no Earthly power has seen fit to send astronauts, cosmonauts or spacionauts up to the Moon. No explanation can justify this, and unless you are ready to believe anything you're told, you must be at least "mystified" by such a policy.

It is indeed mystifying since they *claim* to have gone to the moon, yet express no interest in returning - what, no minerals to exploit? Well, of course, we know that the "lunar landings" were staged - badly. There is a lot of evidence that something is going on on the moon, so who/what is up there?

posted on Apr, 19 2013 @ 04:30 AM
Some of you here know that I have witnessed a Draco Reptilian in the flesh, and know them to be extremely beyond our ability to oppose them in a conflict. This seems to be a consensus among a few scientists who may very well know more than they can let on, and who have found a way of conveying how dramatic our situation is by their statements in this documentary, at minute 35:45.

It is interesting to know how resigned and cynical the two main scientists in this document are. Do they know something that you don't know? I know to whom they are referring as a T-Rex...

"It may well be the case that we just can't defend against it. Best, really, if we're so insignificant, keep our heads down, rather than argue or fight against them."

"If it comes to blows, it's going to be like Kermit the Frog versus a T-Rex. It's going to be no-contest, whatsoever."

The narrator then goes on to say:

"Instead of coming in peace, extraterrestrials may be here as ruthless space invaders. And what they have planned for us could be nothing short of an Alien Apocalypse."

Had I not witnessed something remarkably like this, I would imagine it is merely an alarmist exploitation of humanity's intrinsic fears. But as things stand, it may be more likely that our worst fears are not even up to the standard of the truth of the matter...


edit on 19-4-2013 by Getsmart because: Aliens are probably involved in the Secret Space War !

posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 01:57 AM
What are they waiting for?
If they could destroy us (alien apocalypse) then why don't they?
Sorry, but I don't buy it.
We have enough troubles caused by humans without introducing another 'boogieman'.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 02:20 PM
Thanks for bumping this thread, and I look forward to others making constructive contributions - they are highly appreciated !

An unanswered question ought not short circuit one's brains: the history of humanity has been to rise to the challenge of what we cannot understand. Exterminating humanity is not the only possible tactic of an alien invader. We are able to kill animals, yet we breed them and raise them. Why should an alien species be different from us in that respect, especially if their brainpower dwarves us in comparison? Those who have interacted with Reptilians stated that they viewed us with little more respect than we have for poultry. Do we go and kill off all the chickens? Not all at once. We farm them.

There are many theories abounding as to why we haven't been annihilated and removed once and for all from the surface of the planet. We could be free range livestock awaiting the arrival of a large fleet or the venue of planet X? Or it may be that we serve as DNA for more instensively farm raised humans elsewhere in the galaxy or in the hollow earth? Many things could explain why we are kept alive, even John Lear's theory that our bodies are left alone so that we can grow souls which are later harvested by aliens. This rejoins the biblical tales of the devil stealing our souls.

You can also maybe figure it out yourself, or ask one if you ever have the chance to meet one. I wouldn't however encourage you to direct contact because they might find that you look tasty and just the right size morsel for an afternoon snack. Here's hoping you manage to stay out of trouble, and of their stomach !


Buying something has nothing to do with thinking, sorry. Nobody is selling you anything here, much less ideas. I encourage you to think for yourself and not adopt convincing theories.

Sorry you are having trouble with humans. By being a better person one eventually connects with good folks and finds that they aren't all bad?

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
reply to post by Basqiat

Hi Basqiat,

Thanks for joining the discussion. It appears you have studied Exopolitics and have your own privileged sources of information or theories about which Aliens may be interacting with us and our planet and what their respective motives might be. We are all most surely all (aside from the systematic debunkers) quite interested in hearing more about your opinions, and welcome your insight into how Human alliances with certain Alien races might be established, helping to better understand what is actually going on in the current Secret Space War.

Thanks for the input, I look forward to your further postings.


I've had good sources for the exopolitical outlook, not really our own sources, since they tend to entertain a model of two, maybe three parties who have interests here, and that's hardly accurate in my opinion, so I made sure I get some more detailed information about the situation out there.

The underground bases people talk about are just the superficial backdoor for the administrative elements of a much larger body underground to be able to communicate, and use these bases as means to also act on situations and matters pertaining to the surface world. There is a parallel human civilization that is diverging technologically (and in other aspects too) from our surface human civilization. This civilization was started many centuries ago, once the "nod of approval" by certain powerful elements was given, and it was about couple of centuries after the fall of the Roman Empire, that this "project" of a sort, got started. Human children being abducted and raised by other people as foster parents and growing up in an environment that is more easily controllable and more easily manipulated, indoctrinated.

The problem with us, surface humans, is that we are too great in numbers, harder to manage, and still subject to external influence by other extraterrestrial species, so we are not the best choice for the grand plan, and we haven't been since centuries back. The necessary acceleration of this "project" occurred in 1933, when something was done to bring more extraterrestrials underground, and more technology along with them. I haven't been told what this event was exactly. Another boost happened in 1957, through (I'm guessing), similar event. Soon after the first tryout of the underground experiments was done, to test one of the aspects for which our species was/is intended to be used for, and that is, combating other extraterrestrial species using advanced extraterrestrial, or extraterrestrial/human hybrid technology. The first test involved destroying an extraterrestrial base on Mars, in 1961, and replacing it with our own one. This alien species later retaliated by destroying another human base that was being built in 1983.

I'm not sure what lies they are fed on, or with what sort of information they are brainwashed, but they seem indifferent about the surface situation, and have no problem engaging in abduction scenarios involving fellow human beings. This might explain quite a few MILAB operations where the human looking beings involved in the abduction cases claim to be humans like the abductees, but far superior, better, and stronger. This parallel global civilization by now numbers in hundreds of millions of individuals, who live alongside extraterrestrial groups that used the underground habitats long before we even developed a society at all. They are far few in numbers compared to the humans, but they have grown since the 1950s, thanks to technology that was brought from elsewhere that made living conditions far better for them and allowed them to reproduce. They are governed by a "council" of sort, consisting of 13 human members and 9 alien members and they guide the entire society. The New World Order happened, just not on the surface yet. At least not in full blown motion.

From old, abandoned and then reused extraterrestrial bases as a starting point, to super-advanced technological mega cities today, they rely on outside help. Everything will crumble if they are cut from their external sources of help, whether its information, energy, technological resources etc. If one wants to end this "war" (if one can call it that at all), that's the butterfly effect they are looking for to stir things in a more positive direction, or so I'm told. Considering its still going on, obviously its not an easy feat to do as it sounds, considering not humans, but other extraterrestrial species have been unable to figure it out yet. I'm guessing all this is done via wormhole or wormhole-like transfer, and wormholes, if we know anything about them, even in theory, are said to be a tricky thing to mess with. I also forgot to mention that the aliens they combat are mostly those we consider as "friends".

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:19 PM
The whole point of the abductions, and the Human Genome project was to determine the best fit genetics so they can purchase from a stable, quality stock, for new generations of humans that they would be bred underground. And forget Mars, that was a done deal since the 60s, we (or the underground human civilization) are colonizing other planets, in other star systems, even as we speak. They didn't get the green light to even as much as approach Alpha Centauri (that was the first target allegedly), and have since then moved on to other star systems of interest. One very peculiar one, at least for any astronomers that are reading this website, would be Altair. On first impression, not the likely place to consider sending colonies because of the young age of the star, and the radiation levels, but there are few worlds capable of supporting life there, and one did so, before the arrival of any humans and other extraterrestrial colonies there. Considering we don't have the technology to use our star as a means to travel to other star systems yet (neither do some of the ETs either), we are probably using artificial technology that creates wormhole links to specific star systems. And somebody gave us this "address" on purpose, even though there was life already present there.

There is another planet, that's a jovian moon, as part of a star system situated in the Ursa Major constellation, that is being colonized by humans and small ET groups that accompany them. There are planets on Sirius B as well that we visit often. What's interesting is that the developments of terraformation technology are primarily used by the ETs and not us. Which is one of the reasons we are a valuable asset to many ET groups, we can easily adapt to different environments, even those considered hostile by us. Many ETs have their own special characteristics and abilities, ours is adaptation, and our weak, but present, psionic abilities, who largely lay dormant. And we keep expanding to other star systems that were of no interest to other groups.

The sources the underground civilizations use most likely come from the extraterrestrial factors our surface shadow administrative elements have been in some contact with. And there are many involved, who have been active here long ago, or are active now. The two that might be more commonly known are the Draco empire / expansion, and the Orion consortium. The first was kickstarted by a very beast-like, original species, who like to genetically modify and assimilate other species, and use them as pawns to carry out their expansion and and subjugation of other inhabited worlds. This planet hasn't seen an original "ciakar" being some 700.000 years, those present here are in a vague humanoid form, having only flaps of skin instead of wings, and resemble other reptoid species, and are white, with red eyes. Those are often used as avatars for the real beings, who look more like dragons rather than anything resembling like the smaller humanoid 'Reptoids'. Draco refers to the constellation where the original star system and planet exists where they started expanding (the expansion consists of star systems that also lie outside this constellation at present). The Orion consortium is a group of 19 civilizations, stemming from several core species, who like to model socities as they see fit, in order for them to gain control of them, and stop them from collapsing. In their view, they think of themselves as saviors, and that what they do is right and justified.

The Orion consortium have very strong alliances with another two major players locally, relayed to me as the Ursa Major group (also called Kondrashkin group, since these humanoid ETs are the power center of that group), and the Ursa Minor conglomerate (their own designation of themselves could also be translated somewhat like 'Interstellar Federation of Sovereign Planets'). These could be the ones that started the whole "Galactic Federation of Light" crap. They are responsible for releasing a dangerous Artificial Intelligence that harvests organic life and creates cyborg-like creations which it can mentally control. It could be the same thing as the Ashtar Command/Collective. This was their failed attempt at creating an Artifical Intelligence that can create a wormhole network and energy resource grid that spans many star systems wide, as the one they have right now. The main names come from the general concentration of star systems in certain constellations. These three often collaborate on projects of mutual interest with the Draco Expansionists.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 01:27 PM
There are other "negative" groups too - The Perseus assembley, Hydra usurpers, Cancer ensemble, Aldebaran conjoiners league, the Nibiru royal houses (mostly gone by today), the Kamagol magisterium, and the Cabal Order, which is a name given to the power elements that control certain surface affairs, and all of the underground affairs, with the parallel human civilization. These are not that much involved with our Solar system at present, but become more and more major factors as time goes by. Unless requested, I won't go on further to expand on their actions and agendas at present.

Most of the groups that have visited us, some 90% of them, are indifferent, and won't be phased with what happens to us one way or another. The remaining 10% are those who are active and intervene from time to time, or all the time, and who have agendas that involve us, and who are either beneficial od detrimental when we are considered. This is why the situation is not resolved yet. Because if other groups helped out, they would move the favor to one or other side and this would be dealt with relatively fast.

The megacities that lay below the underground bases are situated in the following locations: USA has three that I know of (under Phoenix, under Memphis, and under Denver). Canada has large one that I know of, that lays between British Colombia and Yukon territories, near Watson lake (where there is an entrance). Alaska also has a big one, that doesn't lie under any known inhabited point, but lies mainly in the Brooks Range territory. Mexico has a small one near Durango. South America has two, one south of the Amazon basin, Under Peru territory, and another one under Chile. One major one is situated under Greenland, and is one of the most powerful and most advanced ones, strangely. Africa has one small one under Congo territory. Russia has two, both located in Siberia regions, Europe has two, one laying between Germany and Poland, and one in Norway. There is a large supercity under China and Mongolia territories. There are no underground megacities in the Middle East and India as far as I'm aware. There is only one other, in Australia, near Alice Springs. Unlike the other megacities, who function in a web of allocated resources, shared energy, and shared control over each other, this one is autonomous, both energy-wise, resource-wise and functions with a separate governing body that I don't know much of anything yet. There is an underground city in Antarctica too, at the very south pole, that is the most technologically advanced, and they are also those who established the network between the other megacities in the first place.

However complex the situation may seem to us, its only a local event, and a minor nuisance, as allegedly, there are things going on out there that would make the Draco empire, the Orion consortium and the rest of the groups look like the local bullies n comparison, and nothing more. So probably even more complex, mind-boggling and dangerous, threatening things exist outside our local cosmic neighborhood, which is more serious since the indifferent groups are up their sleeves working on it allegedly. So its obvious something big. I don't know yet what's it all about, and maybe we are being denied that information for a reason, if people have a hard time boiling this down, I can imagine what it would be if the grander situation in space was to be presented to us.

posted on Apr, 27 2013 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Hello, GetSmart!

Nice to see you back and continuing to add information to this ever intriguing thread!
I wanted to mention that I noticed around the seven minute mark in the first video about the Russian book that those creatures look just like the ones in the movie "Avatar". It's also strange how it states that they were in New Zealand and the sequel of "Avatar" is going to be shot in New Zealand this year.
Are we seeing entertainment based on fact? It sure seems as though James Cameron is aware of this Russian research.

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