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SECRET SPACE WAR - Which side are TPTB on? Which ALIENS do 'Star Wars' Satellites Target?

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posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by PulsusMeusGallo

Originally posted by someotherguy
There is a secret war being waged in Space

Secret to whom? Obviously not to you so tell us about it. Everything you know. with proof and evidence, this thread is already overburdened with lunatical stories and comjecture.

I guess you didn't notice that that was the title of the video. LOL

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy


Nick Pope discusses dog-fights between UFOs & UK military jets

We shoot at UFOs. That isn't a war. Not much of a secret, is it?

This just in from a Commentor on your video.

i am an alien, my flying saucer has been shot down by some stupid ufo hunter by a slingshot, i need some money to rebuilt my ufo so i can go back in space but before that i need some money to buy some chicken and chips, human food is very tasty but you have to # after eating eating it and i need some money to buy a wc and comode...waiting for your replies, gays are not welcome...gays are not welcome i am a straight alien

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:06 PM
Coast To Coast AM - 12.4.2011 - 1/12 - Secret Space War / 2012 & Ancient Sites

Secret Space War:

...Richard C. Hoagland articulated his theory of a secret space program, and its possible connection to the 9-11 attacks, in the second half of Tuesday's program. Clandestine groups are involved in a secret space war, "and the terrestrial equivalent to cover this fact, is the so-called War on Terror...that's why we have hundreds of thousands of troops stationed at key strategic positions around this planet, having nothing to do with the ostensible reasons why they're there," he explained.

There are six groups involved in the space wars, and two of them are non-terrestrial-- possibly humans that used advanced technology to develop civilizations off world, he suggested. Japan, he noted, is "being clobbered for a reason, and I believe it is fundamentally part of this secret space war." The 9-11 attacks were a shot across the bow that the status quo was over, he continued, adding that exotic technology was used to turn the Twin Towers into dust-- "some kind of massive disintegrator beam, based on Torsion physics."

edit on 21-4-2012 by someotherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by someotherguy
...Richard C. Hoagland


Apparently you are unaware that Hoaxland's credibility is zilch

Search in ATS.

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by Primus87

Regarding anything to do with Nazi Haunebu UFOs, I have this to say: is just a fractional example of the documentation the Nazi regime was absolutely feverishly manic about in regards to records keeping.
Every single u-boat, even the highly sensitive experimental ones, and even the ones that were under fabrication but not launched yet, including some captured subs, plus crews, plus sub commanders, plus missions, plus kills, plus every thing else that happened to and with each u-boat has been documented from every angle, with every part number for every piece of machinery or replacement components.
If individual bolts had serial numbers, those bolts would have been documented too with their exact placement, and date of replacement if such ever occurred.

The Nazis were absolute fanatics about documentation.

What does this have to do with Nazi UFOs?
Every Nazi UFO story leads to antarctica with a flotilla of u-boats packed to overflowing with all the supplies men, scientists, UFO parts and partially disassembled UFO craft, and every single thing that would be needed to build and suplly and sustain a secret underground Nazi UFO base in Antarctica only accessible by the Nazi UFOs and u-boats.

Well, if you look at the registry, there are NO MISSING U-BOATS.
There are no gaps in the serial numbers. All the u-boats have been accounted for, as well as all of the missions they ran.

Here's a section about some U-boat myths
Please scroll down to the part where it talks about a u-boat supposedly seen in Antarctic waters:

U-boats in the Antarctica in 1947

There is a persistent rumor that the U-boats penetrated the Antarctica before or during the war.

One of those stories even has a German U-boat stopping an Icelandic whaler named Juliana there in 1947 and insisting that its captain, Hekla, sells the U-boat crew supplies. In exchange for the supplies (which had been paid for in cash or gold) the U-boat commander told the whaler where a large school of whales were to be found. The whaler then found said whales in that exact position claimed by the U-boat commander.

No U-boats ever penetrated the Antarctica as far as we can see, after all why on earth would they? To address that 1947 story. To this day there has never been any Icelandic whaler in the South Atlantic, let alone in the Antarctica. No Icelandic ship has ever been named Juliana and Hekla is an active volcano in Iceland, not a last name. 99% of all Icelandic last names for males are like mine, ending in -son.

On a side note, applicable to other UFO/Alien topics, Phil Schneider (I shot an alien grey and lived to tell about it) claimed his father Otto Schneider was a u-boat commander. NOPE. Click the link and scroll through. Phil Schneider was a LIAR, regardless of how questionable his death was. (but that's a different topic all together)

With all that said, if you guessed the same manic Nazi kinky fetish for documenting everything that could possibly be documented with any efficiency also extended to planes, ships, tanks, and other military hardware, including less glorious things like generators, trucks, personnel, those topless square Volkwagens, you would guess correctly, and if you do any sort of digging, you'll find fan, hobbiest, and collector sites tailored and catering to each specific interest.

Out of this enormous overwhelming gluttonous orgy of detail in paperwork, there are NO UFOs.
Not one.

There's not even holes, or suspicious gaps were things and stuff got shipped to mysterious somewheres unknowns.

Not at all.

All those blueprints and sketches, and details you see paraded in front of your eyes all over the internet and on highly speculative unsubstantiated programs like Ancient Aliens? Thos are FAKE. They're HOAXES.
It's a matter of documented fact.

The devil is always in the details, and all those details about u-boats, trucks, tanks, even the super secret experimentation into building an atomic bomb for themselves, there's absolutely nothing about, or indicating with the slightest bit of hint of any Haunebu Nazi UFOs.

It's all fabrication made up by people interested in bilking the extremely gullible and eager to part with their cash dollars for validation of their fantasies UFO circus.

NO Nazi UFOs. It's total fiction, sprung from a comic book (really actually), and embroidered on from there in sensationalist fiction, then adopted into the UFO culture as fact.

You are, however, entirely welcome to keep on believing in Nazi UFOs if you want to.
Since they originated in a comic book, you should believe in Superman too. Anyone have any other favorite hunky superheros they want to believe into life along side their Nazi UFOs?

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by Druscilla


Hmmm......... when did i say i believe in Nazi UFO....... in fact i was only referring to the fact that many German scientist joined NASA........ and spearheaded NASA.............. Verner Von braun,etc........... please no misquotes......... please read the question i answered to............

even i know.......... Germans where not gods...........


posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by Primus87

Thank you then for that amendment.
You don't adhere to the rules of standardized punctuation and sentence structure such that you detract more from what you say than enhancing it by adding on gratuitous ellipsis. Your message can thus get skewed and misinterpreted.
Thank you for clarifying that point.

At least now, anyone that wants to try to throw the Nazi UFO hoax into the ring as factual, there's a retort already prepared.

As an expansion on my position, I'm not disagreeing that there is a UFO phenomenon. I do, however, disagree that there is any certain credible evidence that this phenomenon whatever it is can be attributed to aliens, ghosts, ancient gods, Santa Claus, cartoon characters, and/or any number of multiple possibilities all of which could have some merit to some degree, or none at all.

In otherwords, I'll agree that there IS a UFO phenomenon, 95% of which is total human error with identification. That other 5% I suspect much of that to be related to psychological conditions. The remaining fractions of hard radar returns photos and other minority reports that cannot be reasonably identified, are simply that, and it would be fallacy to say they are indeed alien space craft.
Thing is, we don't know.

Whatever the case, this war in space stuff is fanciful imagining.
The video proposed as a laser getting shot at a craft is ice particles.
Notice the reaction of the supposed craft at the exact instant of the broad flash with was a thruster pulse.
Notice also How quickly that flash occurs and disappears as an indication of the speed of light observed.
Notice then the stream that's suppose to be a laser pulse (?) that's really just an ice particle that was off frame and closer to the thruster moving in reaction to the thruster pulse and moving more rapidly because it was exposed to a greater density of out-gas from the thrust pulse by being closer and off frame.

Believers won't accept this though, even though it's mentioned in the video, because the video is biased and has a trained puppy 'scientist', who's credentials I've yet to look up and verify that gives validation to the UFO and laser beam claim based on his 'interpretation' of the video.

What I'd like to see is out of 10 or any number of scientists that have seen this video and examined it, how many say it's ice, and how many say it's UFO.
Scientists DO argue and they DO disagree. It's one of the fundamental natures of scientists to argue with each other. Thus, I postulate the producers of the biased aspects of the video simply picked their favorite tame scientist willing to go on camera with the UFO word, and they used him without mentioning what all the other scientists said other than a blanket statement of 'most scientists' think this is ice particles.

Consider the fallacy here.
If I lined up 10 people in front of you, all of them immune to poison but familiar with what certain deadly poisons taste like, and on giving all 10 a sip from a bottle of whatever your favorite beverage in the world is, and 8 of them claimed it was deadly deadly poison, but the other 2 in the group attest otherwise that there's no poison at all, that it's all quite safe and that they'd let their mothers drink it if she wasn't already dead, and other platitudes, would you take the word of those 2 and drink the drink, or would you side with the statistical majority of 8 and stay away from the higher probability of drinking a deadly poison?

If most scientists think it's ice particles, wouldn't it seem probable that most scientists have a higher statistical probability of being correct than just one stray guy that was probably coerced to some degree with coin to go on camera?

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

What I'd like to see is out of 10 or any number of scientists that have seen this video and examined it, how many say it's ice, and how many say it's UFO. Scientists DO argue and they DO disagree. It's one of the fundamental natures of scientists to argue with each other. Thus, I postulate the producers of the biased aspects of the video simply picked their favorite tame scientist willing to go on camera with the UFO word, and they used him without mentioning what all the other scientists said other than a blanket statement of 'most scientists' think this is ice particles. Consider the fallacy here. If I lined up 10 people in front of you, all of them immune to poison but familiar with what certain deadly poisons taste like, and on giving all 10 a sip from a bottle of whatever your favorite beverage in the world is, and 8 of them claimed it was deadly deadly poison, but the other 2 in the group attest otherwise that there's no poison at all, that it's all quite safe and that they'd let their mothers drink it if she wasn't already dead, and other platitudes, would you take the word of those 2 and drink the drink, or would you side with the statistical majority of 8 and stay away from the higher probability of drinking a deadly poison?


See with your own analogy......... i would like to present two distinct points.............

1)Ratio of Number of scientists agreeing to a fact makes it only the most accepted fact but not the truth..........
In the middle ages........ most brilliant minds accepted the fact that earth was center of the universe......... and that sun and moon revolved around the earth........... but it were few who opposed the idea and were correct........

2)If you look at what scientist have to say about extra terrestrial life......... they say there are Extra terrestrial lifeforms out there......... but what they do not agree whether aliens have visited earth or are influencing Humans......

Even i believe......... there is Extra terrestrial Life out there......... without any shred of doubt.............

You are still to show me evidence that proves there are No Extra terrestrial life............ you like most skeptics only show lack of evidence as the proof that there are no Extra terrestrial life............ But in scientific methodology it only states that some Proof of Extra terrestrial life has not yet been found........ but will/can be found in the future..... So there is possibility of Extra terrestrial life.......... That cannot be denied.........


posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Karmayogi11


Hmm....... would like to see the evidence that these nations have done so....... especially India....... because i can verify it.......


posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 01:52 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

You are partially correct and partially incorrect. Although the Nazi's were avid record keepers...there was the Nazi....Flying Bell. A craft very much like the one recovered in Kecksburg PA. and it was a reality.

Although researchers have put this crafts testing and design and creation in Poland...the area they proclaim it to have been tested...and they point out to a concrete and steel circular structure supported by four concrete and steel "LEGS"....this was simply the skeleton of a Water Tower.

After WWII and the subsequent grab up of German Scientists and many tried their best to get to the West as working for the Soviets was undesirable....the U.S. Military was able to recover one of these Flying Bells as well as many other scientists and programs...especially the V-2's and Von Braum....and this was Highly Classified.

I would not underestimate the quality or quantity of German Wonder Weapons that the U.S. Military was able to capture as I would neither underestimate the Extreme High Tech. Weaponry and Craft that the U.S. currently tests at Groom Lake or tries to reverse engineer at Wright Patterson. Split Infinity

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by Primus87

What I think is rather interesting is where you for one use math of statistical probability in your favor only when it's convenient to do so.

Where you take the size of the entirety of the overwhelming vastness of the universe, and use that size with it's overwhelming wealth of possibility as an example that there IS 'other' intelligent life in this galaxy.
There's a giant difference when making a distinction between galaxy and universe.
Because there is indeed a statistical probability that there is indeed other intelligent life in the universe, you use this probability and enact it as a matter of convenience and as a matter of "100%" proof that there are other intelligent aliens.

If you are going to play a game of convenience, where you simply pick which statistical probabilities you like discarding others, then, your logic fails.

Further, the burden is not really upon me to prove that aliens do not exist. There's quite a historical record of aliens NOT showing up, and NOT being discovered, and NOT leaving any evidence behind, and NOT showing themselves, such that there's quite a huge precedent for them NOT existing.
Everything else is left to supposition, conjecture, and unsubstantiated circumstantial claims.
Your argument then holds no value and you are still left with no alien body, and no alien proof other than circumstance.

I have no need to disprove the existence of Aliens. If there are indeed aliens, I suspect they've done a rather brilliant job of disproving their own existence quite nicely (yes, I know, it doesn't make entire sense, but, it's really a bit of a joke statement). Asking anyone to disprove the existence of anything real or imaginary is logical fallacy as well. It's like me asking you to disprove the existence of the common perception of reality, or to disprove that Santa Claus and other mythological holiday figures are real?
It goes all sorts of esoteric and philosophical such that anyone can make any claim about anything and argue for anyone else to 'disprove' it.

No, The burden is still on you to prove that there are indeed real aliens.

- As to SplitInfinity: Die Glokken is a hoax of convenience built after the fact, just like the Haunebu story was, and connected with convenience to the Keksburg sighting as an early sighting to give the story greater verisimilitude.
While the Keksburg incident is interesting, Die Glokken, The Bell, is not supported in the documentation, regardless what stories you listen to regarding an interesting water tower support structure. That from vegetation growth in the area alone does not stand up to stories regarding the area.
Vegetation; when the area is initially shown post-soviet collapse, it's supposedly been abandoned since WWII, some 40 or 50 or more years in the past, yet, this odd circular structure serving as a focal point to the story as a test platform, doesn't have any substantial vegetation grown intrusion; no trees, or really anything all that noticeable. Initial filming shows the area quite clear of vegetation, and that initial filming keeps getting recycled over and over as if to portray that as the current state of the place while slips in other media show clips of the area overgrown and transgressed upon by a whole riot of trees, grasses and other vegetation a mere decade or so after that initial filming where 40 or 50 years of supposed previous non-use showed no such transgression.

The plants don't lie. People interested in making some coin off a fanciful story that comes backwards compatible with adapters ready and ripe to plug into a preexisting mythology, however do exist to greater probability than the plants suddenly just deciding to grow where they weren't growing before.

No, the place was in disuse, and abandoned, yes, and true, but much more recently than WWII as the Soviet Union had recently held sway and ownership over the area, but, had just collapsed.
Ufology gets sold another fiction by a creative Eastern German/European that can exploit the leavings of poor broken Mother Russia for some profit.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

Hi Split Infinity,

Thanks for setting the record straight as regards the Nazis. I won't honor with a reply the ludicrous suggestion that the Cheka dared present Stalin with Eva Braun's skull saying it was Hitler's - what won't some people do to convince people they are in the know when they haven't a clue... or don't want others to find one? The FBI kept Hitler on its most wanted list for years after the end of the war, and investigated every report, that ought to say something?


However, it construes an array of evidential parameters, which, taken together, offer sufficient cause to ascertain the existence of unexplained phenomena and warrant the usefulness of establishing Working Hypotheses including those of Alien Life in proximity of Earth and its potential Exopolitical Strategic Defense implications.

Regarding the more rational posts here which mention the possibility of life elsewhere, beyond our little insignificant planet Earth, there is one place nearby which is quite in sight when it comes to locations where Aliens might be present. Yes, it is none other than our own Moon.

Certainly, this will also be attacked by scornful skeptics with all the class and elegance of an angry patron of a toilet with no paper. I happen to consider that John Lear has his share of credibility, stemming from his record in the aerospace industry and the insider knowledge that came from being a well-know and respected test pilot. That he was banned from ATS only tells me that what he says is not ready for the mainstream, because at this thread's reactions attest, ATS is merely a low-end mainstream venue where relatively uncultured and boisterous agents troll amateur researchers trying to pierce the many lies we are sold by the establishment authorities. You will see in the link below, that John Lear has already been confronted with hateful skeptics such as the few who in this thread, either to comfort their egos out of misplaced pride or to purposely pollute the debate with systematic denial and routine debunking, make every effort to prevent alternative ideas from evolving. I would have to nickname them Intellectual Abortionists for they try to prevent new concepts from emerging.

Beating them to the punch with a Tin Foil Hat:

CLICK Hear to see John Lear's Theories

John Lear is not alone to have awakened to the fact that not only is NASA purposely lying to the public and airbrushing most of the photos released, but that they are actually hiding major news from us, first on pretext of the Cold War and later on pretext of our not being able to handle the truth. The fact of the matter is that there are parties who exploit our ignorance and who benefit from the technological breakthroughs obtained through reverse engineering which make the members of the Military Industrial Complex all the more powerful and richer yet.

Skullandbonesband, in page four of this thread quoted Ingo Swann referring to Luminous Phenomena which have been noted on the Moon's surface and in its atmosphere (because it apparently does have one) over the years.

Skullandbonesband's post

Ingo Swann happens to be the person who coined the term "Remote Viewing" when involved in psychic research at Stanford Research Institute. He went on to work for years for the CIA's Special Ops and for other US Military Black Ops during the Cold War. Ingo Swann was also used for what he called MOON PROBES by the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM, above and beyond NASA, during which he remote viewed for them select coordinates on the far side of the Moon. This can be read up on by those with querying minds and a genuine interest in learning more about what has been hidden from us. This very interesting book can be found in downloadable ebook form here:

Penetration by Ingo Swann

From page 27

But suddenly, through my emotions, I started laughing, almost uncontrollably. "This is SERIOUS, isn't it?" I finally managed to blurt out. But my thoughts were going a mile a minute.

The bottom line; we are not alone - and some ultra-secret, presumably a government agency, goddamned well knew it! My glee changed swiftly into anger. #! #-#-#!

"Well", I snarled, "whoever is in charge of these matters hasn't managed them very well as far as us ordinary public types are concerned."

His latest sentence echoes my feelings regarding the SECRET SPACE WAR in which I presume that "whoever is in charge of these matters hasn't managed them very well as far as us ordinary public types are concerned". In the subsequent chapter "Humanoids on the Moon" he goes into details of what he saw and experienced on the hidden side. Anyone with interest in correlating his testimony with any other moon or space data ought to give it a read, it is fascinating.

Swann mentions that the person running the experiments in the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM later mailed him a copy of a book which outlined many aspects of NASA photos - in which they have failed to air brush out various details. This book was mailed to him by his MOON PROBE contact. You can download a rare scanned eBook version of this book in the following link. It is titled Somebody Else is on the Moon and is out of print, the author is dead, and the original publisher no longer appears to be in business. Who has rights to rights to this book and will it ever be reprinted?

Somebody Else is on the Moon by George Leonard

Frank Edward's "Flying Saucers Serious Business" discusses a 1956 photograph taken using motion picture film and a 16-inch reflector telescope pointed at the Moon. It apparently showed what appeared to be an artificial structure which Edwards interpreted as being an X-shaped drone. This photo was first published in the June 1958 edition of Sky and Telescope.

1956 Moon photo revealing an "X-drone"

We can read more about the centuries of sightings of mysterious moon anomalies in the book by U.S. Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe. In chapter 5 of his book The Flying Saucer Conspiracy published in 1955, he states the following on page 73:

For almost 200 years astronomers had watched mysterious activities on the moon.

Early in the nineteenth century Sir John Herschel, one of England's great astronomers, reported seeing strange, bright lights when the moon was darkened by an eclipse. Some of the lights, he said, "seemed to be moving above the moon".

Later, startling geometric patterns resembling city streets were seen by astronomer Gruithuisen.

In 1869 a sudden eruption of mystery lights, in rectangular patterns, caused a three-year investigation by the Royal Astronomical Society of Great Britain. Most of these puzzling lights were seen in the Mare Crisium area, where the gigantic bridge was later discovered. Watched by dozens of astronomers, the lights appeared in circular groups, triangular formations, and straight lines, their intensity varying as if by intelligent control.

Though the Royal Astronomical Society would not admit it publicly, some of its members believed this was an attempt by an unknown race on the moon to signal the earth. Until 1871 careful records were made every night, in the hope of deciphering the messages. Then, after nearly 2000 observations, the strange lights ceased to appear. If they were signals, their meaning was still a riddle.

Beside the puzzling lights, several mysterious dark objects had been sighted moving over the moon's surface. IN 1912 Dr F. B. Harris picked up a huge black object with his telescope. Estimated to be at least 50 miles across, it was it was clearly visible as it traversed the shining face of the moon.

Since 1915 straight and curving walls had suddenly appeared in several craters, among them Archimedes and Aristarchus.

On March 30, 1950, Dr H. P. Wilkins using a 15 1/4-inch reflector, picked up a weird glow in the Aristarchus-Herodotus region. Oval-shaped and strangely brilliant, it apparently came from some sort of glowing machine hovering near the crater floor.

Three months later an almost identical light was sighted at the same spot by an experienced American astronomer, James C. Bartlett, Jr.

Most recent were the mystifying "white domes" - strange round formations, which appeared abruptly in many of the moon's craters.
For ebook of this chapter, see the link below:

The Flying Saucer Conspiracy Chapter 5 - Enigma on the Moon

Don Wilson on page 27 of his book Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon also notes the many historical observations by astronomers of quite a few more anomalies, as can be read in the following eBook:

Secrets of Our Spaceship Moon by Don Wilson

What some refer to as glass structures, assuming that the official version of absence of atmosphere is correct, have been noted by others as possibly being vegetation:

Link to original 500MB source image

Sightings continue today as can been seen from attentive observation in 2009 of the JAXA/NASA high definition videos, showing what appears to be a rocket launch from inside the Anaxagoras crater on the near side of the Moon.

And here is a "download only" version of the NASA SP242 Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs - enjoy!

NASA SP242 Guide to Lunar Orbiter Photographs

Before any systematic hecklers or thread hijackers start hollering "You are evading the topic of Space War", it has been already stated by them that one must FIRST establish that there is in fact Alien Life. This is therefore in compliance to their own request, and opposition to such efforts to reply can be interpreted as stemming from ill-willed attempts to obstruct exploration of the distinct possibility, if not blatant likelihood, that there is indeed a SECRET SPACE WAR in which our own governments may very well be taking part in.


edit on 22-4-2012 by Getsmart because: there must be Alien Life if we are in a SPACE BASED WAR !

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 07:28 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Frank Edward's "Flying Saucers Serious Business" discusses a 1956 photograph taken using motion picture film and a 16-inch reflector telescope pointed at the Moon. It apparently showed what appeared to be an artificial structure which Edwards interpreted as being an X-shaped drone. This photo was first published in the June 1958 edition of Sky and Telescope.

Better photographs have shown that it is a natural feature.

We can read more about the centuries of sightings of mysterious moon anomalies in the book by U.S. Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhoe. In chapter 5 of his book The Flying Saucer Conspiracy published in 1955, he states the following on page 73:

Transient lunar phenomena (TLP) are a fact. I have spent many fruitless hours searching for them, but they have been observed by astronomers with a great deal of credibility. They suggest that the Moon may still have pockets of active volcanism, not alien bases. Thank you for keeping this intellectual abortion of a thread on topic.
edit on 22-4-2012 by DJW001 because: Edit to add link.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by DJW001

Clearly I am not posting for your pleasure, but to your great displeasure, so why do you persist? Do you wish I had never posted this thread??? You seem to have proclaimed yourself the guardian of reality in this forum. What's your stake? Who do you work for, or are you just bored and venting frustration by antagonistic behavior? If so your pal Druscilla has plenty of definitions in reserve, all from her favorite medical journals.

The picture you posted is unrelated to the one in my post, with no evidence of an X shape as manifest in the original one from half a century ago. Sure, things can change in half a century and you are really grasping at straws to beat a dead horse, thus deserving only repeat cliches in response.

I honestly wonder what is in it for you to be venting your issues here, given that nobody can understand why you must so adamantly deny the existence of aliens, unless you fervently repressing memories of unpleasant alien abduction with unmentionable prodding like the civilian pilot in Independence Day? And why is it so incomprehensible to an otherwise normally constituted individual such as yourself (yes, this assumption is admittedly speculative and unproven) that if we have WEAPONS IN SPACE that they can be targeted at anything we please? Is that too hard to grasp???

I shall resume for people who, in this 21st century counting avalanches of vital information and tremendous amounts of data on extraterrestrial visitation and exopolitical considerations, cannot yet understand that WE ARE NOT ALONE. And Believe It Or NOT, this very UFO and Aliens Section of a Conspiracy forum which focuses on what is ABOVE TOP SECRET has a "host" of cynics who claim that Conspiracies don't exist, UFOs don't exist, Aliens don't exist, therefore WAR IN SPACE CANNOT EXIST?

1. The evidence of prior extraterrestrial visitation of planet Earth is very considerable and mounting as researchers uncover new data. The evidence that we were never visited is zero. Only centuries of brainwashing to the contrary provides debunkers ground to stand on.

2. If extraterrestrials visited then Aliens must exist, elsewhere in space or in another dimension, or both. There is evidence of them in Sumerian tablets, the Old Testament and elsewhere in various regions of the globe throughout antiquity.

3. Aliens might be friendly, neutral, or hostile. In the event of the latter we might be considering defensive action and/or war. Huge sums in the Trillions have been diverted from drug running, white slavery and prostitution and illegal arms sales to finance US Military Black Ops - what were these funds used for that could be as costly as a war?

4. The United States military launched multiple space based weapons systems. They were designed to target and destroy something. NASA considers far more difficult manned missions to Mars but refuses to return to the Moon for close to half a century? WHY? Answers supplied to date are irreceivable insofar as preposterous.

5. Targets could include earth launched missiles, earth land targets, flying craft in our airspace or in outer space. Military specialists stated that their use for earthly missiles was inappropriate. This leaves flying craft, whose?

Nothing to date precludes a scenario in which we might be actually already be engaged in Military Actions, hostile to an Alien Presence on Earth or nearby, or towards any unwelcome Extraterrestrial Visitation.


edit on 22-4-2012 by Getsmart because: the cynics Tell You To IGNORE THE TRUTH !

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Clearly I am not posting for your pleasure, but to your great displeasure, so why do you persist? Do you wish I had never posted this thread??? You seem to have proclaimed yourself the guardian of reality in this forum. What's your stake? Who do you work for, or are you just bored and venting frustration by antagonistic behavior? If so your pal Druscilla has plenty of definitions in reserve, all from her favorite medical journals.

A true return to form. You are once again more concerned with controlling what people say and think than discussing the issue at hand.

The picture you posted is unrelated to the one in my post, with no evidence of an X shape as manifest in the original one from half a century ago. Sure, things can change in half a century and you are really grasping at straws to beat a dead horse, thus deserving only repeat cliches in response.

Did you examine the photograph? If you had, you would have noticed that the area is criss-crossed with a network of fractures which, under the proper illumination, would appear to form an "X." These fractures mirror the crystalline structure of the minerals that form the lunar crust; the lunar landscape is holographic and fractal. If you think about it, it can blow your mind. That's why I love reality so much. It is much more amazing than fantasy.

I honestly wonder what is in it for you to be venting your issues here, given that nobody can understand why you must so adamantly deny the existence of aliens, unless you fervently repressing memories of unpleasant alien abduction with unmentionable prodding like the civilian pilot in Independence Day? And why is it so incomprehensible to an otherwise normally constituted individual (yes, this assumption is admittedly speculative and unproven) that if we have WEAPONS IN SPACE that they can be targeted at anything we please? Is that too hard to grasp???

Where have I ever denied the existence of aliens? As usual, you believe something contrary to the evidence. Where have I denied the existence of aliens? As for WEAPONS IN SPACE, that depends on your definition of "weapons." There are currently no operational offensive weapons in space.

I shall resume for people who, in this 21st century counting avalanches of vital information and countless amounts of data on extraterrestrial visitation and exopolitical considerations, cannot yet understand that WE ARE NOT ALONE. And Believe It Or NOT, this very UFO and Aliens Section of a Conspiracy forum which focuses on what is ABOVE TOP SECRET has a "host" of cynics who claim that Conspiracies don't exist, UFOs don't exist, Aliens don't exist, therefore WAR IN SPACE CANNOT EXIST ?

Calm down. No-one here has said these things CANNOT exist. We just keep pointing out that you have not provided any verifiable examples.

1. The evidence of prior extraterrestrial visitation of planet Earth is very considerable and mounting as researchers uncover new data. The evidence that we were never visited is zero. Only centuries of brainwashing to the contrary provides debunkers ground to stand on.

You have that exactly reversed.

2. If extraterrestrials visited then Aliens must exist, elsewhere in space or in another dimension, or both. There is evidence of them in Sumerian tablets, the Old Testament and elsewhere in various regions of the globe throughout antiquity.

You mean mythology and fairy tales?

3. Aliens might be friendly, neutral, or hostile. In the event of the latter we might be considering defensive action and/or war. Huge sums in the Trillions have been diverted from drug running, white slavery and prostitution and illegal arms sales to finance US Military Black Ops - what were these funds used for that could be as costly as a war?

Global hegemony?

4. The United States military launched multiple space based weapons systems. They were designed to target and destroy something. NASA considers far more difficult manned missions to Mars but refuses to return to the Moon for close to half a century? WHY? Answers supplied to date are irreceivable insofar as preposterous.

NASA would love to return to the Moon. Write your Congressman.

5. Targets could include earth launched missiles, earth land targets, flying craft in our airspace or in outer space. Military specialists stated that their use for earthly missiles was inappropriate. This leaves flying craft, whose?

Our enemies' ?

Nothing to date precludes a scenario in which we might be actually already be engaged in Military Actions, hostile to an Alien Presence on Earth or nearby, or towards any unwelcome Extraterrestrial Visitation.

Correct; that doesn't mean it is currently happening, however.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by SplitInfinity

You are partially correct and partially incorrect. Although the Nazi's were avid record keepers...there was the Nazi....Flying Bell. A craft very much like the one recovered in Kecksburg PA. and it was a reality.

[binned the remainder of the post a whopping set of inanity on the Nazi Bell]

Sorry to interrupt but having read all of Joseph P. Farrell's works inclusive of:

Reich of the Black Sun (2004)
The SS Brotherhood of the Bell (2006)
Secrets of the Unified Field (2008)
The Nazi International (2008)
Roswell and the Reich (2010)
Saucers, Swastikas, and Psyops (2011)

..he would be quick to pint out that you are full of it.

edit on 22-4-2012 by PulsusMeusGallo because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Clearly I am not posting for your pleasure, but to your great displeasure...

Au contraire, much to my immense pleasure
not one shred to my edification though.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart

And why is it so incomprehensible to an otherwise normally constituted individual such as yourself (yes, this assumption is admittedly speculative and unproven) that IF we have WEAPONS IN SPACE that they can be targeted at anything we please?

IF? Now it is "if"?

Time for a lesson, put your wallet back in your purse, no charge.

Once you have set your clay feet in the soft mud of delusionality, you have to try your best to stick it out and stay put. If not, the consequences are rough.

People will say "Wow", he's nuts".

I can hear the murmurs.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart


I selected this one line out of your unread multi-colored (that's kinda babygirlie btw) rant because I wanted to make it easier for you to copy n paste it into your signature - permanently.

Or, better yet, start every post with this very valuable disclaimer. Yeah, that's it.

Just here to help. Anyway that I can.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 10:09 AM
Trivial hair splitting rebuttals can simply enter the wastebin of history, for they are no better or worse than their authors. Pray tell us of your valiant contributions to the ATS forum or other venues which help bring new knowledge of affairs Alien or Ufological? Your allegedly spontaneous group of debunkers happens to bring nothing more than raining on others' parties without providing anything of significant value to anyone!

How immature can the hecklers prove to be? They cannot accept that others might know something which they cannot know with their limited means, have experienced things that their minute existence barred them from experiencing, can theorize where they cannot so much as formulate an original thought? Because it must first be proven to them, demonstrated mathematically, authenticated and triple checked, and then just maybe they might venture out to repeat their rehearsed verse like so many drones?

Anti-UFO Dogmatists, take your knocks and get yourselves a life outside this thread. My contention remains intact. I state that I believe that we are today in a State of Diplomatic or Military Conflict, or War with and/or against Extraterrestrial Aliens, and that this is evidenced by the US Military buildup in Space along with the US Secret Space Program possibly run in conjunction with the Russians.

I am not asking anyone to accept as evidence what to me construes evidence, especially not the cynics who fill these pages with diatribe and mockery. For they are altogether lost to any honest intellectual query, what is left of their conscious thought processes limited to seek and attack mode. A shame for them, and to quote another member referring to them in another thread which they also pollute:

"either your a kid that still tries to cluck even when you already know that whatever you write we would continue to ignore and continue our exchange of information."

"in a way maybe because both of us are giving you the attention that you cant have in real life. hence you continue to post when you are already looking stupid."

"not that it matter to us"

"goodness forbids. you really might be an agent trying to shut this topic. that it really might be your job."

"dont worry we understand. hopefully you really are not a kid or we will feel very sorry."


This shows just about the value to ATS members and observers outside the forum of your repeat interventions to debunk the very notion raised by this thread, namely that.-


You can cluck and clamor all you'd like but you'll never be able to stop this message, which shall reach anyone who has learned to read. Your own dialectics of misgivings and corrupt manipulations will be seen for what they are. Out of place illegitimate remarks which serve only to try to DEBUNK THIS THREAD, such insistance can have no other purpose - outside the realm of psychiatry.


edit on 22-4-2012 by Getsmart because: unable to conceive with ideas the CYNICS ARE BLIND.

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