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The Shift

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posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 02:45 AM
It's time that humans adapt/evolve their way of thinking. I'm fully aware that this may take nothing short of a miracle to achieve. I'm also aware that this might also be achieved by negative thing(s) happening to the human race as a whole. This is what I believe we are going through now. Humans as a whole have become complacent with selfishness and giving into temptations such as greed for example. Ask yourself this: When you were looking for your first job were you looking to get a job to supply the demand of others? or were you looking to get a job to get a paycheck for yourself? I willing to bet the latter is true for the vast majority. I will also bet that there is a "slim to none chance" of the first option even being conceived when looking for a first job. The problem on the surface looks like selfishness but there is an underlying moral of this story which you will learn later on.

Most humans have become submissive to accepting the survival of the fittest/dog eat dog world mentality. This is because that is all we've ever known. This type of mentality feeds selfishness. I believe we are learning the lesson of selfishness in the times we live in right now. We can choose to learn this lesson or we can choose to keep the status quo. Now I will get to the moral of the story that we are living in so that maybe we can see it for what it is, learn from it, and move on to the next chapter of life's lessons.

When I was born I was chosen to bare witness to the time of now like everyone reading this. For most of my life I have been selfish in the sense that I never gave any of my time to stop and look at how the things we do effect humanity and the world. It has taken a sequence of events for me to get to this point in my awareness. Most recently, events like state jobs being cut and healthcare hours being cut have been brought to people's attention so that their awareness is brought into play at these moments in time. People know something is wrong but most can't seem to put their finger on the moral of the story. This is why you see the occupy movement with no clear direction and differing "gripes" from the individuals. The moral of the story is love thy neighbor. With the way things are advancing this day and age, most everything is on a global scale. Thus, one must consider everyone as their neighbor. Once we adopt the love thy neighbor mentality things like greed and selfishness will cease to exist. We must adapt/evolve our mindset to this mold to move past these primitive problems were are being faced with today and have plagued mankind for sometime now. It is time to cure this plague and move forward. I believe there will be individuals that have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo because I also believe there is good and evil in this existence. We are learning a great lesson right now and I am proud to be living at this time in history.

This message was written from both my head and my heart. I have no special knowledge except for the fact that I looked inward for these words.

God Bless You

edit on 18-4-2012 by mojo2012 because: spelling

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 02:50 AM

edit on 18-4-2012 by Q:1984A:1776 because: Nevermind, I'm a dick. Express you thoughts fully, without worry of idiots like myself giving you flack.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 03:05 AM
Yes, but you must keep in mind that there is free-will and people have the right to be selfish if they want. We all get to choose how we want to live our lives.

Both, Selfishness and Selflessness are normal and natural things.

Freedom is the basis of the universe, all things are naturally free.

It is not fair for us to interfere with their will and make them to adapt a philosophy and think a certain way. We can share our opinion, but force is going a bit too far.

There is not shift in human belief that "must" happen. They have free-will to believe whatever they want.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 04:52 AM
reply to post by arpgme

It is not that I don't like your philosophy - if people thought less about themselves and more about their fellow beings I am sure the world would be a more pleasent place to be.

But you can only assume that free-will exsists and even if it does I still think you are expecting to much of people.
edit on 26/06/87 by Mads1987 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by arpgme
Yes, but you must keep in mind that there is free-will and people have the right to be selfish if they want. We all get to choose how we want to live our lives.

Both, Selfishness and Selflessness are normal and natural things.

Freedom is the basis of the universe, all things are naturally free.

It is not fair for us to interfere with their will and make them to adapt a philosophy and think a certain way. We can share our opinion, but force is going a bit too far.

There is not shift in human belief that "must" happen. They have free-will to believe whatever they want.

Free-will, I'm glad you bring this point up.

Think of a Speed Limit sign.

What is it's purpose? To keep people from driving over a certain speed.

Why do people need to drive under a certain speed? To minimize the danger to others.

How is this enforced externally? Negative reinforcement. You might get a ticket.

Think of this message as a Speed Limit sign. You can choose to neglect it but there is a possibility of negative consequences.

If you abide by the "Love thy Neighbor" mentality then you naturally think of how your actions effect others.

I'm not saying one should neglect oneself. On the contrary, one should love thyself. Both philosophies need to work in harmony with one another.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 12:23 PM
I beleive you are right

But I might add that loving thy neightbor is not enough.

I say love all living things as little as it may be and treat everything with respect. I think THAT is the way to go.

But as said in a previous post, you cannot make people, they have to do this on their own.

I also agree that being materialistic is not good for anyone but in this day and age, if I would stop working because, let's say "I dont want/need money" I will lose my home and everything I own (I know that is talking materialistic) but in the climate I live in (canada), with my young children, we need a roof & food to survive like most people and that cannot be obtained without money unfortunately.

Ressources are provided by mother nature for FREE.....but TPTB monopolizes those same resources to make us pay for them....making all of us materialistic people (not by choice). That my friend is the biggest problem in this world we live in IMO.

Just my 2 cents


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by mojo2012

Awesome post, i couldn't agree more

May i ask what events brought you to this line of thinking? How recent was it?


posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 11:47 PM
Each day that gets by i become more confused....Ascencion, Meditation ,Global Conspiracy, Chemtrails, Aliens, Pineal Gland, Hollow Earth, Darpa's AI, Flourite in the water, Parallel Worlds, Vibration Frequencies and so on. I've read about so much things that i don't know what to believe.I'm shutting down my senses and day to day i seem to be more and more apathic to the world.I think i filled my cup to much, i'm so confused and numb with all this information that really i don't know what to do....Someone care to insight me... Thanks

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:07 AM
Humans are basically wonderful and Love. We're here in final exams, many, for progression, so many are not the newbies, but the masters here for the final exams, and Love.

The corrupt leaders that are running this hell zone are pumping nonstop control, abuse, trauma and FEAR, to try and keep people in a very low state and try and prevent earth's rising frequency.

We need to be aware, but not fear based and turn off all the propaganda, and don't participate in their war machines and lower frequency predictions or events. We need to hold peace, and overcome our body suits to prepare for the SHIFT, be it real or metaphor, and I hope real, and not worry about the individual lower frequency universe they are trying to create, but hold the visions of the universe we are creating, Love, Equality, Peace, Learning in Joy and Helping Others, Family and Goodness, endless opportunities and a wonderful place to be.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:17 AM

We need to be aware, but not fear based and turn off all the propaganda
edit on 19-4-2012 by SoulVoid because: didn't know how quote worked..

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:20 AM

edit on 19-4-2012 by SoulVoid because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

So how can i know what's propaganda and what's not???My head is filled with so many things that i just don't know what to believe..

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 01:28 AM
We're to see through the world and instead imagine a world that is wonderful, equal, no money, no programs, abundance, virtues not laws, ie, not harming others, but freedom, clean and advanced, not reset to caveman days and not under any controllers thumbs, growing and helping others. Growing Up! Learning lessons in joy not harsh tests.

Be Peace. Be Love. Hold that energy.

There are levels or stages of help people can do when they seek within, giving that goodness and energy to the world. The first circle is just ourselves, our families. Righting relationships, no more control and arguments over others. Don't strive to win, but strive to understand the other. And Forgiving everyone and self, letting go of karma and the past.

Some don't have the door opening for things past that level, for some that is a big karmic cross and it can take a lifetime to try to heal and forgive, and they may be disabled and not really able to go much further.

However, the other circles become the larger family, your community and the world.

Now, as much as a person can do they should, they should seek within for ways to assist, or be a good example to others, and strive to use their talents/gifts to help.

But you fall back to square one if your own circumstances don't change alot and you're constantly striving to learn the lessons, let the past go and move on.

Because even if you were isolated, alone in a cave or small village, yet awake and holding peace, you are affecting everythign around you, your knowledge and awareness and energy is being put into the Source Field, into Earth's Grid, and it does more than we realize.

So, propaganda is everything you hear here, everything on the news. Don't respond to any of it.

See the world you want and feel safety around you. Pray/meditate, seek, and hold that Peace/Love. Be thankful, have gratitude. Just pour out your heart to the Good Family/Team overhead always working to help us here in earth school. And strive to not react with fear or anger to anything that happens, not even the big things. But strive to practice holding peace in the harder moments, so that if anything does happen, you can help anchor calm in storms.

I hope there is a real SHIFT coming, a new world coming. I was shown it in meditation unexpectedly. I was trying to picture moving to a home, and instead I saw us vividly in a home, the kids were there, and suddenly, in the twinkling of an eye, everything changed, my body changed, was younger again, things I struggle with gone.

My older son, came down the stairs running his hands nervously through his hair, looking alarmed, and instantly two tall Blond Et/Angel type beings walked in from the balcony and drew him aside to fill him in on what had just happened, and I woke up.

Now, it could all be metaphor, just something we're yearning for, but it doesn't change who we need strive to be, and the kind of visions we should be holding over earth.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 02:35 AM

There are levels or stages of help people can do when they seek within, giving that goodness and energy to the world. The first circle is just ourselves, our families. Righting relationships, no more control and arguments over others. Don't strive to win, but strive to understand the other. And Forgiving everyone and self, letting go of karma and the past.

Some don't have the door opening for things past that level, for some that is a big karmic cross and it can take a lifetime to try to heal and forgive, and they may be disabled and not really able to go much further.

For about 10 years that i read Osho books.I bought a lot of them, I had a more open mind to meditation and ascencion back then until something happened.For all these years i got stuck in that event, and these were the worst years of my life.Do you believe that this event and this person were put in my life for some reason??Good or Bad???Maybe to deviate myself from enlightement?Or to teach me something?...

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by SoulVoid

I don't think it matters if one focus's on ascension or the progression. I was shown it in meditation, and hope it happens. But not all the messages I got were like that, in my experiences. Its living life well, or trying to. Yearning for a better world and envisioning it, holding peace and love. That way one of two things happens, we progress and ascend now, or after we die. It doesnt matter if its real or metaphor, its how we live our lives here that counts and if we let them program us with Fear. We're creating our next steps here, so holding the world as we would like it to be, Peace, Equality, the Venus Project, Goodness, High Clean Technology, No Illnesses, No Poverty, No Rule of Law or Totalitarianisms. Hold the universe/world frequency you want to be in.

As a friend is always directed to in his HS connections, be like Buddha, be like Christ, work at stilling the waves in the deep waters of our pond so we can see our reflection truly.

But so many people have ascension in their soul knowledge. In dreams.

Here is a choice one makes. Ed Dames Kill shot and the movie, the knowing.

Cme's cause the northern lights, beautiful colors Actually here we don't even see the full spectrum color range, there are colors beyond our imaginations. We're limited in the programs our brains run, we see a small spectrum.

Light is Creator and our Family, outside our Univere's Soul Shine. Sunlight is LOVE. Our souls are supposed to Shine too!

If a huge CME is heading my way, I'd set my table for the guests, and if it were big enough to propel us to the new world, so be it. It wouldn't be a fireball though. It would be High Frequency Light filled with wonderful colros.

Its all a matter of removing the beams in our eyes so we can see. Deprogramming.

Meditating, seeking within, seeking our own Souls and Source for answers, why we're here and what our lifes work is about, what lessons we need to learn as well.

Be Buddha, the symbolic seeker, and Christ, the one who found that connection to his HS and Father/Mother/Source.
edit on 19-4-2012 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by SoulVoid
...until something happened.For all these years i got stuck in that event, and these were the worst years of my life.Do you believe that this event and this person were put in my life for some reason??Good or Bad???Maybe to deviate myself from enlightement?Or to teach me something?...

As Unity_99 so eloquently pointed out, think of this as a school; everything happens just as it is supposed to and it happens for a very good reason: to teach us something. Whatever this event was, whatever transpired with this person see if you can not look within and find the lesson that was to be taught. Try to realize that said person was playing the role they were meant to, and they were playing it beautifully. Take that lesson, learn from it and apply it to your life moving forward; bettering yourself/the world in the process.

Much Love!

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by soulshn
reply to post by mojo2012

Awesome post, i couldn't agree more

May i ask what events brought you to this line of thinking? How recent was it?


Within in last year I've had a lot of time to think to myself about things. I've had the blessing of being free from distractions for the most part. It's kind of funny how this came to be now that i think about it because it's like the end justified the means. It's like on the surface it looked like a bad thing but turned out to be a blessing.

Once i began thinking things in life(aka experiences) happen for a reason and truly believing it then i began looking back into my past for understanding and some guidance as to what i was suppose to learn up until this point in life. I looked at events both positive and negative and discerned what i was being taught. All signs pointed to good.

I've recently met an 80 year old lady and I believe she was brought into my life to help with my journey. She actually told me a very important message yesterday when i went to talk with her. In our conversation she told me not to judge. After i left i began thinking about this and what she told me was actually something i've been struggling with once i started to try to condition myself to not think negatively about others.

Not judging is probably the hardest lesson i've faced.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:21 AM

Originally posted by SoulVoid
Each day that gets by i become more confused....Ascencion, Meditation ,Global Conspiracy, Chemtrails, Aliens, Pineal Gland, Hollow Earth, Darpa's AI, Flourite in the water, Parallel Worlds, Vibration Frequencies and so on. I've read about so much things that i don't know what to believe.I'm shutting down my senses and day to day i seem to be more and more apathic to the world.I think i filled my cup to much, i'm so confused and numb with all this information that really i don't know what to do....Someone care to insight me... Thanks

Here's two facts that might help you:

1. You are only here for a certain amount of time in this physical existence.
2. There is both Good and Evil in this existence.

posted on Apr, 20 2012 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

You are very wise. Thank you for coming into this thread.

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