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WALL STREET INSIDER: “Obama Is Pulling The Mask Away For All The World To See”

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:12 PM
by Ulsterman on April 17, 2012 with 73 Comments in News

“Obama is pulling the mask away for all the world to see…” -Wall Street Insider


. . .

You’re gonna hang on. You’re gonna see Barack Obama defeated in 2012.

WSI: (Shrugs) Ahhh…I’ll see it. Or not. But he must be defeated, yes. To my dying breath…yes. The American Satan that he is. What he asks of Israel. How he…the…such disregard. Such….who is he to make such….to play such a game of it? To set the world on fire?

. . .
WSI: Others… such as myself…people who don’t wish….in my case didn’t wish but now know there is no choice but to act. To…to get our hands dirty if you will. There are….there remains some who still don’t wish to believe in the dangers of Barack Obama winning a second term. The election. And…the…and another four years of the president. Of….President Obama. They don’t want to believe. They don’t…they can’t quite yet grasp……how bad it really is. Not how bad it could be……how bad it is. Right now. This very moment. Obama is pulling the mask away for all the world to see but they…the world does not yet believe their own eyes! They choose not to see the truth! Just…….it was the same. The very same thing.

. . .

WSI: It’s right there! Right there! You don’t see it? The Buffet….that tax raising…it doesn’t raise anything! At least nothing that compares to what the Obama White House is spending. They are openly lying to everyone! To take money from those few wealthy….you could not sustain the federal government for more than…it was told to me it would be approximately twenty minutes. Twenty minutes! So what then….what is the purpose of all of this? Why push for this? It’s about…it ties in with the primary motivation….no…that is not the correct term….the – the…re-election plan. They are….this is so far beyond Barack Obama. He is simply the tool – he is not the hand who now wields that tool! He never…never has been.

I had a lengthy commentary typed that a misspressed button zapped into the ethers. Sigh. And I don't have the energy or motivation to try and recover it.

Maybe just some quick observations . . .

1. Obama is becoming such an increasingly sad and pathetic, even beleagured figure trapped in the careful iron grip of his handlers all these years.

2. He's been carefully reared, trained, conditioned, . . . brain-washed through all his horrific serious ATTACHMENT DISORDERED childhood neglect and pedophile abuse by his mentor . . . into sucking slavishly at the nipple of bastardized Marxism married to monopolistic pseudo-capitalism as the NEW WORLD ORDER . . .

3. His parents' early fractured marriage; life across 3 continents; . . . a pretend Ivy League Presidential prep schooling script that was so poorly wandered through that we can't even be allowed to see the records . . . though his classmates have ranted aplenty . . . evidently his most energetic activities were to scream Marxist blather and a passion to utterly destroy the USA with Ayers leading or cheering from the sidelines.

4. Then he was propped up as a Constitutional Scholar when he seemed to know little or nothing about the Constitution except that he couldn't wait to shred it to even smaller bits . . . and he certainly knew little about scholarship.

5. Then his farce of a role as U.S. Senator from lala land.


Sometimes I entertain the fantasy that all the above must be some horrific nightmare that eventually I'll awaken from. Alas, I know it's not. It's part and parcel of the 2,000 Biblically predicted END TIMES ERA of the horrific satanic global government RIGHT ON SCHEDULE, RIGHT ON CUE.

But please, someone, anyone . . . convince me, convince me that the abundant evidence from a multitude of sources of great diversity over a couple of decades . . . please convince me that they don't know anything at all.

Please convince me that it's all disinformation of absolutely no lasting value.

Please tell me that the flowers will bloom again . . . and the NONGMO wheat will be harvested

and the children will not be bussed to death camps or gestapo training camps . . .

Or maybe convince me that it's all a Sci-Fi film gone bad and soon someone will pull the cord to the holographic projector and we can all return to normal . . . whatever that is.

Or maybe that Alice will soon be closing her rabbit hole when she returns from the Betty Ford clinic all healed and better as a recovering reality mangler & contortionist.

Sometimes the truth doesn't make a great Tempurpedic.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:55 PM
that obama was groomed is beyond doubt.

just like the republicans were trying to groom herman cain. it was a political strategy to take race out of the equation.

it back fired. a side note, when obama went head to head with mccain, the republicans were harping that obama was unqualified because he was inexperienced.

no such concerns by the republicans on herman cain, who as absolutely no washington political experience and has never held any elected office.

obama was a least a senator for years.

it appears the republicans are bent on putting their corporate puppet in power.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:58 PM
reply to post by randomname


Romney is Obama lite & in whtewash.

Obama has more big money under him, around him, supporting him, leading him, ordering him about

than any GOP fat cat ever had.

However, they are all merely 2 sides of the same evil coin.

The old Good-cop/bad-cop charade of bread and political circuses while the foundations and superstructure of America are shredded to dust like the twin towers.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 07:31 PM
And yet people trust these political ho's even though they know they are corrupt. Obama will destroy the country on his way out and it will be up to us to piece the country back together.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by lobotomizemecapin
And yet people trust these political ho's even though they know they are corrupt. Obama will destroy the country on his way out and it will be up to us to piece the country back together.


I don't know if they trust THEM per se

or in their arrogance trust their judgment of the poltico's assuming that THEIR judgment is loftier than the judgments of those "sinners (i.e. conservatives, Christians, red necks, whites, etc)" over THERE.

Or maybe it's wishful thinking . . . magical thinking . . . that because they wish, hope in the

FAIRY GOD-GOVERMENT IN D.C. the D.C. politicos will leave a gold brick under their pillow for fawning brainless loyalty???

This video just . . . words fail me . . . I want to hide the poor woman't face from the public . . . she honestly believes what she's saying!

She needs to become the poster mother for

WHY straight simple DEMOCRACIES are one of the worst forms of government . . . spending themselves into oblivion.

I couldn't watch it the 2nd time. I terminally wince at the mother's irrational faith in the fair-god-government in D.C.

What is the cure for such perspectives?

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:16 AM
There is a new world coming and not what any of us can imagine. The fear on this planet is palpable and we stand on the threshold of a new era. As you are aware the forces of darkness are now pushing hard to fulfill their sick, twisted agenda of a scientific dictatorship (transhumanism).
They have wandered so far from our original nature that their own humanity is long since gone. Believers can rest assured that it will not last. Our true nature as children of God will reassert itself as eyes are opened to the hell being created all around us.
Fear is a tool of which side?
Faith is the only way forward.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 10:35 AM
Yes . . . in so many respects . . .

Obama is merely pulling the white-washed veneer away that has given the illusion for many decades . . . hundreds of years, actually,

--that the tangible is more important than the spiritual . . .

. . . that the illusions and delusions proffered so long as reality are grossly UNREAL . . .

--that polite society is really polite . . .

--that the powers that be care about the people more than used toilet paper . . .

--that the globalists are not the genocidal demonized maniacs they truly are . . .

--that politics cares a microgram's worth about the people [[aka "useless eaters"]]

Now that his DESTROYER IN CHIEF schemes are beginning to overtly bite everyone . . . his Marxist satanic globalist goals and schemes are starting to even more ruthlessly take the gloves off.

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
There is a new world coming and not what any of us can imagine. The fear on this planet is palpable and we stand on the threshold of a new era. As you are aware the forces of darkness are now pushing hard to fulfill their sick, twisted agenda of a scientific dictatorship (transhumanism).

They have wandered so far from our original nature that their own humanity is long since gone. Believers can rest assured that it will not last. Our true nature as children of God will reassert itself as eyes are opened to the hell being created all around us.

Fear is a tool of which side?

[color=3399CC]Faith is the only way forward.

Absolutely indeed.

There are reports that the UFO fallen angel critters LITERALLY somehow spiritually FEED off humans' fears.

And, there are other reports that terrified human brains produce some chemical which, for the fallen angels, is a very powerful and very addictive 'recreational drug.'

The Bible reportedly has 365 "Fear nots." One for every day of the year.

In my natural strength . . . it's beyond me. Yet, I've been blessed by His Spirit and Blood covering to have been in a looming death situation several times in my life


As the father in C.S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia explained . . . to the children . . . when we get to the train, our tickets will be ready.

Or as Scripture says . . .

Matthew 6:34
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Yet, we are also exhorted that the wise man sees the calamity coming and prepares.

Holy Spirit is the one to guide between the extremes, imho.



HE WILL take us to forever be WITH HIM . . . who have accepted His Blood covering for our missing the mark of perfection . . . our willful sins, rebellions, idolatries . . .

It must frustrate the demonized globalists a lot to realize--if they do--that the MOST damage they can do to an authentic believer is to ADD TO THEIR HEAVENLY REWARD AND ETERNAL RANK, AUTHORITY AND GLORIES.

What a fool satan plays his henchmen for. Delusions of satanic grandure . . . groveling around in the forever dark muck of hell's pain-filled cesspool.

No wonder Obama parties as if there's no tomorrow . . . he realizes how easily and true that could be in a flash.

In the mean time . . . there's more destroying to do.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 01:12 PM
I don't agree with a lot about Obama but people who say he is destroying the nation really lose credibility in my opinion. Obama haters would love to re-write history but the economy was destroyed over the last decade or so by corruption and unethical dealings between politicans (both Democrat and Republican), banks, investment firms, and WALLSTREET INSIDERS. What die-hard Republican/conservatives don't seem to understand is the main reason the "new unknown guy" Obama got elected was because people were sick and tired of the status quo and McCain said that's what he was going to give us.

And it appears the Republican party still doesn't "get it" judging by the circus act they've come up with to try to defeat Obama

Those at the top fighting each other all have enough money to play games while the average person suffers the effects. If Obama wins the economy will probably sludge along because big business and Wall St. will continue to throw a tantrum until a Republican gets back in. If Obama loses, the banks will start lending some of that stashed bailout cash to stimulate housing and corporations will start hiring again instead of laying off and forcing a smaller workforce to work longer hours to time the "recovery" with their man in the White House. All of it is phony baloney. If Republicans win, then Democrats will start rejecting any Republican idea even if it is good for the economy. If Republicans lose, they will continue to reject any Democrat idea even if it is good for the economy. This will continue until people stop giving these two parties the power to keep our country in a continual state of political gridlock
edit on 18-4-2012 by TZela because: comma

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by TZela

Your perspective seems to still be that there really are two parties opposing one another

instead of the reality that

they are merely two sides of the same good-cop/bad-cop coin of the ruling oligarchy

. . . bread and circuses to distract the serfs and slaves while the elites do more destructive stuff under the table, under the radar.

That Obama was tasked with MORE OVERTLY destroying the USA and the world economy is fairly obvious to those who are well informed about globalism . . . who see beyond the blather of the Marxist Stream Media's sham propaganda about him. And even now, the oligarchy seems to have already started to throw him under the bus, somewhat . . . as their scapegoat for doing what they ordered him to do.

But sure, the rot has been carefully infected into the body politic increasingly for AT LEAST 110 years . . . some say for 400 years . . .

Reading even 25% of these elite's quotes over the last 200 years might help you better understand what the world is up agains.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

Even though I referred to the parties as "fighting" I think I clarified that it is merely a perpetual "game" and "phony baloney". I understand that an underlying agenda appears to be playing out despite the political tug-of-war that works to keep people divided and distracted. My reply to the OP was to center the focus back on the many people and institutions that truly caused the economic destruction of many sectors of our economy such as the Wall St. Insiders.

I also wanted to point out that in my opinion, Obama won the election not because he was "the One" or had some kind of mystical appeal like the MSM was trying to create, but rather because all the Republican party had to offer was a Bush clone and people were fed up with that and ready to try any change.

I see a lot of narrowly focused Obama bashing here on ATS, so if there is a divide and conquer agenda it must be working. When you get people focused on elevating Obama to the level of being an end-time player and personally responsible for the destruction of a nation, it seems they are willing to forgive and forget the collective evil and greed of many politicians on "their side" who had a direct hand (for years before Obama came on the scene) in the lack of regulation and underhanded dealings causing a near fatal blow to our economy. These actions resulted in a major loss of retirement. investment income, and real estate values of nearly all people. The pain from those actions continues to this day and this was not Obama's fault no matter how anyone tries to spin it.

I grew up in a Midwestern red state so I know more about the elect-a-crook-Republican-over-any-Democrat mentality. I know it's the same the other way around in more Democratic areas. I would like to see more young people think outside the two party box and maybe someday things will get shaken up to really change American politics.

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by TZela

It has long been clear for the well informed, the very discerning and the very perceptive that the two big political parties have long been a charade of a kind of

good-cop/bad-cop shell game, farce, delusion, misdirection, distraction and bread and circuses to keep the populace focused on and wasting time, energy and money one useless stuff instead of watching too closely the treason going on more under the table.


They admit it themselves . . .


29."The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self createdscreen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

1883: What part has Skull & Bones played in our elections? Professor Carroll Quigley was President Clinton's mentor, and in Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In our Time the professor revealed that William C. Whitney (S&B) and others, in the late 19th century, developed a plan to control both major political parties through financial contributions and have the two main parties alternate power so the public would think it had a choice.[7] Professor Quigley said Whitney's plan lasted about 16 years, and after that, the "Eastern Establishment" (power elite) moved the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates toward the political center:

posted on Apr, 14 2013 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by TZela

It has long been clear for the well informed, the very discerning and the very perceptive that the two big political parties have long been a charade of a kind of

good-cop/bad-cop shell game, farce, delusion, misdirection, distraction and bread and circuses to keep the populace focused on and wasting time, energy and money one useless stuff instead of watching too closely the treason going on more under the table.


They admit it themselves . . .


29."The real menace of our republic is this invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy length over city, state and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self createdscreen....At the head of this octopus are the Rockefeller Standard Oil interests and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as international bankers. The little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties." New York City Mayor John F. Hylan, 1922

1883: What part has Skull & Bones played in our elections? Professor Carroll Quigley was President Clinton's mentor, and in Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World In our Time the professor revealed that William C. Whitney (S&B) and others, in the late 19th century, developed a plan to control both major political parties through financial contributions and have the two main parties alternate power so the public would think it had a choice.[7] Professor Quigley said Whitney's plan lasted about 16 years, and after that, the "Eastern Establishment" (power elite) moved the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates toward the political center:

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