The avatar is my trademark as Khedwulf Greywar. Whenever I use the alias of Khedwulf, the eye always accompanies it. Eye am very much fascinated
with Extra Terrestrial Sentient beings from other worlds. I intend on seeing humanity drifting through the stars soon, and I will do everything in my
power to see that that happens.
Eye will state that allot of my desire is based off of an experience that I had several years back, where I had a very vivid experience. I cannot say
if it was real or not, but it was real enough for me to at least dedicate my life to seeking it, or something similar to it. It changed my very way
of thinking, it impacted me very deeply. It is recorded here......
The eight syllables on my signature are actually the eight of the base syllables I remember of the pink glower language. With the rules I remember
applied, they make up 1,885 words, but I do not remember all of the rules, or any of the meanings. Words are nothing but sound without meaning.
Here is one of my favorite ones Miiroiimah it is based off of the first syllable Mii. ro follows, the second part of a word has a portion of one of
the eight syllables, in ro's case it is dro. iim is mii backwards, the third part of a word has a base syllable reversed. ah the fourth part of the
word is is a portion of haf reversed.
I spelled the syllables the way they are to make them work smoothly with the rules applied that I remember. Perhaps the language is a concoction of
my sub conscience mind in a long moment of lucid dream. Or maybe it is a fragment of a language that exists across the stars far far away, I wont
propose either, it simply is part of my source of motivation at this point.
Earlier in my introduction post I said that the eight syllables were part of a language I was creating, but really I didn't come up with them and
there system, at least not consciously.
Well back on topic, as for why the eye is reptilian, I don't know, I think reptilian eyes look cool.