posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by Iason321
Okay folks, this website is about denying ignorance, so it's about time we dispel this heretical myth once and for all.
Myth, you say?
There are at least four persons bearing the name Jesus, who lived in the time period, and area. They were Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben
Damneus and Jesus ben Gamaliel.
Even Saint Paul refers to a person calling him as "another Jesus". (2 Corinthians 11, 4) This is not "myth," it is "recorded history".
What to know which book the myth is? I think you already know.....
The principal sources of information regarding Jesus are the Bible's four canonical gospels, whose authorship is in question. The horrible truth is,
the New Testament and Christianity was created by the Calpurnius Piso Family of Rome. It is a fictional story used by the Piso's to take over Rome,
which they eventually did after 136 c.e. They also forced the Jews to insert into their religious books many of Piso's own works to create prophecies
for the coming of his fictional character, Jesus. This is all detailed in a book, "The True Authorship of the New Testament", (1979) by Ablard
Reuchlin. The book details that the New Testament was written by Arius Calpurnius Piso and his three sons, Julius, Fabius Justus, and Proculus with
additional help from Piso's granddaughter's husband, Pliny the Younger. And, that Arius Calpurnius Piso wrote under the aliases names Flavius
Josephus, Plutarch, and Manet, and possibly a few others.