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How Do Food Stamps Work?

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:43 AM
reply to post by Germanicus

It probably does save some embarrassment at the checkout. They have started doing unemployment like that here as well. Now you don't get an actual check. They give you a debit card and put your unemployment funds on it once a week.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:51 AM
reply to post by broahes

You make some good points. I wanted to mention one thing when you mentioned the SUVs, something that I think is a problem... just wish I had an answer to it.

I mentioned that you are allowed one homestead and two operable vehicles without penalty. They make no distinction as to what kind of car or home you have, and that can be a good thing IMO. I see government assistance as a helping hand when times suddenly turn hard, and even those with wealth can find themselves in a mess from time to time. When I lost my company (which was due to illness incidentally), I went from upper middle class, driving a fairly new Buick Riviera, to nothing. I lost everything I had except my family, my home, and that car. I'm sure some whispers were made about the guy who pulls up in a Riviera and buys groceries with EBT, but the fact was it was that or go hungry.

When economic disaster hits, it not always hits when one is driving a clunker.

That said, I would be extremely suspicious of someone who bought such a vehicle when drawing assistance, and someone who has been living on assistance for several years I would not expect to drive a newer car. That may well be what you witnessed, but I wanted to point out the exceptions that can and do happen.


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Unemployment in Alabama can be direct deposited to your bank account.

There is still a bit of a stigma at the checkout here for food stamps. Apparently the cashier must verify the card type you use, so they always ask "Debit or credit?" when you go to pay. If you say either with an EBT card, the system will reject it; you have to tell them it is an EBT card for it to process correctly.


posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:09 PM
When I first moved to the town I'm in now, I met up with a friend that I hadn't seen in a long time. She wanted us to go to the grocery store and make a dinner. She said, "It's cool, I'll use my food stamps." Then she asked me how much I got in food stamps. I told that we didn't get them and that we didn't qualify for them or need them. She looked at me like I was insane and exclaime "WHAT? You don't get food stamps? lol. The funny thing is that she didn't need them either. She lived with her bf and they had two incomes coming in the house, but she lied and told the ss office that she and her kid lived alone.

Anyway, when I was 18 my husband and I had our first child and started living together. For the first year we used food stamps, then he got a great job, I became a stay at home mom and we haven't looked back. I'm not ashamed to admit we used them. We didn't misuse them and we only had them until we got on our feet.

Also, if you don't lie about it, it's not enough to supply all of your food needs for the month. Another girl I know lies and gets so much that she sells them at half price for cash. That's something to be ashamed of.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:43 PM
Personally, I think public assistance is a good net, to catch you if you fall. That includes food stamps, medical assistance, housing assistance, and unemployment. There are just so many that are out there abusing the system. For instance, I am personally aware of several people that lost their jobs, or took layoff's instead of a paycut, and went on unemployment. The problem is that they aren't looking for employment. They are collecting the check, and working odd jobs and get paid under the table. When I ask them "Why?" The reply is that they now have alot of time off to enjoy, and with the unemployment and under the table cash they are in some cases making more than they were when they were working. And the government keeps extending the benefits.
I also have a problem of the abuse of the welfare system. I was always under the impression that it was designed to help during hard times, but people are living their lives on welfare, as well as getting money under the table for various things. I'm just sick to death of people taking advantage of those who put in an honest day's work.

Not to toot my own horn, but I work 8 hrs a day on one job and am on call 24/7 for this job. I also went out and got licensed as a water plant operator, and got a second license as a waste water plant operator. I work these jobs on a full time basis as well. No one gave me anything, and I havent taken any public assistance. I work so much to proudly support my family and to allow my wife to be a stay at home mom for my kids. I just wish that more people in the US had a good work ethic, and were looking at the big picture of our country and community overall, rather than just looking to suck off of others.

I guess I went into a rant. Sorry, but thanks for reading! And thanks for starting a good thread!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:57 PM
I was working in retail and saw quite a few receipts pop out from EBT cards.These receipts showed balances on the bottom of what you had left in your benefits after your purchase. A majority showed balances of anywhere from $250 to $600.

I guess upon hearing some of those of you that are on the program honestly needing it, and are stating that you receive $180 or $100 in benefits the question I have is if that is a $100 per week or monthly?

Because if thats monthly then there are a lot of people scamming the system (other then you folks) and getting more then they need to live off of.

Monthly or weekly on EBT benefits?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by Submarines

I agree. It bothers me that some abuse it too. I also think highly of you for working so hard to allow your wife to stay with the children. My husband does the same for me. Because we made that choice, there are several things we sacrifice that some people on food stamps have no problem obtaining. For instance, I'm pretty much the only person I know with out a smart phone. My husband has an iPhone, but it's really owned by his company.

I coupon and meticulously plan grocery shopping, and some people that I know very well on food stamps have the most expensive name brand food items. One couple I know regularly has steak and shrimp dinners. Not to mention selling the food stamps so they can buy pot.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 05:01 PM
reply to post by blend57

When I had them it was monthly. We got 180.00. But it's not uncommon for people to scam the system and get much more than that.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by BrittanyLea

I thought as much. They had more money on their ebt card then I can afford to spend on groceries in a month.

Hats off to all you people that use them how they were intended. It makes me feel better to know there are still some honest folks out there.

Blend 57

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

Anytime you see something about the Farm Bill, there you go.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by Germanicus

It is much better but they did make it an obnoxious yellow. They should of made it blue, white or green.

The restrictions are that you can only buy foods that you prepare. You can't buy preapred foods (or hot foods) or toiletries, alchohol, or anything like that.

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