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Rap music,Thug life and the american culture is whats wrong with this country!

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posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by jough626

Originally posted by Hawking
Yeah and those darn Beatles and their long hair and promiscuous ways!

And Elvis shakin his hips on national television - it's disgusting!

Rock and roll is ruining our culture and destroying the foundation of this once great nation!

I get that your being sarcastic, but you failed to draw a similar line between then and now. What songs were Elvis singing about murder, theft, cooking crack or human trafficing?

Who liked the Beatles? ALL of their music, was and is, terrible.

'who liked the beatles' you must be kidding. its not my type of music but you must have been living under a rock to think that nobody liked them. i seriously can't believe you even typed that...

How can you not see the similarity from 'then' and now? Not hard to look up, when Elvis came out parents hated kids listening to it, same with the Beatles because they were supposedly a bad influence
edit on 17-4-2012 by SGTSECRET because: blah

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:44 AM
ATS has become

Hate TS

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by steve95988

Dude when was the last time you even listened to rap music LOL?! The thug fad went out the window around 96-98.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

I haven't been a member long but I have noticed a recent change in attitude and quality of threads/posts. I really like ATS and enjoy the freedom of topics and ideas. Chances are it's a phase I have seen the same thing on other sites I frequent. Sometimes I just take a break for a bit and then come back and the problem has corrected it's self. I love how the internet community polices it's self for the most part. Gives me hope for the human race and makes me think we could all get along with out having to be told to or have laws to force us.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Ladysophiaofsandoz
I always suspected that rappers were to blame for shipping my job to India, and jacking up the price of gas and groceries. How many stories have we read about a bunch of kids in saggy pants wearing their hats backwards kicking little old ladies and service men out of their homes. When will this madness end!

Really? I heard my parents talk about how kids with long hair wearing beads were going to ruin the country and how the Beatles and Rolling Stones were poisoning the minds of Americas youth.

My friend we have much bigger problems in this country than the rap industry and thug mentality. Our problems are much more complex and the forces of evil are wearing suits and sitting behind desks. Rap like rock and death metal will have it's followers and ebb and flow in and out of style. Kids acting up grow up and have families someday. No real or permanent threat to anything lasting or important. Just something shiny to distract us from the real evils of the world.

Amazing, you're absolutely correct.

How about we get some damn jobs in the country first?!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 09:57 AM
Ive read through this thread and found myself nodding, laughing, shaking my head in disbelief. Im a child of the 80's so I grew up in the golden age of hip hop. I remember the angriest rap I heard when I was a little kid was "The Message" by Grand Master Flash and even that held...well a message.

There was a time when rap had people feeling good about themselves. Public Enemy told us the truth...Can't Trust it...and had us Fighting the power long before fashionable Occupy movements. There were a bevy of female rappers who did not remove a stitch of clothing and X-Clan and Professor Griff were trying to teach the disenfranchised about origins that reached back further than slavery and that crack was a tool of the white man. Red, Black and Green DOMINATED fashion and while there were still assclowns in the game....their numbers were lower per capita.

Perhaps those so down on hip hop should ask themselves what could possibly be gained from shifting the focus of people from a burgeoning knowledge of self and purpose to moral ambiguity and material worship? After all, this was a group that fought their way through segregation, the civil rights movement, had produced a number of strong leaders, renaissance people, artists and entertainers. And yet here we are...currently being represented on television by some skank in a pink wig and Lil Wayne. So who could possibly benefit from a whole generation so far removed from the civil rights movements and Malcolm X's of the world that they no longer make trouble by yammering on about equality or getting the shaft from "whitey"? Who benefits when whole segments can be put on a brand just because a rapper puts it in a song? Hmmmm...corporate America maybe? And if we are following the money in good ole ATS fashion we will see that like many other things...this ties in with those greedy, grasping hands of the elite. If anyone thinks that black people feel some swelling sense of collective pride when we see these clowns put on display by these record companies then they are an idiot. As another poster wrote...hip hop is dead. There is some life below ground but what you see now is white record executives interpretation of it and a few sellouts who are going along with it. And much like Comic based movies...once people discovered how much money could be made...the genre began to die.

I love hip hop. But I also love rock...metal specifically. Any Morbid Angel fans in the house? White Chapel? Danzig? You know...that guy whose one video opens with an ass dancing in a thong...or who can forget that scene in AM I Demon where he has sluts kissing his pentagram ring. Oooh ooh!!...And did you know that Judas Priest wants you to "Do it"???? I know! Lets all listen to some Stravinsky...perhaps we will get a pass if we riot and loot during Rites of Spring.

edit on 17-4-2012 by irsuccubus because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by steve95988
reply to post by stanguilles7

Well you discredited me..
but the majority or drugs sex and criminal activity glorifying is associated with rap music!! now that is denying ignorance!

edit on 01/04/2009 by steve95988 because: (no reason given)

Congrats on an epic troll thread.

It's got all the right ingredients to continue on for a while.

Now, which of these three songs degrades women and glorifies drugs and violence?

edit on 17-4-2012 by stanguilles7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:18 AM

just because kids listen to people swearing and talking bout women as "hoes" and "bustin caps in fools asses"
dont mean they go out and actually do it...

just because kids listen to heavy metal doesn't mean they want to cut their wrists and kill themselves

just because people watch jesse ventura doesnt make them crazy (cough* cough*)

these kids who grow up and turn to crime i.e "thug life" are not doing so because they listened to some music
they do so because all their life they have not been good enough for main stream society
at school they were too dumb or disruptive (teachers point of view)
at home they were too unsocial (parents point of view)
on the street they are a disease (the view of MSM and police)

all their life the are looked upon in a negative light
but when a local drug dealer praises them for making fast money
they seek their praise again...
and if a local gang leader praises their fearlessness
they will seek their praise too...

the street drug dealers are the failed entrepreneurs that should be running our banks
the gang fighters are the failed sportsmen and women (think NFL or boxing or clay pigeon shooting)
the prostitutes are failed super models who turned to drugs (heck some even made it in this profession)

my point is...
when you generalise people who listen to this or wear that
or as im guessing with your post people with different skin colour?? o.O
in truth we are all murderous gangsters for not banding together to solve these issues
without pointing the finger that is..

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:35 AM
I agree with this to an extent but you cant say RAP music because you have put a genre as a whole in a very small context. Not all rap music is about bitches and hos. But because of the fact that this nation has ghettos(a world leader with ghettos lol) means that the people that are born there and become rappers will rap about where they came from and what they know. So a solution to this problem would be ridding the USA of ghettos until then there is no end to the RAP music you dont like.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 10:47 AM
The people who idolize rappers like Lil' Wayne are tools; you have nothing to worry about from them because they are just putting on a tough guy act to blanket their actual fears and impotence. They dress like retards because they think women find it attractive; they lead very shallow, materialistic lives. They aren't interested in committing crimes, they are just interested with fitting in. Also, if you don't like drugs, don't listen to music. Chances are, the songs you like so much, were written by some guy when he was on a boatload of drugs.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by steve95988

Rap music,Thug life and the american culture is whats wrong with this country!

That's just ridiculous.
To say that a specific music is the cause of what's wrong in your country must be a joke.
1) stop watching mtv hip hop
2) if you stopped watching mainstream stuff, you'll realise real rap music don't show on tv or play on the radio
but why's that?
Could it be that the owners want the public to listen to other more mainstream types of rap music glorifying drugs, money etc?
No of course not, that doesn't happen.
The fault of course is of the rappers, who most of them come from poverty stricken areas, they are the root cause of you hearing mainstream cRap everywhere.

Why dont you point the finger at the companies who have made the most money out of all of this, who are allowing this to happen, who are forcing it to happen and who took the jam out of your donut?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

Absolutely thats what these people don't get...the music is the smoke from the fire that they caused by ripping a group of people from their homeland and treating them as if they are inferior, beating them, seperating mothers from daughters sons from fathers , miseducating them, and pitting them against each other and they think that some of the music that comes from this isnt gonna be all rainbows and butterflies?

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:31 AM

Originally posted by ahmonrarh
reply to post by steve95988


Whats wrong with this nation, and ANY OTHER is the allowance of the NANNY STATE to raise and discipline kids that you were too excited to lay down and produce. Spoiling kids is not teachin kids, and Friending kids is not raising kids.

Rap isn't the problem. I listened to Rap as a young black male, but with active parents who cared for their progeny, and with one phrase from my father/Cop of : "if I catch you tryin to act like a thug, you and me will see how thuggish you are, in the backyard..."

I respected my parents. I recognized they are the reason i'm alive and as their investment in the future I did what I could to give them a positive return on their investment.

I totally respect this post!!

I have mentioned i listen to dance music and some artist such as usher, lil wayne, to name a cpl, dont get me wrong, both those artists have questionable lyrics in some of their songs... but i am an adult, i do know better, and i teach my kids the same thing that your father has... my kids enjoy popular music, including some rap.. but i try to teach him that its not ok to do what they talk about in those songs.... i cant make him not listen to it, because frankly its every fu**** where! movies, kids movies, radio,tv, video games, everywhere!!!!! I truly home my children will use their brain as you have.. thank you for your input... that's the whole reason i posted this thread... for input...

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by steve95988

I have mentioned i listen to dance music and some artist such as usher, lil wayne, to name a cpl, dont get me wrong, both those artists have questionable lyrics in some of their songs... but i am an adult, i do know better, and i teach my kids the same thing that your father has... my kids enjoy popular music, including some rap.. but i try to teach him that its not ok to do what they talk about in those songs.... i cant make him not listen to it, because frankly its every fu**** where! movies, kids movies, radio,tv, video games, everywhere!!!!! I truly home my children will use their brain as you have.. thank you for your input... that's the whole reason i posted this thread... for input...

So wait. FIRST you post a thread about how you hate rap because its so violent and claim you only listen to 'metal & rock", and now you say you listen to Lil #ing Wayne??

You are a #ing hypocrite.

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by InfoKartel
reply to post by steve95988

Why is that your avatar and why did you open a post like this?

1+1 = 2.

Racists, get out!

I am trying to get bk to everyone's posts, because i asked for input and that is why i started this post... If you had read all of my posts you would see its not about racists... i will say it again, i could be blind with only ears to listen and i would say the same thing, its not about color.... black, Asian white, Indian, Mexican, it does not matter do you not get it???

sureno rap(mexican)

norteno rap(mexican)

look at this stupid WHITE guy!!

you want more???? this is our great nation?? One nation supposedly under God?? Are you serious?? Maybe i shouldn't have started this Fuc**** thread cause its making me SICK!!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by steve95988

I have mentioned i listen to dance music and some artist such as usher,lil wayne, to name a cpl,

im so laughing right now

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by Mr_skepticc
It's the result of a free society catching up to itself! When you allow every type of person, religion, and morals unleash themselves this is what you get.It's only a matter of time before society will collapse.

You my friend have taken the words right out of my mouth thank you!!! I am going to use this as my fb status for the week!

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by MoosKept240
I just popped on before work to see what's new. And THIS this is in the hot flagged section of ATS. I mean come on. How pathetic. This whole thread should be 404'd. Just some ignorant person, making an ignorant thread to get a rise out of people. Just look at his avatar and you can just see the ignorance. Not to mention the ignorant posts.

So... op....... I am off to my job, something I recommend you find. You need a hobby.

I appreciate your input! I have hobbies... i have a job... i listen to music with an up-beat good feeling kinda tune... im not tryin to get a rise outta anyone, i asked for input... my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, yes i am following the zimmerman case and i will until the end... i have my own opinion on that issue... my issue and whole reason behind this thread is to get the input from as many people as i can, about how rap music and thug lifestyle has a serious negative effect on the American culture and are ever dwindling morals!! Can we not just have a general discussion about it? i mean now that its in the rant forum, im still not claiming im ranting about it... just my two cents and look for more input to make sense on why or how people accept this kinda B.S. in this society

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by baraka
reply to post by steve95988

I have mentioned i listen to dance music and some artist such as usher,lil wayne, to name a cpl,

im so laughing right now

Lil wayne is included in alot of popular dance music with other artists... how about the song how to love... awesome song! but he has other songs that just make me sicks, so yea... its the rap music which i hate.. the thug rap music... not lil wayne singing about how to love, nor does it have anything to do with color!! Btw i never said i listen to heavy metal music.... quote me!! Never said it..

posted on Apr, 17 2012 @ 12:11 PM

I appreciate your input! I have hobbies... i have a job... i listen to music with an up-beat good feeling kinda tune... im not tryin to get a rise outta anyone, i asked for input... my avatar has nothing to do with this thread, yes i am following the zimmerman case and i will until the end... i have my own opinion on that issue... my issue and whole reason behind this thread is to get the input from as many people as i can, about how rap music and thug lifestyle has a serious negative effect on the American culture and are ever dwindling morals!! Can we not just have a general discussion about it? i mean now that its in the rant forum, im still not claiming im ranting about it... just my two cents and look for more input to make sense on why or how people accept this kinda B.S. in this society

Im sorry steve but the thing is you are picking a subject that is nonsense, in every gender there is a bad side to it and a good side, you said that you like lil´wayne, well for me lil wayne was one of the many more that destroyed what rap is, its all bunch of nonsense and a way to get paid.

you have rap music,,, yes some of it is violent and shouldnt be played anywhere...but you also have metal music that inspire young people to go out and kill others and cause harm to society...i said metal? even electronic music... every genre has a dark side to it... its not the genre that matters its the person who writes that stuff... so dont blame music,please

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