posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 11:22 PM
This is SO much better than the ego inflating, unwarranted self importance thread about IQs. That thread is so full of BS I couldn't even post.
Apparently an ATS account grants an IQ of no less than 140. So much nonsense.
My first memories are from 2-3 years old. I distinctly remember that first house, my crib full of toy cars, climbing out of the crib, falling asleep
whenever the shower was on, my favorite toy truck, and the sandbox in the backyard my Grandpa built for me. I was scared of planes when they flew
over, but also fascinated. I would run under the eaves, and stare up absolutely enchanted. I also remember two books my parents would read to me,
and that I could pretend because of memorization, I was reading along.
This is a little embarrassing but I also remember my parents coming into my room and the song they would sing with two stuffed animals. I will not be
sharing. Ugh, one more thing. Brushing my teeth. My parents would supervise, and help. 'There goes an uncle Bob germ! Get him! There goes an
aunt Patty germ you gotta brush!'
Oh hell, now I am remembering all sorts of things. Guess I'll stop.