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Where is your Savior now? Son of Man, "Not worth the effort..."

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 08:38 AM

I'm pretty sure I'm this guy

Only pretty sure means you are not the one.

But there are many messengers, but the words of the prophet are not heeded

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777

I'm pretty sure I'm this guy

Only pretty sure means you are not the one.

But there are many messengers, but the words of the prophet are not heeded

I don't think he really means what he says
If so he is not saying what he means very clearly

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by Kalki11


Keep it simple.

Is every waking moment spent thinking about how to save the Earth and man? Do you read and meditate and spend every second thinking about solutions to mankind's problems? Are you willing to confront the forces of evil on a daily bases? Do you find it impossible to keep from preaching the truth to everyone you meet? Do you feel that you are being crucified? If not you are probably not the one. But you could be part of the larger one.

Where two or more are gathered in my name, there will I be with them. The power of many minds is exponential.
Our test is upon us, we must pass.

posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Kalki11

I want you to surf ATS, maybe, maybe godlikeproductions, and other boards like these. Find posts and threads by other people who, like you, are claiming to be the savior, the messiah, the return of Jesus, or the incarnation of God.

Lots of people are claiming the same thing and say very similar things that you have said. Read their posts and see how you react to reading another person claiming to be the messiah.

My guess is you'll be like "That's a crazy person."

Now re-read your post. What makes you any different? To you, it probably feels more real because you're the only one experiencing your point of consciousness and perception. It probably feels like the only point of consciousness at times, like you're the only one that exists which probably further fuels your theory that you are the messiah. But that's the way it feels to all those other people who claim to be Jesus to.

Thinking you are the messiah is a big sign of being bi-polar, if you believe in such psychiartric labelings.

There is a spiritual change happening in this world. I think it's resulting in many people believing themselves to be God, like it's a symptom of this spiritual revoluation that is taking place. You are no more or less God than anybody else. If this world is a dream, it's no more or less your dream than it is mine or somebody elses.

The biggest spiritual task is letting go of your ego. Thinking you are the only one true God, Jesus or messiah sent here to save the world is quite possibly the exact opposite of letting go of your ego. It's letting your ego run wild. "I AM sOOOOO SPECIAL! LOOK AT HOW GREAT I AM! IM GOING TO SAVE THE WORLD!"

God is pure possibility. You are awareness. You are the Messiah of your own reality and life, not of everyone's. God is an aspect of nature and you use that aspect of nature to create your life through what you chose to become aware of and be.

Thinking you're God is the childish and immature side of spirituality and it discounts the rest of humanity as less important than you are. This isn't true. Other people are exactly as real and exactly as not-real as you are. We are all apart of this "illusion" equally. You exist in this dream, just like other people, so if other people are dream illusions, I hate to break it to you but so are you, since you are clearly "in the dream" also. You can't watch The Matrix, and claim all of the characters are fake and illusionary and just apart of a movie except for the main character Neo. No. They are all characters in a movie, even the main character. In your reality, you probably feel like the main character. You are only the main character inyour own reality. This doesn't make other people any less real or important.

Grow up. Stop being delusional. Don't let your ego talk you into not listening to me, or thinking I'm evil. Your ego wants to keep you delusional and feeding it. So stop it.

And my guess is your an only child or possibly adopted. you have a very selfish and childish sounding mentality. Why would Jesus come back to get high and play war based video games? There's nothing more rewarding than doing things for others, and sadly from what you've posted here it seems like you're more interesting in you being #1 and doing for yourself than doing things for others.

Get over yourself.

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