posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 06:50 PM
I have seen a few of your threads on ATS and will say, I share your frustration. I too feel that I was the one and was called to give a message to the
people. I even made a very simple and elegant plan and posted it on ATS and seeded it to the net. A plan that if the people would have followed, we
would right now be fixing the global economy and laying the foundations of humanity's true destiny, to go to space and establish ourselves as a solar
rather then global species and restoring the planet to it's pristine and natural state.. But, like you experienced, no one listened. I felt like a
modern Moses standing up to the pharaoh and shouting let my people go, only not only did the Pharaoh not listen, the people themselves did not, they
are content in living in slavery in egypt then freedom in a new promised land. Anyway, after a great deal of time and effort, I abandoned my old
account and no longer post threads, just posts on others.
Of course that could mean I simply was not the one, nor you, or we both were and the people just did not choose. Truth is we all have that potential
to be Christos; anointed ones, messiahs, saviors. The fact is there probably a million chosen ones and out of them maybe only one succeeds. Maybe none
of them will.
Anyway, I won't call you crazy, though many have and will; they are just fools content to live in a world of madness and because they feel powerless
to change it or don't want to change it, they tear down all those who say they wish to. I say dream your dream, build your machines, do what you have
to do, because even if you're crazy, your a dreamer and ;like me, want a better world and this world needs a lot more of those. Most of the world
today is to busy with small and paltry dreams; a fat bank account, a beautiful mate, a fancy car, a big house and a thousand useless things to stuff
into it; the small dreams of short sighted selfish morons. Unfortunately most of humanity has degraded to that state, I would say the system of the
elite has worked flawlessly, because not only has humanity become dumbed down slaves, they will fight you tooth and nail to keep you from ending their
slavery. I would also say the greatest thing that the elite stole from humanity was their great dreams, dreams of the future, dreams of a better
world, for their children and future generations.
If I had the money I would help fund your crazy dream, just for the hell of it, but I have no financial means, if I did, I would have had more ability
to seed my own plan.
Anyway, good luck to you and carry on, but don't expect humanity or the members of ATS to believe you are some chosen savior, even if you are the one
and don't rely on others to accomplish your goal, you will only be disappointed.