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The Rise of the Black Klan

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posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by TheRealTruth84

There is an impending race riot in our near future if this isn't addressed now!

Just remember that the global monopoly on - everything - is still in the hands of white people.
Obama, Eric Holder, The Black Panthers and all the rest are allowed to exist safely in their lofty places.

Any true rise to power will be crushed immediately.. and that's likely what they're waiting for them to try and do.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:21 PM
Do a search next time before you post -

I had two just a week or so ago on this very topic discrediting the new Black Panther Party.

Original BPP founder Bobby Seale came out and publicly denounced these guys as hate mongers and most likely working for the FBA or CIA.

They are not in the spirit of what the original Panthers stood for and are obviously trying to fan the flames of hate....

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:27 PM
Funny that the very same people who rail aginst the 'elites' on ATS are the same ones screaming about wanting some kind of 'race war'.

Division empowers those you claim to despise.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:29 PM
It looks like "race war" is the new "zombie apocalypse"

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:30 PM
I am White, Black people and Native Americans hate me for something i never did. Whos the Biggot now?

I blame YOU racist black or native people for any racism i may have. I see myslef as not being racist. But, I feel the need to be when i hear one of you speak your true colors. Peace.

Not talking about ALL black people or native americans, only the racist ones, I see all other humans as people just like me, only with darker tans. But if your a biggot for no real reason or a religious extremist, you are a threat to normal non-sociopathic society and should be eliminated from the gene pool.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Frankenchrist

Actually, wrong again. The current demographics are easy to google and can be found here:

72% of the population of the United States is WHITE.

Your something something is showing.

edit on 16-4-2012 by 0zzymand0s because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:03 PM
i like the moniker black klan not in the guise of the kkk but more along the lines of how it inspires through facism but thats a bait tactic, was that your intention to your non white respondents? even if eu gets another bail out which they will and the "bush" tax cuts are repealed which they will which will make median income in america back at 1998 level; if a perpetrator identifies itself as a threat to the binding laws that govern existence of which the constitution is one such document; i pray that the highest magistrates in heaven and earth execute justice with such righteous fury that the thought of placating your fears on your neighbor for the sake of a burden your community is placed in is etched forever in the minds of all klans of man as a grave sin. and your tone regarding their tone(the comments by "nbpp") is not direct enough to them and more projected to myself where i feel it is threatening personally; further by my perception of events your tone that is threatening seems more akin to something i wish i could say was a crime: if you use confluence to support your self interest in communities by division and hatred in light of americas current hardships i would wish i could charge you and everyone like yourself in a higher court.

and you are standing correct there is a division; because some groups think it ok to modify reality to their understanding of events and their position therein. every responded to this thread is proof of that fact; governing your body by despotism and claiming you have free speech(to claim as you wish about a group called the "black Klan, and using allegory to groups formed with the intent to remedy or improve a situation) is not freedom to me! i read a declaration and made an oath and what your doing is not freedom to me, nor does it constitute right use of freedom unto the rights americans have. your violation is charging me to a task illegally like some free lunatic despotic "citizen" of america with the right to "free speech";

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:04 PM
reply to post by Shadowalker

I consider myself Super Tan

Nice to meet you! I am pale latte'.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:16 PM
The "New Black Panther Party" is like three people the real ones have a center a few blocks from my house it is filled with old white and black people giving free meals and helping the youth with their reading work

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
Can I ask what the point of this thread is?

Is it just to rant about all the "black extremists" that have "suddenly" appeared, while conveniently ignoring and glossing over the many decades of white supremacists and institutionalized racism?

Once again it seems to be nothing more than an attempt to exaggerate the opinions of one or two known extremists and therefore label an entire group of American citizens - and create a racial propaganda thread.

Perfectly put

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by kman420

I blame YOU racist black or native people for any racism i may have. I see myslef as not being racist.

Epic quote is Epic.

That is all.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by TheRealTruth84

Originally posted by Immune
Oh man I've been personally mentioned (blond hair, blue eyed whitey here) i guess this is my bad i must be the ignition for the race war. This is just foolishness how about we block off a state dump this idiots and the white supremacy idiots into it and just walk away let them kill each other then we don't have to hear this drivel anymore.I have a hard enough time filling my gas tank and feeding my kids, i don't have enough free time to hate someone other than politicians right now so can the race war wait till we get the goberment under our control again?

Race is one of the governments strongest instruments of power, if not the strongest. Greed, hate, and envy are powerful tools, I mean emotions.

Tools maybe, but we only know 2 emotions, all feelings derive from that.

Love and Hate.

Greed is the love for money, or hate of being poor, whatever side ur on.
Envy is the hate of whatever you envy the other person having that you don't.

As soon as people realise that it's a simple yes/no question, i think people will start to see things alot clearer.

I've been a pretty big hypocrit towards other ethnics at times while having loads of foreign friends, but i think it has alot to do with social conditioning. In that regard ATS opened my eyes next to some profound events in my life that actually drove me towards this site in a search for answers.

I DO believe people can change since i myself feel im the living proof of that though its still a work in progress on other subjects, but this racism crap is sheer stupidity conditioned into people by radical movements and from my experience back then, thank god it's only a small fraction of the populace that actually has these thoughts and if they do, they're not born with them, or in general don't act on them. I'm now married to my wife whom i met on the interwebz, and didnt see a picture of until a week before she came over for the first time. Appearance to me is redundant now.

Nobody is born prejudice of anyone or anything so i can only explain racism as being "by design" on all sides.

Divide and conquer at work but in this case i think it failed and i dont think a racewar is a likely scenario. If it isnt just because of sheer numbers i think it's because not enough people have the hate in them to start one (lets hope not, it eats you from the inside to always be angry at someone)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:17 PM
I'm curious as to whether or not the outspoken ones calling for blood represent the majority of Black nationalists or not. Speaking from the other side of the racial fence, we have had many conversations amongst ourselves about working with Blacks to the benefit of both our races. Black people cannot win a race war in America. They just don't have the numbers. We won't be the ones who start it if it comes to that. Believe me, I hope it doesn't. We want peaceful separation. Nobody over here wants a bloodbath.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by sensible thought

Originally posted by detachedindividual
Can I ask what the point of this thread is?

Is it just to rant about all the "black extremists" that have "suddenly" appeared, while conveniently ignoring and glossing over the many decades of white supremacists and institutionalized racism?

Once again it seems to be nothing more than an attempt to exaggerate the opinions of one or two known extremists and therefore label an entire group of American citizens - and create a racial propaganda thread.

Perfectly put


Watch and weep over your "black extremists" that have "suddenly" appeared?
I think that you should reconsider what the "many decades of white supremacists and institutionalized racism" has wrought.
The racism in our country is not brought about by the average "white" person in this country, but by the RACIST NBP (or the NEW Black KKK) and their representatives like the "Reverends" Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and your favorite Louis Farrakhan.

I am not a big fan of Beck but he has brought forth the video clips that may support your view!!

Here are a few clips that may be of interest to you regarding your "black extremists" that "suddenly" appeared while disregarding their white masters.
One thing I would like to add: Islam (of the true Mohammed, PBUH) does not not regard the black "Nation of Islam" in the US any part of Islam.

Clip one of His Majesty Farrakhan

First Clip of Our Hero

And more of the righteous, benevolent and not Islamic, Farrakhan:

Stop being Blind

And again "Rev" Farrakhan, never hated anyone...

Good ole' Farrakhan

Gosh, I could go on and on but I won't. You get the point, right?

The Black KKK have come out of the woodwork calling for the execution of Zimmerman and disregard all the other killing on a day to day basis that do not affect their political agenda.

Good luck with your racial hatred.


edit on 16-4-2012 by tomdham because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Raverous
I'm curious as to whether or not the outspoken ones calling for blood represent the majority of Black nationalists or not. Speaking from the other side of the racial fence, we have had many conversations amongst ourselves about working with Blacks to the benefit of both our races. Black people cannot win a race war in America. They just don't have the numbers. We won't be the ones who start it if it comes to that. Believe me, I hope it doesn't. We want peaceful separation. Nobody over here wants a bloodbath.

Hello Raverous,

Please see my post above. The BlacK KKK wants us (non-KKK and the US) wiped off the face of the earth.
Watch "Dr., Rev" or whatever spout his hatred!!!


posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by Raverous

We want peaceful separation. Nobody over here wants a bloodbath.

who is we? you represent the problem with people who call themselves american but fight against the ideal of what america is. is this a lack of maturity and growth regarding how you "america" have chosen not to pay your taxes under burden and claim your own self a separation from your former lord? if you have no identity but rape and pillage and dont hear the plight of people or persons because they do not effect your station in life but are necessary to your position in it we have a problem in this communal relationship as american neighbors, because i bear the brunt of your feeling this way. the ideal of separation from induced responsibilities you want others to bear especially in light of events scheduled to occur politically enrages me.

it is wrong to say; "this is right" and find out that there is a better way, then to subject all you forced to agree upon as right to bear responsibility for maintaining that system. hide behind all the veils you choose to the spirit of justice has no race.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:47 PM
This whole race war thing is being engineered by another race entirely. You guys might call me an Anti-Semite, but I am an Anti-Zionist, and I have evidence to back up my point of view. Since the late 1700's the Jewish Zionists have been making political power plays against opposing sides, while attempting to (and by in large succeeding at) be the secret enemy of the peoples of the world. In the early 19th century by a prominent Jewish merchant family bent on world domination began a scheme to take over the world, establish a Jewish kingdom in Israel, and enslave every sovereign nation on earth. This most diabolical family became known as the Rothschild’s, and in 1815 took control of Germany, the British Empire, Austria, and France, in one fell swoop and succeeded later in taking over both the United States and Soviet Russia (both of which had their revolutions funded entirely by the Rothschilds). Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812) was the patriarch of this evil Jewish dynasty. He was born in Frankfurt-on-the-Main in Germany, and was the son of Moses Amschel Bauer, who worked as a financier and a goldsmith. The Rothschild name was derived from the old German words for “Red Shield”. The Red Shield was an emblem of the radical Jews within Eastern Europe and was suspended over the threshold of the Rothschild’s shop, the red sheild is known today as the star of David.The truth of the Jewish plot to overthrow the powers of the world and take on the mantle of the chosen people is even more apparent when reading one of the most illegal and forbidden books in the world, forbidden because those in power don’t want the truth to get out. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was a book published in 1905, by professor Sergyei Nilus, an official of the Dept. of Foreign Religions at Moscow, containing what was purported to be the minutes of the meetings of the learned “Elders of Zion”. These Protocols record the addresses given in Switzerland in 1897 to the innermost circle of the figureheads of International Jewry. The protocols reveal the secret plan of world domination by the Jewish Nation as sought after for centuries.The Jews, of course, have ardently denied that such a meeting ever took place, or that an international Jewish conspiracy to take over the world exists. A court in Switzerland (the same country where the alleged Zionist meeting took place) claimed that the Protocols are forgeries, basing their findings on a few paragraphs which have similarities to an older book by Maurice Joly titled: “Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu”. Yet this court never considered that these passages may have simply been inaccurately quoted by the “Learned Elders” at this meeting. The Jewish establishment has spent a fortune to suppress and discredit them, even making it illegal to possess them in some countries. Yet while ardently asserting that these protocols are a forgery all of the subject matter of this meeting such as: control of international monetary systems and finance, control of media propaganda, and the forcing on sovereign nations a policy of open borders and multiculturalism has already occurred under the guess of the so called “New World Order”.Many scholars have noted the correspondence between the agenda of the Protocols and their fulfillment in modern times. We have seen the Protocols carried out word for word in the world-power the Jews at the top have achieved, though patriots today dance around the fact that the most influential, wealthy, and powerful people in the world are either Jewish Zionists or in league with Zionists. The wealthy families implicated in Illuminati conspiracies theories, were the same family lines involved in the worldwide conspiracy to create Israel. What these Jewish power brokers have attained today is too glaring to be deemed as merely coincidental. Most Jews of course realize this even though they are uninvolved. Yet they support the Protocols out of national Jewish Pride, and therefore always evade the subject matter of the Protocols entirely. When the Protocols were first published, they were the typescript of a drama which had not yet been performed. Today this conspiracy has been in play for over eighty years. This is most apparent in the formation of the United Nations and NATO, as well as the erosion of constitutional liberties, and family values in the former sovereign nations of Western Europe and North America. Even if you one does not believe in the authenticity of the Protocols, one thing that can't be denied is their fulfillment and the fact that everything the protocols plotted, planned and predicted has either already happened, or is happening now. The greatest proof of their authenticity is that they are now fulfilled. The Protocols describe what the "Learned Elders of Zion" planned to do almost 100 years ago and have accomplished. Here is a list of the twenty-four protocols. (to be continued on next post)

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:47 PM
Notice that the subjects covered are methods well known to be in use by the so called Illuminati and the New World Order:

Protocol I: the basic doctrine, “Right Lies in Might”, authority and power, gold = money
Protocol II: economic wars, international political economic conspiracy, press/media as tools
Protocol III: methods of conquest, Jewish people, rigging elections election, public service
Protocol IV: materialism replaces religion, business as cold and heartless; gentiles as slaves
Protocol V: despotism and modern progress, Jewish people's relationship to larger society
Protocol VI: take-over technique, the acquisition of Land, the encouragement of speculation
Protocol VII: world-wide wars, internal unrest and discord (vs. court system) leading to war
Protocol VIII: provisional government, criminal takeover of sovereign states and governments
Protocol IX: re-education and propaganda, brainwashing, infiltrating and utilizing freemasonry
Protocol X: preparing for power, politics, majority rule, liberalism, destruction of family unit
Protocol XI: the totalitarian state, gentiles, Jewish political involvement, freemasonry
Protocol XII: control of the press, press censorship, publishing propaganda en mass
Protocol XIII: distractions, gentiles, business, rigging election, press and censorship; liberalism
Protocol XIV: assault on religion, Judaism, Gentiles, liberty, use of pornography to destroy family
Protocol XV: ruthless suppression of Gentiles, sages of Israel, political power and authority, King of Israel
Protocol XVI: nullification of education, brainwashing, propaganda, public idiocy
Protocol XVII: the fate of lawyers and the clergy, abuse of authority, corruption of public figures
Protocol XVIII: the organization of disorder, arrest of opponents and protesters, evil speech
Protocol XIX: understanding between rulers and people, the use of gossip and martyrdom
Protocol XX: financial program, taxes and taxation, loans, bonds, usury, money lending
Protocol XXI: loans and credit, stock markets and stock exchanges, manipulation of stocks
Protocol XXII: the beneficence of Jewish rule, the power of gold, controlling gold reserve
Protocol XXIII: instilling obedience, obedience to authority, slavery, rigging elections
Protocol XXIV: the Jewish ruler, qualities of the ruler, establishing a Jewish king

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:50 PM
many do not even know that Obama is related not only to the bush family but 5 other US presidents of history. he is there tool to bring about racial tension and chaos but make no mistake in is the Rothschild family pulling the strings and playing the tune of that the new world order dances to...all in the name of Zion!!!

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Ausar

I would give you an applause for that post if I could. Amazingly said. Thank-you.

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