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Does Universal Love Even Exist?

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posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:54 PM
Love today, is understood to be romantic, man and wife, champagne, sex, passion! But I hear a lot of people say that our love is misunderstood and cannot compare or even be fathomed to the love of the universe.

What is love though?

A while back I was one of those, I guess you can say "Namaste" kind of guys. Where you must love all and be one with everything, because we are all one in the universe, What's inside is also outside. That love is just a state of being and is able to accept any and everything, even though one may not agree with it or not. What do we really know about universal love though? And if there is a universal love, is there also a universal hate? It seems to me that being this type of person who 'loves' all because you want to follow the law of the universe is just another lifestyle.

I 'love' you. Love. Is that just a word to explain all the happy feelings we are getting from a person, such as joy and compassion.

There's this saying - I am who I am. Then wouldn't you say for the universe, it is what it is?

If one must reside on the love of the universe, have we all been chilling on the hate of the universe?
edit on 15-4-2012 by NewerBeing because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-4-2012 by NewerBeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:38 PM
As opposed to other types of love, I believe universal love is a choice, a choice made for the good of both our own health, and for the evolution of mankind and the universe itself. No matter what anyone might think about the idea that we manifest our own reality, as presented in (among other places) The Secret, if we are being truthful to ourselves, we must admit that on many levels our choices do indeed manifest reality. What we think and how we act and react today affects tomorrow's reality.

So then it becomes a matter of: Just what would we like tomorrow to be like? I don't buy into any particular interpretation of the afterlife, but it does intrigue me. The one that intrigues me the most at this point in my life is the idea that this physical realm is something like a kindergarten for souls. In higher forms we will become true manifesters (is that a word?), but first we have to learn the lessons of doing so productively, and the downside of doing so destructively. The type of person that obsesses on power and wealth is going to have to spend a long time in kindergarten until they can get over it! The same goes for those who respond too readily to all the fear signals that are being so widely broadcast to the world through all of our incredible new communication enabling technology.

Those who can at least begin to understand universal, unconditional love, while still understanding all the knowledge and ambiguity of the present day, will be be the ones that elevate the universe; they will be the new spirits of co-creation. I believe that this is how the universe got as far as it has, and how it will progress to the next levels.
edit on 15-4-2012 by Videot because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-4-2012 by Videot because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-4-2012 by Videot because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:52 PM
We've been conditioned to be cut off from universal love. It's like a wavelength and often hard to fathom, but it's there. If we were all able to tune into it properly, this version of reality would end the second it happened.
edit on 15-4-2012 by robhines because: added

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Videot

I like what you're saying in regards to this life being a kindergarden, do you believe that people who do things out of greed and anger, stay here and get reincarnated into another, just because they are not ready for a life that thoughts can easily manifest into reality?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by NewerBeing

Good question, thanks, and one that I don't feel I can answer. There seems to be some evidence for reincarnation, so I do tend to give it credence, but not as an absolute well established truth. It certainly is true as a mental/spirit progression from generation to generation, if not in an entirely physical way.

If it is true, there are all kinds of possibilties. Maybe if you don't make it out of kindergarten on the first try, you just don't make it back. Or maybe you do get reincarnated, just to be a catalyst that keeps things moving along, make people wake up smell the thorns, so that they continue to grow. Or maybe you come back as a polar opposite, so you can see all sides.

The possibilities are endless, and who's to say they're not all true (or all false)! I wish I knew. What seems most likely is that the growth of consciousness, both individually and universally, is the point at the heart of it all.

edit on 15-4-2012 by Videot because: (no reason given)

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