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Can Someone Please

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posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 02:27 PM
Let me know where is the constellation of Orion in degrees now and for
Also when will this constellation be over NYC if it is not already.
thank you in advance


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:12 PM

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:42 PM
At about 1:00 AM, the constellation Orion will have risen over the southeastern horizon from where you're at.
Towards the end of the year, you'll be able to see it earlier and earlier in the evening sky after sunset.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 03:45 PM
I'm outside of Toronto. Last night Orion was about 45 degrees in the sky due south. This was about 3 am.


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Great find, and I thank you. But I was not able to do Orion over NYC. I need to know when Orion will be over NYC in degrees.
please help


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:14 PM
At 1:00am when it rises over NYC, what are the degrees, and for tomorrow morning?
please this is very important

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:47 PM

At 1:00am when it rises over NYC, what are the degrees, and for tomorrow morning?
please this is very important

I feel like I'm butting in because I have no information to offer, but does your question have any relation to the various theories regarding upcoming terrorist attacks?

Or maybe I've been reading to many posts on ATS and my life has turned into one big conspiracy theory!!!



posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:04 PM
I've been doing some research over the years, and this is the only thing that I'm unable to calculate.
Jemison, if you take every attack from Khobar Towers to Bali to 9/11, it' not numbers/numerology at all that they use. They won't chg their method either.
may sound crazy but look for yourself...
it's ritual alignment without the need of telecommunications.
I had read it, had to prove it, but Orion part of the caculation.
Nothing far fetched, it's been used in history before.

[edit on 26-9-2004 by LL1]

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:12 PM
LL1, I'm impressed! I hope someone can give you the information you need. What is leading you to look at when Orien is over NYC rather than D.C. or L.A.?
Anything I can help search for? U2U me if you need help finding additional info. I'd be happy to do some googling for you.



posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 06:05 PM
I was looking up wondering why!? was this all happening.
I noticed a crescent shaped moon, which brought me out of the 9/11 thought surrounding us.
I was like, interesting a crescent moon, that would be like dieing under ones' flag for a suicide marytyr. Crescents are on the flags of Muslim countries.

I took it a step further and took all attacks claimed by AQ, laid out and compared to the Naval Chart on lunar cycles.
Ping.. all crescents.

Bascially we see the same moon as they will see on the Gaza Strip.

Further research led to NASA, and their lanuch pads (notice the numbers of the pads 39), and ritual alignment and our gov't. This may be for launches as well as war.

After 9/11 flight 587 11/12, crescent moon.
After 9/11 Madrid 3/11, crescent moon, notice the times of these train explosions.
There have been full moons (new beginnings), but predominately crescents.

Then I found a site that made awhole lot of sense. Heading in a direction I had seen.
The gov't not only does/uses ritual aignments, but AQ is doing it as well.
Check this: bin Laden> "I know your magic, and I will use it against you."
Bush's language of "crusaders" vs OBL's language of "infidels".
All ancient rhetoric.
OBL had sent a message> they'd "hit us 39x77". Mean anything? What flights were used, and what side of the Pentagon was hit?
West side, flight 77. What's the Lat/Long of the Pentagon.
Long/Lat of DC 39x77, they knew flt 93 was headed for the White House.
What does 77 God's Longitude mean? (search google DC is not there by accident)

Why is Orion so important, Orion sat at 33 degrees above the horizon in the Kenya boming to the WTC to the Pentagon, it seems each plane was timed for a precision hit when Orion met 33 degrees above the horizon.

With tomorrow being 9/27, may be nothing, but there is heavy talks of a "spectacular attack".
I want to know how to caculate Orion at horizon, or know when it is at near 33 degree to horizon for NYC.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 07:20 PM

With tomorrow being 9/27, may be nothing, but there is heavy talks of a "spectacular attack". I want to know how to caculate Orion at horizon, or know when it is at near 33 degree to horizon for NYC.

I'm not having any luck finding this info but I'm still looking. There has got to be someone online that can figure this out!



posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 07:33 PM
Here's a link about star alignment:


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 07:40 PM
View the NASA launch pads and the WTC 1993 and the alignment then with Orion:

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 08:29 PM
I think you should post all of this under another subject - maybe current events or scandals so that more minds can work on this. This is fascinating and I'm sure a lot of people would be more than willing to help but might not be reading this link because they don't know too much about space exploration.



posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 08:36 PM
I have no idea of how to move the thread....

I thought the space/science people would be able to gv the location of Orion.
I've searched and searched numerous sites, and no luck.

Did you get a chance to read about the attacks and ritual alignment?

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by LL1
I have no idea of how to move the thread....

...if you would like your thread moved to another forum, feel free to U2U me or another staff member (our U2U links are on the lefthand side of the Main Forum Page...just click on our names) and I'll be happy to do that for you.


posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 08:47 PM
do you know how to calculate where Orion is in degrees and what state/country it is over for tomorrow?
I really wanted the answer tonight.

As far as the thread, wherever that you may feel it is best.
I had thought space/science for Orion, but it crosses the lines of both terrorism and masonic...
I thank you...

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 08:25 AM
Unless someone U2U'd you with the info I am guessing that you didn't get it.
Maybe the 29th is another day that needs to be figured ...


posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Well, let us start at the simple beginnings... The Earth revolves, and as it does this the stars in the sky revolve as well. They all move in unity, at the same pace. This includes Orion.

What's my point? No matter where you are Orion (or any other constellation, for that matter) will be 33 degrees above the horizon. Also, what part of Orion do you want to be 33 degrees above the horizon? Some stars will rise before others, so not all of the constellation may be risen when a star, Betelguese for example (Yes, I know it isn't the first to rise), may be 33 degrees above the horizon.

Time for some pictures... (from Starry Night Pro, of course!

This was taken at the date and time of the first tower being hit, from the position in NYC... so as you can see, ALL of Orion was well above 33 degrees in the sky, even the lowest star of Rigel.

Anyway, as others have told you, Orion rises very early in the morning (or very late at night if that's how you want to look at it) during this time of year. Though it is rising sooner and sooner, and in a few months you'll be able to see it in the evening and throughout the night. A good way to judge how high above the horizon something is to extend your arm and make a fist so that your knuckles are parallel with the horizon. The width of your fingers is approximately 10 degrees. So when Orion is just past three fist widths it should be around 33 degrees

As a side note, why did it have to be 33 degrees? Is this some sort of obscure Masonic thing?


posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 10:01 AM

Originally posted by LL1
do you know how to calculate where Orion is in degrees and what state/country it is over for tomorrow?

Download this:
With it you can check what sky looks in whatever place (and time) you choose.
And program is completely free.

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