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if an alien race makes contact in 2012, what would be the effect on world wide religon?

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posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 09:59 AM
I really don't believe that disclosure will have an effect on religion, per se, but more of an impact on the individual. I mean, think about it. I know not all religions have done this, but Catholicism has actually come out in the past year or so, and said it's ok to believe in alien life. Where they used to say quite the opposite before then. So it seems some religions are getting ready, so to speak, for the inevitable.

Where the true impact will come from, though, is the individual. There will be those that will start to question their entire reality. They've been told by people they trust, that aliens don't exist, ghosts don't exist, this doesn't exist, and that doesn't exist. But God does exist. These beliefs are the true ones. Do this, and not this. So once they see that something they've been told doesn't exist really does exist, they'll start to question other things told to them.

All it takes is for the door to the mind to be opened, for them to start seeking knowledge themselves. Just some people have really good locks on those doors, so a simple turning of the handle won't always work. A lot of it really depends on the person, as well as their influences in life. Some may have started with a very open mind, only to have it slammed shut, and barricaded before they could utilize it. Others just may not have had the right "key", so to speak, to really get them to use it.

I'm thankful that I kept a "skeleton key" for my door, so to speak. lol What I mean by that, is no matter what a lot of people told me, I made my own beliefs. I believed in aliens from the first time I heard of them, because something deep inside told me they're real. The pictures of greys always made my stomach turn, as if I've seen them before. Hollywood creatures, nope, not at all. But greys, yep, almost always get that reaction, even today. So no matter what anyone told me on this, I never listened to them.

I was "blessed" as a child, by having my parents divorce very shortly after I was born. What I mean by "blessed", is I was passed back and forth a lot as a child, being told the same religious stories by my parents. But the problem was, one was Catholic, the other was Christian(not sure which exact one). They both spoke the same stories, but both always told me the other was wrong. As a child, I never understood this. When learning about Greek "mythology", I couldn't stop thinking......"If this was their religion, why isn't it around today? Why did this not work, yet christianity does?"

So I was lucky enough to have experiences growing up, to open my mind, and give me the desire to want to discover, to learn. Other people haven't had those types of experiences. So their "doors" are locked, until the day comes that something opens those locks for them. The day disclosure happens, may very well be that day for them. If not, then, well........those are some damn "good" locks. lol

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by vister74

The world will be in turmoil as every thing that we have be told though generations is a lie

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by cartello
reply to post by vister74

The world will be in turmoil as every thing that we have be told though generations is a lie

I wouldnt be too sure. I think the vast majority of people here on the planet would think the following thought: "Religion is a lie? Myaa, I kinda saw that comming."

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:04 AM
The arrival of aliens wouldn't affect my religious beliefs in any way. However, if they look like alligators walking upright there is a good chance that at least a few of them will meet their fate on my barbeque pit!

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by littled16
The arrival of aliens wouldn't affect my religious beliefs in any way. However, if they look like alligators walking upright there is a good chance that at least a few of them will meet their fate on my barbeque pit!

Something tells me that if they were upright alligators that had the technology to fly to our planet, then YOU'D be the one on the barbecue pit. lol

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by justwokeup

Organised religion rolls with the punches.

Yeah, right. They scream "Persecution!" very loudly, and then shout the power words they have been taught. "Jesus!" "Demons!" "Satan!"
Let's face it, if a High Technology ET Race came down to Earth and began to intermingle with Humanity, the various book religions would no longer have a leg to stand on. Why go to church and hope for a miracle when the ETs can provide it for free? Why await a Savor when these people offer to take you away to Paradise, and proves it? What is the ET tell us we are the Goods and Goddesses, and they are here to serve us?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by Necrobile

Guess it just depends on how hungry my bunch is that day! Never doubt the determination of a bunch of hungry redneck/cajuns! Especially if there's potato salad to go with the barbeque!

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by justwokeup

Organised religion rolls with the punches.

Yeah, right. They scream "Persecution!" very loudly, and then shout the power words they have been taught. "Jesus!" "Demons!" "Satan!"
Let's face it, if a High Technology ET Race came down to Earth and began to intermingle with Humanity, the various book religions would no longer have a leg to stand on. Why go to church and hope for a miracle when the ETs can provide it for free? Why await a Savor when these people offer to take you away to Paradise, and proves it? What is the ET tell us we are the Goods and Goddesses, and they are here to serve us?

When faced with loss of all credability and relevance i think the big religions would adapt to accommodate. The vatican already has. At the end of the day they don't want to be out of a job and lose their power. Everything else is tradable.

Who's to say Aliens will be offering salvation anyway. The 'god' idea can just as easily accommodate aliens as it can anything else.

A certain type of christian bible thumper and islamic extremists may cause trouble. I think the moderate majority would be over it fairly quickly.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by littled16

Touche, good sir, touche.......but how do you know these aren't Teenage Mutant Cajun Gators!?!? D:

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:25 AM

if an alien race makes contact in 2012, what would be the effect on world wide religon?,

That’s exactly what tptb would like to know.

Tptb, religion haters, and God haters would all like the answer to that question.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:30 AM
I honestly do not think much will change.
The world's various religions would probably just compensate for their existence.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Alexander the Great
I honestly do not think much will change.
The world's various religions would probably just compensate for their existence.

I have to agree. I know the optimists say that world religions would crumble, but I don't think so. Religion will either claims these aliens are just another of God's creations, and the status quo remains, or they would call them demons, which would just reaffirm their religious beliefs. Humanity is too far gone to let the fantasy die, after all doesn't perfect ever lasting life in heaven sound awesome?

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Necrobile

Tastes about the same! Besides, don't you know we got wild ninja skills when it comes to getting the "food that moves" down here!

Will send you an invitation for the cookout!

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by littled16

No, I'm sorry, most of my experience is with "Midwest Rednecks", not of the cajun variety. lol

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by vister74
i was just wondering, what if the aliens said to us it was them that spoke to moses on that mountain, and told him to close his eyes so he could not see the technology they use?

It wouldnt change a Christian's views. There are indeed "Sky People' out there and have been through the Millenniums but trust me it wasnt them that wrote the Ten comandments or helped Moses, quite the opposite.

The Bible is the best authority on the nature of UFO’s and Aliens. In both the old and new Testament, in its original text, especially recorded in Deuteronomy 2:10-37; 9:2; 1 Samuel 17:4; Numbers 13:33; 14:6-9; Joshua 11:21-22; 21:11; Judges 1:20; Genesis Chapter 6:4; Matthew Chapter 24:15, 37; and I Peter 3:18, 19; II Peter Chapter 2:4-9; also Jude verses 6 and 7.
edit on 15-4-2012 by wonderworld because: need to find my thread link

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by vister74

I think it should solidify the need for total disclosure now before the possibility of that happening however, miniscuel the chance might be. If government would be more open and honest with their findings, it wouldn't cause the panic or whatever else such an event would cause.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:02 PM
If the presence of alien life was such a devastating idea, one would think that they see more push back from the religious right about any of the possibilities of microbes from another world story that seems to be around. On topic though, I think it would depend on the situation, but just aliens appearing would probably get alot of people to think about all their core assumptions and compare it to the aliens. However, unless the aliens were some type of Dawkings esq preachers, I am not seeing too much damage to the world religions, Christianity doesn't have any core tenets that are violated by presence of aliens for once.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by vister74
im woundering if anybodys thought of the impact alien contact would have on religon across the world!

Well some part of Christianety/islam/Judaism might get some problem since humanity will have to get over its ego that it is not special anymore. New Age will be jumbing for joy for they will love more soulbrothers and soulsisters to share experiance with. Buddist and Hindus will see the souls as part of the whole anyway so not much difference there. Except the hindus might be pissed of at some of the aliens for droping nuclear bombs in the past

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 12:10 PM
This is what most Christian Protestant’s believe. I’m not sure what other denominations believe.A Christian Perspective on Aliens

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 01:00 PM
Won't change anything for me. I'm all for some being/entity that created everything. Not just matter, but emotions. Things I don't think just show in in simple evolution. How everything comes from nothing rattles the brain. And I believe until you rejoin that entity, that is your souls purpose. A learning journey through the infinity of reality.

If there are beings on or around the planet, I can safely assume they are evolved intellectually anyways, beyond us in many ways.

I'm sure they would have had peaceful discussions about their origins at some point in their history where if they followed a path like us in the past, had gone through similar events we are undergoing today, and fought their wars throughout history and overcome the need for them.

When you have your basic survival needs met, and technology we can't even comprehend at such high levels, you pretty much just live your life. Little work but the technology probably lessens the burden considerably.

I'm sure any being in the infinity of space would easily bring religion into their lives at one point as a focus of their time and effort to further themselves mentally and spiritually.

Not to be rude to followers of different faiths across the earth, but I'm sure they are closer to the bulls eye on the issue than we are.

I'm quite sure their religion would completely contradict many of the world's religions quite easily. I look at history and even the present and find many religions use fear of eternal damnation and vengeful gods as quite contradictory to the message you can take away from most religions. We already have the commonality but I'm sure these life guideposts, as i call them, have been twisted and used to create holy wars and religious tensions to keep people at each others throats. Religion is a true weapon of war, there is no doubt in my mind.

Maybe I'm just thinking that is how they would be based on what I believe, but my belief sounds like a win/win for everybody just wished more people would be open to believing what they believe may not be the grand absolute truth.

In the end, I think it would be a great thing for a world wide religion. Just by the ones we have today, they could use a fresh renewal and tidying up a bit while not losing the positive messages and guidance people receive everyday from them. Just trim the useless fat from them that divides the human race.

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