Questions for Bush:
Q. President Bush, you and Mr. Kerry have both been criticized for your conduct during the Vietnam War. Which one of you served his country better?
A. Some have questioned Senator Kerry's decision to take a jaunt halfway around the world to Vietnam, leaving our border with Mexico defended only by
my small band of brothers in the Texas National Guard. But I will not stoop to criticizing any man's service.
Q. What was your biggest foreign-policy mistake as president?
A. Well, I guess it's what I said to Karl Rove yesterday, when we were talking about sending the neocons back to their think tanks. If we'd stayed
out of Iraq, we'd be up 20 points in the polls.
Q. When Senator Kerry was your daughters' age, he volunteered to go to Vietnam. Did you ever encourage them to volunteer for Iraq?
A. We don't need any more problems in Iraq, thank you.
Questions for Kerry:
Q. Senator Kerry, you have been described by the Bush campaign as the greatest debater since Cicero. Does that give you an edge tonight?
A. I can't make a fair judgment, since I've read Cicero only in the Italian translation, you lose so much from the Latin.
Q. You now call the Iraq war a mistake. Yet you say that, even knowing what we know now, you would still have voted to authorize it. How does that
make sense?
A. I actually voted against the first Gulf War before I voted for this one.
Q.. Do you now consider your public display of windsurfing off Nantucket to be a faux pas?
A. Faux pas? Non, au contraire. C'etait magnifique! J'ai donn� l'image d'homme tr�s fort et tr�s sportif! Et Monsieur Bush, il est un wuss!
A) Who among us does not love windsurfing?
A) Teresa said spandex is a hot look for me.