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A question for Christians on this subject

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posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:29 AM
So I'm currently re-watching the movie Thrive, which has just been released free online, as I've mentioned in another thread ( if anyone is interested. I just got to the point where Foster starts talking about UFOs, and it made me think of something.

Apparently Christians aren't the only people who think that there is no other life in the universe, and that extraterrestrials are exclusively demons. I can't remember where I saw it, but somewhere online I came across a quote from a Luciferian man who claimed that it was an integral element of their plan, to have spirits falsely claim to be extraterrestrials, or another life form, and this with the specific purpose of deceiving humanity.

I'm going to hypothetically accept that possibility as real, for a few moments. The idea that humanity itself, is the sole form of sentient life in existence; and that to the extent that there genuinely are extraterrestrials, they are in fact demonic in nature, and are here to throw us off course.

My question for Christians, as a consequence of this is; what is the divine purpose of outer space? Why did God bother creating space at all, if it is completely empty? If we are the only life form there is, why create all that extra area? Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

More questions. What is the point of extraterrestrials deceiving us? How are they deceiving us, and in what way? Assuming, again hypothetically, that they are deceiving us, doesn't having them come from outer space seem like an excessively laborious explanation? If Satan wanted to have his demons pretend to be another race of beings in order to deceive people, why not just use the stories of the fairies, and make out that they're from Earth? Wouldn't that, again, be a lot easier?

Please answer these, Christians. I'm not trying to troll. I genuinely want to know the answers.
edit on 13-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:44 AM
Couple thoughts- maybe God knew human capabilities and how far we could see into the universe and He wanted to keep heaven far enough away that it would still require faith to believe in it rather than observation.

Secondly, as a Christian, I am not completely convinced that God hasn't created life elsewhere. If I went according to my beliefs based on the bible, I would say just the supposed aliens that have come into contact with us are demons

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:46 AM
You may find this link helpful:

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by micmerci
Secondly, as a Christian, I am not completely convinced that God hasn't created life elsewhere. If I went according to my beliefs based on the bible, I would say just the supposed aliens that have come into contact with us are demons

This interests me, because it's actually similar to the observations of some New Agers. They've also said that they think that it's only the negative aliens (or demons) who have visited us as well, because the positive aliens wouldn't, due to something like Star Trek's Prime Directive, which is a law preventing them from interfering with anyone who is less advanced than they are.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by NancyNeedles
You may find this link helpful:

This was interesting. I noticed they cited some of science's problems with faster than light travel as well, which I certainly wasn't expecting.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:55 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Apparently Christians aren't the only people who think that there is no other life in the universe, and that extraterrestrials are exclusively demons.

But not ALL Christians believe that , from my experience its the ones that have read a little to much into the(largely discredited) Book of Enoch

My question for Christians, as a consequence of this is; what is the divine purpose of outer space?

Or is there a divine purpose of outer space?

What is the point of extraterrestrials deceiving us?

Are they ? , what is the proof for this outside of the Bible ?

Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

And surely that's where the argument falls down ..... of course it would .

Edit to add
I'm not a Christian or a follower of any religion

edit on 13-4-2012 by gortex because: Edit to add

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:02 AM
Im not sure Aliens & UFO's is the best forum for this subject matter..maybe Philosophy & Metaphysics would have been a better match?

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:09 AM
Revelations are not set in stone and are warnings and with that being said, if you heed the warnings and somehow find it in our selves to make peace amongst each other. We need to stop debating my god and your god don't exist bickering and should let peace be our guide.Over time as we heal the planet and help those that are starving and those deserts are green and as the world begins to become one and eventually everyone will find God. I wrote a story on Satan and the grand deceptions in the short story board and I based it on testimonies of people and it is because of your soul they hunger for.
If we manage to end all wars and fix all that was done to this planet and be rid of money we would need to solve the over population thing and if we merge God with science, we would than be given that missing part we need to populate the cosmos. The bad guy draws lines between us and make us weak and we destroy each other with words and wars and I bet you he knows some secrets and he is willing to share it for a price.
I think they made a deal with the someone of great power and every nation before that.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by petrus4

In the Bible it only tells us what the Lord did with seven days of His time. In six days time He created the Heavens and the Earth, and on the seventh day He rested. Okay, so there are a few other mentions of him spending a bit of time hanging out with Adam and debating what to do about some other famous people in the Bible. But for the most part it doesn't tell us anything about what He spends the rest of his time doing.

As a Christian I believe it is arrogant to believe that the Lord hasn't got other pans in the fire. Just because the Bible doesn't tell us about the Lord creating life anywhere else doesn't mean that He hasn't done it. The Bible tells us exactly what the Lord WANTS us to know and that's it. Nothing more and nothing less. He gave us brains to figure out the rest to the best of our ability.

The differences lie in how each person interprets what they think the Bible actually means, including trying to interpret things which the Bible has omitted. Since the Bible doesn't specifically mention the Lord creating life elsewhere in the universe some Christians interpret that as meaning any living being that is not from our planet must be either an Angel or a Demon as these beings ARE mentioned in the Bible. Other Christians believe that it is possible that the Lord may have created life on other planets even though not mentioned in the Bible because the Bible simply does not tell us EVERYTHING and possibility is high that the Lord HAS filled his time with other endeavors besides US.

Point is, nobody really knows for certain and the Bible doesn't tell us one way or the other. Aliens could be life from other planets OR they could be Demons. NOBODY but the Lord knows for sure!

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by petrus4

at the end of the day we're all governed by the laws of physics, unless of course you're from another dimension.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:30 AM

Originally posted by petrus4

My question for Christians, as a consequence of this is; what is the divine purpose of outer space? Why did God bother creating space at all, if it is completely empty? If we are the only life form there is, why create all that extra area? Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

More questions. What is the point of extraterrestrials deceiving us? How are they deceiving us, and in what way? Assuming, again hypothetically, that they are deceiving us, doesn't having them come from outer space seem like an excessively laborious explanation? If Satan wanted to have his demons pretend to be another race of beings in order to deceive people, why not just use the stories of the fairies, and make out that they're from Earth? Wouldn't that, again, be a lot easier?

Please answer these, Christians. I'm not trying to troll. I genuinely want to know the answers.
edit on 13-4-2012 by petrus4 because: (no reason given)

1: I can only answer with an example but its not based on scipture. I believe the function for outer space is to create light on a clear night. also our purpose was to have eternal life (adam and eve were immortal) so space could also serve as a future hobby? to keep us occupied kinda thing since living forever would require something to pass the time also I think an analogy can be drawn here.... Space is pretty murch earths "backyard"

2: I am telling you this the way I learned this and believe it. The story's of demons being fairy's has actually worked for century's but nowadays we dont really en-masse believe in the supernatural anymore, instead we trust science. So following that development demons have shifted from fairytale to being aliens. Since science is interested in the very large possibility of another earthlike planet with life, demons pretending to be aliens from another planet wont seem farfetched...
Then the reason they want to deceive us. Its because demons are literally "hellbent" on keeping as many humans as possible occupied with anything but worshipping YHWH. they employ tons of different tactics to achieve this goal. take the Vatican. A true masterpiece of deceit. and how many other religions are there that base their faith on the bible. The existence of aliens could also convince many people to stop believing in a god. Enough reasons to ostracize aliens anyway

I just saw where this thread is going so hence the little add-on. I responded to the OP in wich was CLEARLY stated a "hypothetical stance" upon wich I formulated my response. It is meant for the OP and anyone who would like to discuss different POV.
edit on 13/4/2012 by faceoff85 because: new thread developments

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:32 AM
Personally, as a devout Christian....I don't think all "alien activity" is demonic.

When you are talking about abducties, maybe demonic. I don't know, and it doesn't really concern me.

UFO's...again, I am a wee bit of a conspiriacist, and I believe there are much greater amounts of knowledge posesed by the gov't systems that we are near grasping. Who knows for sure if its demons or our gov'ts. More or less they tend to have similar traits anyway. lol.

And on the other hand, as previously noted, its a big Universe, and we have a more powerful God. He may have put some other life out there for giggles. God knows, and maybe one day we might too.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:43 AM
I would rather that people stopped bloody well generalising about what Christians do and do not believe. No where in the Bible does it say categorically that anything that is alive, sentient, intelligent but not of the Earth is automatically a deamon, and until the day that someone points out those exact words in the good book, I will not believe that this was the intended route of belief that our creator lined up for us.

I am a Christian. I also have a deep respect for scientific approaches to an awful lot of things, including the issue of alien life, and the potential existance thereof. I do not believe that it is appropriate or helpful to indulge in zealotry when discussing such fundamentally important matters.

For what its worth, I have met Christians who believe they have guardian angels, one even introduced me... I have to say, as strong as my faith is, all I was seeing was the other side of the room. Now, I do not believe that alien = deamon. I believe that aliens do not need explaining within the context of my faith, and am happy to let God answer the questions I have about that when my card gets punched. However, I am deeply concerned to learn that some xenophobes disguised as rational God fearing folk have a different and more militant attitude. I believe that one ought to, when dealing with matters of science and discovery, be prepared to suspend ones own prejudice, and focus on what is right there in the physical world around one. That others are seemingly unprepared for that is a horrid thought.

Make no bones about it, the hunt for extra terrestrial life, and intelligent life at that, should be a purely scientific excersize, and those who insist on forcing religious and metaphysical meaning on the situation, simply to make them more able to accept the possibility into thier primative minds, are proving nothing to anyone, other than how utterly, pants on head, shoes on hands, driving the car using the rear passenger side wheel MAD they really are.

I defy any of these pathetic intellectual non entities to prove that aliens are deamons, and by prove, I mean with scientific means, not supposition, documentary evidence, or the inane waffling of "journalists" and crackpots. I would hold the deamon claim to the same standard of proof I would apply to a sighting or a report of a captured UFO... Give me hard scientific proof, that we can examine in a lab, or go the hell home.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:58 AM
link is something very important.
The theme of the bible, is Gods Kingdom

Satan challenged Gods right to rule in the garden of eden. God has allowed Satan to have power over the earth for the purpose of proving that we are not fit to rule ourselves. This takes much time, as we have to try every form of government to prove none of them work.

If there was another sentient race already created before us, satan would have challenged Gods right to rule them first, and they would have been in the same situation we are in today, until they rejected satans rule, and accepteed they require Gods spirit.

If there were another sentient race before us, the issue of Gods right to rule would have already been resolved, and the garden of eden scenario would never have been allowed. Satans challenge that Gods way is not the best way would have already been dealt with, and this course we are on would be pointless.

I believe we are the first of the sentient physical beings. Once we figure out that only following Gods way is the best way...then the whole universe he created for us will be open to us to propegate...but we have to learn that we are not fit to rule ourselves first...Satan has to be expelled from our existence, the rebel must be locked away.

Then, we have the whole universe to fill....just like he gave us the earth to fill.

Here's something...what is gravity? Scientists keep trying to figure it is a law god created...we can measure its effects, plane missions to other planets using formulas that work based on its effects, but we don't actually know what causes it...what if we did?
Look what happened when we figured out how to make an atom explode? that kinda knowledge has two sides...we can't handle the truth yet...but when we can, nothing will be out of our reach

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:09 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
Apparently Christians aren't the only people who think that there is no other life in the universe, and that extraterrestrials are exclusively demons. I can't remember where I saw it, but somewhere online I came across a quote from a Luciferian man who claimed that it was an integral element of their plan, to have spirits falsely claim to be extraterrestrials, or another life form, and this with the specific purpose of deceiving humanity.

I'm going to hypothetically accept that possibility as real, for a few moments. The idea that humanity itself, is the sole form of sentient life in existence; and that to the extent that there genuinely are extraterrestrials, they are in fact demonic in nature, and are here to throw us off course.

My question for Christians, as a consequence of this is; what is the divine purpose of outer space?

Thanks for the integrity of your questions.

I'll respond per my view.

The best panel of high ranking scholars I ever read/listened to on the topic was by Guy Malone of



I talked with Guy somewhat extensively at a couple of conferences.

And, imho, the Book of Enoch bears on the topic quite a lot.

Also, root word studies into Genesis 6 was helpful. Guy's scholars went into both in some detail.


[color=33CCFF]He evidently enjoyed doing so.
[color=33CCFF]He wants to populate it over countless millenia
[color=33CCFF]He promised Abraham alone to have offspring
[color=33CCFF]numbering as the stars or sand grains of the sea shore.

It is quite plausible to me that it IS populated. Scripture is silent on the issue.

There is an interesting Scripture that kind of infers life on other planets . . . the gates of the New Jerusalem in many translations are each made of a single pearl.

While God could with a word create such a pearl, He seems to prefer to do it THE OLD FASHIONED WAY. So it's quite plausible that such pearls come from very distant oceans.

In terms of Scripture, it's like these couple of verses--above and below . . . There's possibly a hint or two here and there but nothing conclusive.

There is the interesting verse:

ALL CREATION WAITS GROANINGLY, YEARNINGLY for the manifestation of the sons of God--evidently to help relieve all CREATION OF THE BURDEN OF SIN AND REBELLION AGAINST GOD.

(Romans 8:19)

New International Version (©1984)
The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed.

New Living Translation (©2007)
For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.

New American Standard Bible (©1995)
For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.

I asked Guy if he thought there was any chance that any of the critters . . . or maybe in spite of whatever the UFO critters were, that there were actually citizens of distant planets. He thought there was less than a 1% chance.

I don't know that I'd guess the same percentage. I might go as high as 25-50% possibility.

To be clear . . . I think Guy's scholars are right . . . demons were fallen angels who lost their bodies during Noah's flood because they had chosen to be embodied on earth in order to copulate with pretty women. Now, disembodied, they seek bodies to enhabit--human or otherwise.

There were a lot of fallen angels who did NOT lose their bodies during the flood. These ARE LIKELY THE UFO CRITTERS PRETENDING TO BE citizens of distant orbs.

Scientist Jacques Vallee after 10 years of study concluded that the UFO critters were evil spiritual beings from a SPIRITUAL DIMENSION.

Why did God bother creating space at all, if it is completely empty?

Who's to say it's completely empty? Perhaps our detectors don't detect all that's there.

Who's to say He does not enjoy the decoration?

If we are the only life form there is, why create all that extra area? Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

Speaking things into existence doesn't evidently cause God to break out in a sweat.

Continued next post . . . out of characters.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by petrus4

My question for Christians, as a consequence of this is; what is the divine purpose of outer space? Why did God bother creating space at all, if it is completely empty? If we are the only life form there is, why create all that extra area? Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

More questions. What is the point of extraterrestrials deceiving us? How are they deceiving us, and in what way? Assuming, again hypothetically, that they are deceiving us, doesn't having them come from outer space seem like an excessively laborious explanation? If Satan wanted to have his demons pretend to be another race of beings in order to deceive people, why not just use the stories of the fairies, and make out that they're from Earth? Wouldn't that, again, be a lot easier?

I believe Ezekiel did.

I believe there is life outside this planet, I believe god resides in the heavens as well as angels, that would make them extraterrestrial.

There is war in the heavens good vs, evil, for the hearts of mankind.

Angels of light and angels of darkness.

I have encountered angels of light and angels of darkness.

I believe Ezekiel did.

Now you can substitute the word angel for being.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:20 AM
Full disclosure, not a Christian.

There are some that believe Jesus is referring to extraterrestrials in John 10:16

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.

Just throwing it out there.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by petrus4

Not many Christians believe there are no other planets in this universe that have life on them. They do however believe that they aren't relevant to our existence here on earth and to our actions as humans. I guess I would be considered a Christian even though my beliefs vary a little from mainstream Christians. I believe the Great Spirit is the same god and the main god of all religions is the same god. The spirit of the earth is also a character of all religions and that should be respected also. So what you are saying about Christians is far from the truth because it lumps all Christians together. Christianity evolves but the ten commandments still govern. To me. God is the main god of all religions and I don't care what his name is personally. It's only about getting into heaven anyway. I guess I won't make it because I can't judge others for lack of knowledge of the big picture. Well maybe I can live in a rock or tree when I go, If they'll have me.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:25 AM

If we are the only life form there is, why create all that extra area? Wouldn't it have surely been more economical, in terms of effort, to simply just create this planet, alone?

God seems to love complexity as well as simplicity . . . and certainly variety.

More questions. What is the point of extraterrestrials deceiving us?

Satan's only way of getting back at God for getting kicked out of heaven for satan's rebellion . . . is to seduce mortals into hell with him. The fallen angels are tasked with helping achieve that with as many mortals as possible.

And, it provides a VIVID OBJECT LESSON for mortals AND ALL CREATION



As I've noted to Guy Malone . . . it DOES NOT MATTER whether the UFO critters are

1. ONLY fallen angels
2. fallen angels and citizens of distant orbs
3. only citizens of distant orbs.

ALL the ones written about in our era, certainly, and plausibly as part of the millenia long GREAT DECEPTION the NT speaks of . . .

All of them . . . are clearly in cahoots with the satanic globalists toward setting up and scaring the citizens of earth into a satanic Marxist global tyrannical government just as predicted for the era in which Israel became a nation again. That's all I need to know about their values and agenda.

How are they deceiving us, and in what way?

Whether the script is for the critters to take the role of

1. benevolents
2. benign
3. both benevolent saviors and conquering attackers in a good-cop/bad-cop charade

the GOAL is to scare, coerce, demand all earth's citizens joint a one world government and one world religion eventually worshiping only satan. That much is clear from the basic script outline in Revelation. And it is clear enough from countless UFO critter pontifications . . . even though . . . as government officials affirm, they all


They deceive playing any of the above roles.

They deceive asserting that they created all the religious figures of history, including Jesus, for social engineering purposes etc. Even if they proffer at some future point a purported historic 3D holographic video to support their claims . . . it's still a deception. They've had millenia to 'photoshop' any number of things however magically looking.

Assuming, again hypothetically, that they are deceiving us, doesn't having them come from outer space seem like an excessively laborious explanation?

Not in a culture and in a era that has been

[color=ff0000]to glorify space, technology etc

What slicker way to delude the masses . . . on the heels of the CIA et al proffered DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL etc. right up to the present. The dark forces of the globalist ops folks have been in the thick of all the major space, ET movies. . . . . carefully conditioning the masses.

If Satan wanted to have his demons pretend to be another race of beings in order to deceive people, why not just use the stories of the fairies, and make out that they're from Earth? Wouldn't that, again, be a lot easier?

I don't know that one fantasy is easier than the other. I don't assume that.

Certainly our era has long been conditioned to gah gah adore and/or fear our 'space brothers.'

And, satan wants to be worshiped AS GOD. Better for all that to come from OUT THERE. FITS BETTER such memes.

Please answer these, Christians. I'm not trying to troll. I genuinely want to know the answers

I did my personal best to comply with your request. May my poor words be useful and/or thought-provoking for you.

I await your response with respect and interest.


posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 11:33 AM

edit on 13-4-2012 by donbot1000 because: I wish to withdraw my post.

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