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About The Theory That We Are An Alien Race's Experiment

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posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:07 AM
To all those people who think that we are an experiment of an alien race.......and were bred from them or something like that......or even created by them, wouldn't you wonder what created the aliens as well?!?!

[edit on 26-9-2004 by IceX]

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:41 AM
I'm not saying we were created. But even if we were, it does not mean the aliens were created. They may have just evolved.

Just think how many hybrids human scientits and breeders have created. Every breed of dog is a creation of man, GM crops also.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:43 AM
Of course we wonder who created the aliens that created us.

We are a genetic slave would explain why we don't use our whole brains, and have to try to hard to use psychic powers. We were designed to be unable to challenge our creators.

For instance, animals (like cats) communicate without talking, so they obviously can use their whole brains. We are mammals, too, but very few of us can even come close.

We were designed for hard labor, but we were abandoned and have become intelligent and lazy...

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 04:55 AM
I forget the exact number but there are something in the neighborhood of 30 human genomes that have no genetic predecessor whatseover. Hence the search for our evolutionary gap as a 'missing link'. Also interesting to note is the sumerian and other early mythology. I have read the works of Sitchin, and I find alot of his work hard to swallow and it comes across as conjecture at times, but he has an angle I find intriguing none-the-less. There is no doubt that human evolution got a major kick in the butt from somewhere, and given the lack of genetic precursors in our chromosomal make up, and theological commonalities of our creation by a higher being, this theory has yet to be seriously examined and I think carries a great deal of weight. Another interesting angle is man kind's intrinisic value they have placed on certain things like gold, jewels, amber, etc. all of which have unique electromagnetic properties.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:15 AM
I read somewhere we were created to be soldiers to fight in an intergalatic war, or something along those lines. The "aliens" created different races (whites,blacks,asiens, etc). to which one would become the most succesful in war. The race who took over the world would then be taken to help fight in the intergalatic war.
pretty trippy stuff, would explain why there are so many wars.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:45 AM

Originally posted by cstyle226

.......For instance, animals (like cats) communicate without talking, so they obviously can use their whole brains.......


I communicate without talking all the time. I'm doing it right now....

Please explain the logic of your statement!

I have to admit that from the rest of your post I can only assume that you are bored and ATS is just another form of entertainment for you: [No offense intended by that - I have absolutely no problem with anyone using these forums for relaxation and amusement.]

We were designed for hard labor, but we were abandoned and have become intelligent and lazy...

Double huh?

If humanity was designed for hard labor, the designer needs to go back to school! We are fragile beings who cannot survive long enough without water and food to make even the gentlest alien taskmaster happy!

The main question in this thread does raise a very good point. Everything that is finite by definition must have a beginning. Whatever brain-boggling theory you choose to cling hold of, the ultimate question has to be "where did Zog the Martian come from?", or more [less?!] scientifically "where did the equal amounts of matter and anti-matter that balanced out to equal 'nothing' before the Big Bang come from?"

The only logical explanation for the existence of anything is that there is something out there that has always existed [infinite] and is the source from which everything else [all energy] originated.

Hint: He's not called Zog.

Let's look at some possibilities:

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The energy that exists now has always existed and manifests itself in a continual cycle of universal expansion and collapse. The Big Bang wasn't THE beginning, it was simply A beginning.

OK - so that gets rid of the annoying 'in the beginning was nothing' problem. All that's left to accept now is evolution....

Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. All that exists originated from one source; and life, the universe and everything is the result of intelligent design. But wait? If this is true, how come the universe is in such a mess.....

Let's narrow that down a bit. Ultimately, it's humanity that is in such a mess. Most thinkers agree that if it wasn't for us humans, this world/universe would be ticking along just dandy. So what's so different about humanity.....?

Answers welcomed!

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 05:52 AM
A secular society with low educational standards is ripe for the founding of a mythology. That's why some people believe they were created by aliens and that aliens created the pyramids, etc. They have no understanding of human history, very little logic, and pick up on debased myths that simply appeal to them instead of researching the real answers.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 07:11 AM
Maybe the "aliens" are just from the future, created by us as a working class. They travel back in time to give ancient man technology and breed smart human, so that current humans can evolve.

Now that is a fun paradox to sink your teeth in

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 07:17 AM
Energy cannot be created or destroyed on Earth. By the technology we have, this theory holds true. But now enter the realm of space with partlicles far beyond our knowledge can be created. I don't know the specific details, but we discussed this in my Astronomy class a few years ago in high school.

We might not have been created...but something had to have happened to us. I mean, we don't become intelligent overnight. We went from a primitive bunch of nomads to some gun carrying hippies. I believe we did get a kick in the but from something.

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 09:01 AM
i reckon they evolved......imagine how hard they laughed(if they laugh) when they saw us all being ruled by religion....they must be glad we're growing out of that

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:25 AM
According to Zecharia Sitchin's archeological findings, the original reason for the Zetan-Reptilian (Anunnaki) to mix their DNA with that of the hominids here, hundreds of thousands of years ago, was to produce a slave race to work the mines.

According to the United States Air Force through Linda Moulton Howe (as is documented on the companion tape to The Mysterious Origins of Man), the extraterrestrials that jumpstarted Homo sapien life here did so with "already evolving primates." This conclusion came from an extensive USAF study which included the retrieval of crashed alien spacecraft and alien bodies, at least one of which survived. That alien survivor, who they nicknamed �EBE� for Extraterrestrial Biological Entity, stated pointblank that his race started human life here many thousands of years ago.

One logical conclusion from this is if the hominids were left alone from alien tampering, they would have eventually physically evolved into something resembling a human or Homo sapien.

If there were indeed already evolving hominids on this world hundreds of thousands of years ago, then is it logical to assume that there probably were "already evolving saurians" on Zeta IV at a much earlier time; these in turn evolved into the Reptilians or Anunnaki that eventually ventured to the stars and decided to make this world their long-term genetic experiment and farm to do whatever they wish.

[edit on 26-9-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by IceX
To all those people who think that we are an experiment of an alien race.......and were bred from them or something like that......or even created by them, wouldn't you wonder what created the aliens as well?!?!

[edit on 26-9-2004 by IceX]

At first, there is no actual evidence about their existence, we do not know much about ourselves, how can we answer who made aliens? (if they exist)

posted on Sep, 26 2004 @ 11:33 AM
He's got a point.

Because even if you think it'd be moronic to assume we are the only life in the vastness of space, you still don't know aliens are real.

We still have heated debates on our origins, so figuring out an alien race's origins is pretty impossible at the moment, right?


[edit on 26-9-2004 by Xatnys]

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:10 AM

Originally posted by beer
At first, there is no actual evidence about their existence, we do not know much about ourselves, how can we answer who made aliens? (if they exist)

Yes i know but i'm challenging those who say that we are an aliens experiment

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:25 AM
I'm not sure if I understand where you are going with this IceX?
Not sure if I understand how...

"To all those people who think that we are an experiment of an alien race.......and were bred from them or something like that......or even created by them, wouldn't you wonder what created the aliens as well?!?!"

that is challenging people who think we were genetically altered by an intellegent extraterrestrial race? I believe this AND I believe in God. So although I would say aliens created us, ultimately I would say God created us and the aliens.

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
I'm not sure if I understand where you are going with this IceX?
Not sure if I understand how...

"To all those people who think that we are an experiment of an alien race.......and were bred from them or something like that......or even created by them, wouldn't you wonder what created the aliens as well?!?!"

that is challenging people who think we were genetically altered by an intellegent extraterrestrial race? I believe this AND I believe in God. So although I would say aliens created us, ultimately I would say God created us and the aliens.

I agree. Why would most believers in God exclude the possibility that God made the heavens and the earth and maybe aliens. I believe in God and the possibility that aliens are involved in someway.


[edit on 29-9-2004 by doctorduh]

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 01:50 AM

Originally posted by taibunsuu
A secular society with low educational standards is ripe for the founding of a mythology. That's why some people believe they were created by aliens and that aliens created the pyramids, etc. They have no understanding of human history, very little logic, and pick up on debased myths that simply appeal to them instead of researching the real answers.

Give people a little more credit than that, taibunsuu. Most of us are indoctrinated from birth into believing something of a religious nature that cannot be proven or long been disproven. That, IMO, is the primary catalyst for the creation of new beliefs such as alien creation. Intelligence takes a backseat when most of the world is forced at birth to accept their cultural religious beliefs. If one belief is cast aside, a new one usually takes its place. Which is what I think happens with stuff like this. Cognitive dissonance makes the faithful unable or unwilling to understand that their beliefs are unfounded.

Belief in an alien creation, IMO, is no worse than being a follower of any contemporary organized religion or cult. And I know many educated and highly intelligent people (a couple of doctors and engineers even) who are extremely faithful to their religious beliefs.

I personally have no terrestrial or extraterrestrial religious beliefs. I've seen a few UFOs though. However, I do not have any reason to think any of it is spiritual in nature. I'm just still trying to find out what it is that I have seen.

[edit on 29-9-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 12:02 AM
its pretty insane to think that we were pushed along by aliens. We advanced sooo fast because our population grew by 5 billion within the past 150 years. 5x more people from 1850 until 2000. And the previous 100 years there were like 500,000,000 people on Earth. so right now, we have 10x the amount of genius', 10x the amount of people free to do what they want. Oh, and now people are more free than ever, and have been recently, to pursue the area of study that intrigues them the most all over the world. That accounts for all of it, and i am actually giving the amount of people in 1850 and 1750 a boost i believe. You equate it to aliens, yet you fail to look at the actual amount of people living on earth, which is the SINGLE biggest factor! Putting someone in an area they love they work harder and more gets done. Easy. Also, it is pretty ridiculous NOT to take up a religion. Let me ask you this.... who taught the first person religion? Why can't we seem to find that "missing" link in evolution? Your questions go unanswered, mine have already been given to me. But, lets not start a religious debate.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 12:47 AM

Originally posted by Ryanp5555
its pretty insane to think that we were pushed along by aliens. We advanced sooo fast because our population grew by 5 billion within the past 150 years. 5x more people from 1850 until 2000. And the previous 100 years there were like 500,000,000 people on Earth. so right now, we have 10x the amount of genius', 10x the amount of people free to do what they want. Oh, and now people are more free than ever, and have been recently, to pursue the area of study that intrigues them the most all over the world. That accounts for all of it, and i am actually giving the amount of people in 1850 and 1750 a boost i believe. You equate it to aliens, yet you fail to look at the actual amount of people living on earth, which is the SINGLE biggest factor! Putting someone in an area they love they work harder and more gets done. Easy. Also, it is pretty ridiculous NOT to take up a religion. Let me ask you this.... who taught the first person religion? Why can't we seem to find that "missing" link in evolution? Your questions go unanswered, mine have already been given to me. But, lets not start a religious debate.

How does our population growth have anything to do with our origins? Take a look at my earlier posts in regards to the unprecedented human genomes, that is where the mystery of the missing link reaches an interesting road block. Also take into consideration that according to just about any religous group or scientific school of thought, one day in sumeria, we all decided to explode into a culturally advanced civilization and start writing. Horse poop! Also take into account the sumerians claimed to have met the gods, and the similarities between their accounts and the other religons of the world particularly those of the western world.

posted on Oct, 1 2004 @ 01:47 AM
A wise man once said its a primitive form of thought that a thing does either exist or does not exist........too bad i never quite understood the meaning of that one.

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