posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 02:16 AM
Well sounds pretty weird. I notice you chose a handle here that has a french sort of sound to it, too.
Just for fun, I can offer a hypothesis? That's all it is.
Lets consider that dreams may be mostly symbolic not literal memory, and that the symbols represent parts of ones own psyche- which conflict with each
other, and interact with each other in various ways.
Symbols vary more or less in different cultures.
An interesting commonality that I find about the associations people have with France, and with Paris in particular, is - sensuality.
All the five physical senses- beauty, food, perfume, sex..... as opposed to the intellectual part of being which is sometimes in conflict with this
part of our "animal" being, for dominance of the body and in choice making.
This is rational because the french DO value highly these things, they trust the social animal within, as a cultural value, more so than the powers of
the intellect in making good choices and effective actions in the world.
The person who described the streets of Paris and the way it is somewhat like being in a jungle is correct. I have relatives visit me here in France
and ask me how I ever learned to drive on the streets, how to get through a round-about! I basically had to embrace that animal side of me that just
"feels" how to take my place in the social workings and do it instinctively. Then it is not only easy, it is also quite comfortable!
I had to struggle at first though because I too, come from a community which values higher intellectual pursuit and dominance, and all my sensual
appetites and skills were seen as the source of sin...LOL.. or at least the source of stupidity. I couldn't understand why the french will call
someone who thinks a lot "stupid"- until I realized that stopping to think about things makes you fall out of sync with your environment and you
lose- you'll get hit by a car or something. Evolutionary wise, it is inadaptve- therefore stupid.
There is the Paris Syndrome, which strikes tourists to Paris and other places, but so very often it is Paris that it was named after it. It happens
more to Asians than any other nationality. It is interesting to note that Asians have super high values stressed upon intellectual dominance over
body, in general.
So..... taking my first idea here- Paris, France, symbolizing the body, it's senses, appetites, and drives....
which doesn't use linear language, liek the intellect, but rather it uses image and association- clumping together associations of sensual memory
with no order (no cause-effect positions, just "together"), it (the subconscious) is often unintelligable to the conscious awareness and
The conscious intellect also sees these drives as a threat, because they often contradict what our intellect has decided is right to do, or shall do,
and can have a strong force.
This may have been a dream about your own fears of your sensual animalistic drives and appetites taking over control of your mind and intellect