posted on Apr, 18 2012 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by happybee
Where to start....every culture has its own ways of inviting or banishing. If you are bothered, then start with walking around your house with salt,
making a large circle. The folk around South Louisiana for generations have painted the wood around their doors and windows blue- it can be any shade
of blue you like, to keep the haunts out. That little nugget of wisdom came from the old slave ideas, if I remember correctly. Anything you do, make
sure you do it with the mindset of closing doors. Think to yourself as you put down salt or paint or anything else this: "Stay outside. My house, and
my rules. This place is mine, and no one is invited in but by my consent alone." If you wish, intone the name of your personal god for added strength
to your convictions. If you have an old fashioned preacher close by and are christian, you could ask for what is called around here as "The walls of
Jherico" which is when chosen members of the congregation will come to your home and preform a sort of blessing, going from room to room with prayer
and hymns to consecrate your place. This to me is a bit of overreaction, and ought to be used if you find the little buggers actually meandering about
your domicile. Doubt very much you have any sort of demonic or menacing critters actually IN your home, so more than likely the salt will help to
establish a more understandable barrier that they will understand.