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I do not need to search far for a gateway between worlds... My backyard seems to be one!

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posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 04:58 AM

Originally posted by IamKels
reply to post by happybee

Wow... You really wouldn't find me in that room at night if I lived there...

Seriously - one of my biggest fears is to open curtains at night and find a face staring back at me....

eerrrrrrrr creepy!

My point exactly! Im really not comfortable sitting next to the window. I usually sit on that exact spot where the black shadowy thing came through. Last night I went to sit over there.. then I thought about the shadow and I got creeped out. I scolded the OP for letting me sit there unknowingly for a few nights. . . . Just found out about the shadow yesterday!

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by Lykantroph11

If it was something to be afraid of, you would have felt it. You didn't feel a thing, so.....

Sometimes ignorance is bliss, for now you won't sit by the window anymore.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by happybee

Well.... it's not like I used to be uncomfortable or scared sitting there.... I was just imagining my freak-out mode if suddenly that thing would whoosh all over me.. YIKES!

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 10:57 AM
Wonderful thread, I sense you're sincere Happybee.
I u2u'ed you.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by Lykantroph11

I know you said not to mention this but... I have to, what if they are hallucinations?

It would not mean you are crazy or insane and here is why. There is an ever increasing amount of artificial noise EMF, like TV, Radio, Cell Phones, Wireless Internet, Microwaves, etc, etc... coursing through our homes.

It is my belief that there may be people that can pick up these signals and process them much like we do vision or hearing. These highly, unique individuals, are picking up on Audio and Video transmissions and then experiencing them as hallucinations (if they were with someone that person would not hear or see anything), but they are none less real to the experiencer!

In the Sci-fy show Alphas the character Gary has the ability to read or visualize wavelengths with his mind known as a transducer. Now I think it was silly that they gave him autistic spectrum disorder, but imagine the overwhelming data that is passed around the air these days and how a mind would cope with this?

Why we put “Negative” connotations on this phenomenon is beyond me, it could likened to telekinesis or telepathy. I know it might be more fun to believe in a portal or metaphysical explanation may be preferable, but what if it is you? This would therefore mean you are not crazy but exceptionally unique, possibly the next step in human evolution.

Have you considered this?

edit on 13-4-2012 by abeverage because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by Lykantroph11

I can understand this feeling but there is nothing you can really do about it either as during the years 07 -09 I was experiencing a high rate of paranormal activity that included all sorts of shadows in different forms. One night as I headed to bed & I rounded the corner & a big black shadow blob darted right through me center my body I was so stunned I just stood there with my mouth hanging open . It didn't frighten me just the fact that bam there it came never stopped or disappeared like all other times just right into me ! If I hadn't of seen it I would of never knew or felt it which brings me to my next thought .

Now this and UFO sightings all started about the same time for me other than my first big one in the 90s . I had started listening to meditation tapes before bed in 07 before this started , Now I wonder if the meditation help me get to a point I could see this paranormal activity & it's always around all of us or is there some other reason .After I stopped the tapes & meditation it slowly stopped as well . I am thinking about starting again it is just so amazing to think what might be walking this world right beside us .

And I've experienced what some would call the simple forms of ESP at different points most my life but nothing of those years , mainly just knowing who was calling , warnings , someone waking me calling my name , knocking , thinking of someone you've not seen in forever & them showing up in a day or so that sort of stuff .

Great thread OP, with all the weird things I've seen I've not seen these guys sorry .

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 12:48 PM
reply to post by kentuckycowboy2

I would like to hear your thoughts on my above explanation as well.

posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 12:49 PM
My back garden seem's to be a breeding ground for balls.
I'd rather a gateway to hell than all these ruddy balls!.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:15 AM
reply to post by happybee

An interesting thread indeed. I was wondering if you have made any headway into supplying a drawing of said visitors? I will pop back intermittently to have a look see.


posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:29 AM
He should charge admission for people who want to sit on folding chairs watching that area lol.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by Regenstorm

Thank you, I just sent you one back.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 05:35 AM
reply to post by abeverage

Thank you abeverage. This is an interesting point of view...

I am very aware of all the frequencies going around. We have a huge electronic store here, I can't shop in anymore. I noticed that when I'm in this store I get very very sick. The longer I stayed in there the sicker I became. Even for a short while, my head gets weird.
I felt like the store literally made me sick, but this was so outrageous, I hadn't the guts to say it out loud. Then I realized the reason I didn't like to shop, a lot of other stores make me queasy too! Throughout the years I developed my own way of shopping. Buying things online and only enter stores when I really have to. And be real quick about it. In and Out. No browsing. If I lose myself in browsing, I start to get sick. I have been known to let my groceries drop and run out. Embarrassing.

And than my mother found this link about ElectroSensitivity, and all the pieces came together. Here is the link: It also explained why I get sick when sitting too long behind a desktop. I can stand a laptop much better. I understand from research that a desktop animates more radiation than a laptop.

I really don't know about getting hallucinations from picking up frequencies and stuff. But if people can get sick from it, why not hallucinate? Scary thought though.... Luckily for me I have been living most of my life on an island in the Caribbean with very little exposure to all this stuff, and I have always been experienced things.

Now I live in Holland where I have seen the wooden beings.... So, who knows? I can't give you a definite answer.


posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 07:07 AM
reply to post by abeverage

I honestly can not reply to your thought because my personal experiences was verified by my wife at a later date when she her self saw one on the black orbs in our hall way while she was putting cloths in the dryer one morning , I had not said a word to her or my son about them either for fear of scaring them . I had talked to her about a tall shadow I saw standing beside her just looking down down at her sleep one night as I started to bed . It was just was standing there only a black out line of a tall body with a head the head looking down at her sleeping . I told her because my first thoughts was it was her dad checking in on her as he hadn't been passed away very long at that time . That was far from her knowing about a black basketball sized sphere floating through the house multiple times .

I don't doubt your explanation is probable for some . It's just I've doubted people before & then had these experiences that made me a believer not only a believer but made me look back on my life at those I ever doubted as well when they told me of tales of ghost , ufos . I think it might be more possible that these things are around us & just everyone can not see them or that's a theory I'm looking into myself .


posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by Excellent

Hello Excellent,

I have been thinking about your question, that's why I didn't answer sooner.
I do not really practice astral projection but things happened to me, that made me wonder if I am practicing it.

Since I was a teen I was afraid of disappearing. The sensation that overcomes me sometimes is as if all the molecules of my body are in motion. Going faster and faster. A peculiar but nice feeling. But then the vibration gets so hard, I get scared and will myself out of it.

Since a few years the vibrations get accompanied by a a lot of noise. And I feel/see my myself shooting on top speed, through a very dark space, lying on my back with my arms crossed. Then the noise gets unbearable and I have to put up a fight to will myself out of it.

I have posted about some of my experiences.


I cannot describe how thrilled I am by this thread. While meditating I often find myself at some scene. Seemingly ordinary people talking. I am a bystander, I listen avidly. I realized it happens quite often, because I started to notice a pattern. It is always about people talking. I'm not noticing the surroundings, the topics are to catchy. I follow every word, but the moment I get excited and make an effort to completely understand what they are saying, or telling myself not to forget this piece of information because it's to valuable, I snap out of it. Frustrating. I cannot seem to remember afterward what the topic was about.I hate that, because it's often valuable information I want to tell everybody about. Sometimes I can recall the faces, but i's mostly the clothes, the 'feel' these people have with them. Mostly i get different people to 'see'. I think you get in a medidative state while falling asleep, because sometimes it also occurs to me while on the brink of falling asleep or when I'm really relaxed and zooming out. Sometimes I get things to see, I do not understand. Like a highlight of a piece of land I'm looking down to ( I nearly made myself go crazy looking for the landmarks on google earth.) or some old book I'm trying to read in (also frustrating, because it kept being covered by mistlike clouds). I learned one thing. To accept. To enjoy. It takes the anguish/irritation/bewilderment of the experience Because it will follow its course. You can not shut it down. I am accepting and enjoying these (sometimes) unasked/unwanted/wonderfull pieces of information coming my way. And a piece of advice for you and myself given by a friend: journal everything. It may seem uncomprehending, but maybe one day the pieces of the puzzle will fit together.


Thank you for sharing your experiences with the world. I hope you can help me with this one... You stated that reading letters and numbers in the astral plane is a bit like having dyslexia... I remember an experience with a book. No, not really a book but an old, very thick cahier. I could nearly smell the old pages. There were some candles lit and a handwritten page was shown to me. I got all excited, I'm a really curious person, and tried to read it. It was a neat handwriting, maybe feminine. But the more I focussed on the words, the harder it was for me to read. I thougt, I'm too excited, so I calmed myself down and tryed again. Nothing, everytime I got close to reading/understanding the words, there was some kind of mist obscurring the page. I got soooooooo frustrated, I came out of it. How do you get to read? Please tell me.

Both the experiences I wrote about in this tread, happened when I was putting on a pair of gloves and reading a book. I don't think they had anything to do with astral projection.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:22 PM
I want to thank you all for your positive posts. Its a pity I still didn't encounter any one who saw 'my' wooden beings. But at least I have heard about a lot of theories. Some of them I'm still researching. Thank you for that.

I made a crude (yes, a very crude) sketch.

Please keep in mind some points.

I have some issues about their heads. I was so focused on their body's of wood, tree like, covered with bark, that I didn't notice their feet and hands. But their heads... their was something funny there.

When asked by my mother, to describe them, I had to stay silent for a while. I just could't describe their heads. It was like I had no words for it. Their body's on the outer hand, are so clear to me.
I have attempted many sketches, but when I get to the head, I get kind of antsy. I tried many times. I settled with the outlines I recognize the most...


edit on 14-4-2012 by happybee because: missing image

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by happybee

Still no image!!!! Be patience, I'm trying. Can't upload.

posted on Apr, 14 2012 @ 03:33 PM
Just wanna say thank you and these are exactly the kinds of threads I love to read through. I'm looking forward to the sketches, no matter how crude. This head thing has got me interested too... I cant wait for it to be described or visualized finally
Sorry, like I said, these are the threads I love. Better than any book you could buy, but better because its real life
at least for those of us who choose to believe

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 02:26 AM
Here I am again. I just couldn't upload the image.
Finally I managed with ImageShack, thanks to an ATS member Thermo Klein.

So here it is:

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 03:39 AM
Suggestion. Put up some cameras around the house inside and out. See if you can get some footage of the interlopers. Could be interesting. Then again you could realize your house is in the middle of a Paranormal Activity movie.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by IamKels
reply to post by happybee

Wow... You really wouldn't find me in that room at night if I lived there...

Seriously - one of my biggest fears is to open curtains at night and find a face staring back at me....

eerrrrrrrr creepy!

Yes I know how you feel, can't have the curtains open at night either.
Standing in a pitch black back garden cleaning a demonic looking slobbery face print off the outside of the window while everyone's freaking out indoor's is not my idea of fun. Especially since it was at least 6 foot up.

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