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To believe or not to believe, that is the question....

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posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:08 PM
Just throwing this out there: What if God or Gods are looking down upon us shaking their heads in dismay because we totally missed the point of their message or messages?

I think about how much better the planet as well mankind would be if we all believed one thing. All religions are based primarily with good intentions. Its the crusaders that take everything out of context and decide to kill an invade because they think you should pray the way they pray.

Imagine a world where as a global community we all believed and acted as one. A solidified global conscience that wished for a better tomorrow. We shouldnt dislike someone because they use a prayer rug or they carry a rosary. The fact is they believe in something. It shouldnt matter what its called. Religion now has become a corporation. Its like Pepsi or Coke. We all have a preference, but the point is we still drink soda.

I dont think it was ever the intention to create a religion so that it would be superior to all others rule the globe. All in all believers and non believers are all there is on this planet. When we die our energy is recycled and used again. Do you really think that if a Coke drinker changed to Pepsi that they would be subject to eternal suffering? Or worse they just turn away completely and become Dr Pepper fanatics! It sounds silly when you think of it like that. But that is the jist of how we feel about God.

I have no proof that a God exists. All I have is an energy force within me that feels good when I treat others kindly. Never have I helped anyone and immediately thought " That just ruined my day". Why dont we just believe that believing in something is good enough and that we arent perfect. Its ok to live and learn. I doubt everyone prior to the birth of Christianity was sent to hell because they didnt wait on Jesus to be born before they picked a religion.

Im just saying....

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by nolongerblind

Awesome thread, although I would imagine if the gods are looking down on us it would be through the fingers of a face palm.

Treat other as you would like to be treated - Karma - it's what I believe in and like you I can feel when wrong is being done and if I'm not sure I can ask and feel what the answer is.

Thanks for sharing, Peace

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:15 PM
I would say to this god, or these gods, quit looking down at us from wherever you are and come meet us and talk with us. What are you afraid of? Let us see you, talk with you, meet you, get to know you. Help us understand what this is all about.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by nolongerblind

A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell. -C.S. Lewis

Maybe there are many definitions of God, Maybe God is used as an explanation for everything amazing that we can't understand nor work out.

Due to lack of any better explanation, God either does or doesn't exist depending on many viewpoints.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:36 PM

Originally posted by nolongerblind
What if God or Gods are looking down upon us shaking their heads in dismay because we totally missed the point of their message or messages?

The gods (fallen men of God) are now actually walking amongst us. It is only YHWH that is looking down.

I think about how much better the planet as well mankind would be if we all believed one thing.

That sounds a bit new agey too me.

The religeous elite have been trying to merge all religeons into One World Religeon for many years now.

Its the crusaders that take everything out of context and decide to kill an invade because they think you should pray the way they pray.

Lucifer using his fools to kill those who follow YHWH; His followers.

Imagine a world where as a global community we all believed and acted as one. A solidified global conscience that wished for a better tomorrow.

There will always be envy between those who are not spiritually minded and those that are.

From what I have read on ATS from the denialists; they will never accept spiritual advice from people who are spiritually biased.

I doubt they will take orders from spiritually inclined people during the new 'golden' age concerning what is right and what is wrong. They will gladly stay behind in this 3D materialistic world.

I doubt everyone prior to the birth of Christianity was sent to hell because they didnt wait on Jesus to be born before they picked a religion.

Correct. Before the coming of Christ every spirit resided in a containment system. This spiritual plane was basically a paradise.
However, since the day of the resurrection of Jesus, all good spirits now reside with him in another paradise.
The original containment system is now full of evil, lost spirits.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:39 PM
I think the whole question of super powered anythings, whether those anythings be gawds, aliens, cartoon characters, or rainbow colored unicorns is a total dodge of responsibility and accountability for all the evil horrible nastiness that is the human animal.

You do bad things, and, well, no, it wasn't YOU, it was teh DEVIL. uh-huh.
you just had to kill those people who were minding their own business because they were doing something that was a complete affront and total insult to whatever overbearing judgemental totalitarian penis in the sky you worship.

Nope. It certainly can't be any of the greed, jealousy, and hunger for power and control over others that's just part of the nasty nature of humans.

If people could get rid of their gods, humanity might start sprouting a little bit of peach fuzz in starting to grow up.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 05:21 PM
If you take away the titles and definitions as to what makes one a religious person, then you would generally speaking have a common ideal. We all differ in what we perceive god to be. Right and wrong is relative in some cases and therefore we can cannot dictate their definitions due to our diverse back grounds. But we can all agree that we have become greater enemies than friends due to religion. Pass the idea of a common ideal as new agey or an agenda to make a one relgion world if you want, but a world were everyone just accepts our differences and works for a better tomorrow cant be bad....

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