I am pretty sure I put lots of stuff on this site about myself I think I even posted picture and stuff, in fact i don't even remember the name of
that thread or were its at that I did that in, it was so long back on my responses that I really don't even care to look it up again unless it comes
up by random chance. And that's how its been with pretty much all the threads here.
And I am pretty sure none of that really matters, really its the net everything can be tracked there is no such thing as anonymity why anybody would
want to do that. Who know, paranoid people will say CIA or the FBI keeping tabs, I say if they cant find some random dude on the internet then we
might really need to find us some new alphabetical's that can, and can be more discreet about it.
In fact I am way more worried on why the
dam grays are keeping track of this #, I guess its all just comedy gold for them.
But I know better then that.
And I am a pretty sure it does not matter much as in time its all forgotten as we move on with life, people come and people go, as in real life
and so it will be on ATS, In fact I have already forgotten stuff I did and said on this site and on the internet, and I plan on forgetting lots
more stuff. In time I have found that you really will forget or move on from everything and it all becomes like water under the bridge. Just part
of a scenery you once seen somewhere but you cant quite remember when and were.
I never really got the whole hiding on the internet, that's like one of the worst places to hide in. And in fact I just plain have a hard time in
caring about stupid details people might or might not know about me, or that I may or may not have heard about them. Unless it involves me or its some
personal matter I could care less what people online say or know or think, or think they know.
In fact you can probably find out more about a person by other ways and means then the facts, like the op said. You would be surprised what there
taste in music can say about somebody. Sometimes it says more then a data fact sheet can ever tell you. And I even get that whole sync music thing, I
usually just think music is just a bunch of noise, and it is. But it is also much more then that.
Really I do find this whole thing kind of silly, I just cant help but laugh if I think about it.
People can say what they want on the internet, they can even tell there name or were they live and all that, and I really would not care at all, or
be bothered all that much, and I am sure most people will just forget it as soon as they get off line and go about there life's. Sometimes being on
the internet is like dreaming, as soon as you wake up you forget the dream. And as soon as you get up and go about your daily business you will forget
the things people say online. And only the things that pertain to you or your mindframe and thoughts will stick, and those not for very long.
In fact i am pretty sure there have been more then a couple of people on the internet here and there who drooped there name or dresses and how they
can be reached, and the fact that I don't remember it at all just shows how important that is.
But this is all me personally, I have found that people are strange and take some stuff that I don't even think about pretty dam seriously, so
whatever. To each there own.