posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 11:49 PM
I was browsing around the net and found this little gem the Charter Arms Rimless Revolver. Usually revolvers that fire auto ammo (.45 acp, 9mm, and
.380 auto ect) needs a "half moon" clip in order to load the ammo into the chamber and to more easily extract the ammo due to no rims on auto bullets.
Well this gun has the moon clips built into the chamber,so the fragile half moon clips are a thing of the past! The 9mm can also fire .380 auto nifty!
I know its nothing special, but its still a neat little pistol and Charter Arms makes an affordable pistol too.
Here's the link... but sadly.... Before we can line up to buy them.... They were suppose to be released early last year, but the NRA's salesmen of the
year (Obama?) and the HIGH DEMAND for firearms due to our WONDERFUL economic condition Charter Arms is behind in production and hasen't produced these
little gems yet
but hopefully soon. But if anyone on ATS knows where to buy one let me know, or something like it, I have ALOT of .45acp to fire
edit on 10-4-2012 by merkej23 because: left out a point