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Study finds Conservative views linked to "low effort" thinking

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:31 PM
I don't think a study needed to be made on this fact.

Conservatives tend to be more religious. Religion is one of the very first things they're indoctrinated to as children. People who don't think beyond their initial indoctrinations are therefore going to be more conservative.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Frith

Conservatives tend to be more religious.

That certainly isn't true. Belief and expression of religion is entirely bi-partisan. Agnostics, Atheist and Theist are on both sides of the fence. Your assumption has no basis in reality. In fact, I don't know a single liberal in real life that isn't very religious and I am an agnostic conservative, well libertarian conservative.
edit on 10-4-2012 by sageofmonticello because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:45 PM
This post may be a little rude to some and maybe its cause my back has been hurting since Thursday that I am lacking the feeling to self censore. (I do have health insurance and will visit a doctor tomorrow if not better) Anyways...

This study basically is saying when you are forced to act quickly you decide in a conservative viewpoint. Well I remember in school that when there would be a multiple choice test, afterwards people would say something like, I had the right answear first but then I thought about it and changed it to the wrong one. So could that be whats going on here? People are choosing what is inherantly right, and then when they start to reason with all the "what ifs" and "maybes" they can muster they convince themselves otherwise?

I have noticed throughout my short time on this earth that I had a lot of liberal leaning teachers while in school. After getting out to the workforce I noticed that the majority of the management and supervisors happened to have more conservative leanings and my fellow workers were more on the liberal side by a slight majority in most cases. I have concluded that an old saying that I heard applies here: "Those who can do, do. Those who can't do, teach."

So is it possible that a conservative mindset has the ability to better bring ideas into real world use and application, while a liberal has a mindset more geared towards memorizing hunks of info to regurgitate to the next generation? (I know a generalization, not an absolute) I don't know but one thing I have noticed in my short life is I see more people with a conservative mindset willing to get up and put their nose to the grindstone and get things done. And have found that if I just want to sit around sip a beverage and shoot some hypothetical BS without breaking a sweet I better seek out one of my liberal leaning buddies.
edit on 10-4-2012 by matt47274 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:50 PM
reply to post by CB328

You may be on to something.

Fellow conservatives, hear me out.

Conservatism is simple. Personal responsibility, individualism.
So easy, a caveman could understand it.

Liberalism? Convoluted. Loopholes and twists and turns. Justifying an increase in spending as a way to decrease spending. So many rules, whom to hate, to despise, while being "tolerant". Making new words up and justifications for raising taxes, removing freedoms.

I don't understand liberalism. Maybe I'm just not smart enough.

I'll stick to conservatism. It's basic, simple.

Just like me.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:51 PM
heh heh
Its all about how many angels can dance in the head of a pin,
There is such a thing as the hegelian Dialectic

which means no matter which way you turn
you are going in a circle
and as any outdoorsy person will tell you
if you are going in circles in the wilderness you are LOST

edit on 10-4-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Hitler was a lefty
Stalin was a righty

perhaps there are no simple answers
only correct and incorrect answers
edit on 10-4-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

Im right in the CENTER of a star wars between Beez and Misoir
edit on 10-4-2012 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:53 PM
"Study finds Liberal views linked to "high arrogance" thinking"

Liberal responds: I am not arrogant, that study and all involved are completely incompetent neanderthals.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by CB328

Political ideology has nothing to do with thoughtfulness

Apparently it does. Actually current events show that it does, what with the republicans trying to bankrupt all of us so they can take the money and run.

Really!?!? Study said what!? Is this a fallacy or what???

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by Danbones

Well said there good sir. What I see here in this thread is a whole lot of people lashing out at each other from the basis of these false lines we draw between ourselves and at the stereotypes we build up alongside them like "conservatives are more religious" and "all liberals are atheists" instead of settling on the REAL issues and finding a direction we should head in.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 11:57 PM
All the time I see people saying conservatism is individuality and personal responsibility, and liberalism is blamed for everything they don't like.

I just don't get that distinction.

Maybe I'm just not smart enough, but I've never met a single person who can be either one, or the other? You all act like there is a world of difference between you all, when in reality you all think the same way. Your extremely slight differences have been exaggerated in order for some career politician to move further up the political ladder.
You're all being played in order to feed an industry, define oneself and then you know what you're supposed to think (not for yourself). Liberty? Don't make me laugh, you live out media stereotypes because you're more concerned with fitting in than being yourself. The 'government' is nothing but an industry, its employees mostly concerned with furthering their careers. Everything you do is designed to make someone else profit. You work and you make someone else profit, you take a bathroom break and you make someone else profit, your entertainment makes someone else profit... Those who make the most profit are the ones controlling government. Profit doesn't care whether you're 'liberal', or 'conservative'.

"Profit, Capitalist one of the three main elements of SURPLUS VALUE, appropriated by industrial and commercial capitalists and the main target of the Marxist critique of capitalism." An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Marxism, Socialism, and Communism, Jozef Wilczynski.

You can be whatever you want, but it makes no difference when you all, when it comes down to it, support the same system. A system that uses you to make someone else profit. None of you will change anything by falling for the media stereotypes that are designed to influence your thinking, and put you in boxes you feel obliged to maintain. Yes the media is a part of maintaining the system, they are after all capitalist industries. (even so called liberal MSM support capitalism)

Political terms have been so twisted from their original meanings, and the MSM uses these incorrect definitions, so when the true left talk in context with the correct definitions, there is much confusion.

'Liberal and 'conservative', just more BS designed to divide and weaken your power against the state. The illusion is the government is on your side, and if you are a 'liberal' then you are a part of 'liberal' government, with 'conservative' government your opposition. The truth is government is not on your side. It's on the side of the profit makers, that is all that matters, profit. Profit is in control, not government, not even people, the desire for profit is what controls everything. There is no morality, no right or wrong, no justice, just profit. Capitalism exists for one purpose, to make profit.

Individuality is a complete lie, laughable if you really remove yourself from the BS, and look at society from the outside. Another lie designed to weaken your power against the power of the state.
The problem is you all blame everything on government, but fail to question the state, which means your government is doing it's job. The governments job is to be the fall guy, the system that most will agree is a necessary evil, and are under the illusion it changes. It doesn't change. It is the fall guy that can not be removed, it offers the illusion of change, and most fall for it over, and over again. While you are all blaming the government the real cause of all your problems goes unnoticed, and even supported.
Supported because you've fallen for the MSM propaganda, because you have excepted and not questioned.

We have to stop thinking in these shallow ways. We have to find common ground and stop worrying whether you are 'liberal' or 'conservative'. This is what is tearing your country apart, not your government. You have to come together to get your country back together. If you don't, and keep up with your ridiculous squabbling over minute differences, you're going to fail.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by ANOK


On your member profile, for Location, it says "On the left".

I guess that just means the side of the road you drive on?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Why is that funny?

You do know what the 'left' really means right? Hint, it's not a set of rules you have to follow.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:13 AM
reply to post by CB328

There is a rich irony in posting a study made by others so that you could make the claim that a certain group of people do not like to think for themselves. There was no critical analysis offered of the study and one could fairly argue that you've allowed this study to do your thinking for you.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by ANOK

Your post lambasts the conservative ideology then near the end you ask for compromise.
You're left-leaning in your posts.

Of course you would despise a conservative ideology and call it false.

I, on the other hand, think that the leftist liberal agenda is very real. I just don't agree with it.

Tell me, do you support bigger government or smaller government?

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by beezzer

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by ANOK


On your member profile, for Location, it says "On the left".

I guess that just means the side of the road you drive on?

LOL. He fell asleep in England and woke up in California.


posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:26 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by ANOK

Your post lambasts the conservative ideology then near the end you ask for compromise.
You're left-leaning in your posts.

I was actually lambasting capitalism, if you want to call that conservative ideology fine. But as I mentioned, even liberals support capitalism, so how can it be a conservative ideology?

I think it's your conservative bias that is seeing it that way, not mine.

Of course you would despise a conservative ideology and call it false.

What is a conservative ideology? Who wrote that? Who claimed the right to claim that as 'conservative ideology'?

I, on the other hand, think that the leftist liberal agenda is very real. I just don't agree with it.

Tell me, do you support bigger government or smaller government?

See here is your MSM propaganda at work. The left, the real left, want smaller, and eventually no government. The right conservatives have always been for maintaining the system, or even increasing it's authority.

The original political meanings of ‘left’ and ‘right’ have changed since their origin in the French estates general in 1789. There the people sitting on the left could be viewed as more or less anti-statists with those on the right being state-interventionists of one kind or another. In this interpretation of the pristine sense, libertarianism was clearly at the extreme left-wing.

The goal of all left wing ideologies is FREE ASSOCIATION...

In the anarchist, Marxist and socialist sense, free association (also called free association of producers or, as Marx often called it, community of freely associated individuals) is a kind of relation between individuals where there is no state, social class or authority, in a society that has abolished the private property of means of production. Once private property is abolished, individuals are no longer deprived of access to means of production so they can freely associate themselves (without social constraint) to produce and reproduce their own conditions of existence and fulfill their needs and desires.

See, if you knew anything about the real left you would know this. But like most people you are educated by the media, and have been conditioned to support what is not in your own best interest. Stop playing the MSM BS and learn what the real left is.

We just want the workers to own their own labour, the means of production, so we can produce for our needs, not someone elses profit. All the rest is simply BS.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Is that all you can do?

What happened to debate?

Are you afraid to debate my claims?

Grow up.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by ANOK

We just want the workers to own their own labour, the means of production, so we can produce for our needs, not someone elses profit. All the rest is simply BS.

Ahhh, socialism.


As for your terms, yes, "classic/traditional liberalism" called for smaller government and personal responsibility. All things that today, modern conservatives espouse.

Todays more modern liberal-leftist?

Um, not so much.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by ANOK

I agree with some parts of your post then disagree with others. Basically your argument regarding the profit motive and the critique of individualism is spot-on. We part ways however in the proclamation that there is little major difference between Left and Right except that which is inflated by media for an artificial conception of rivalry. There is a genuine disagreement between Right and Left; it only does not appear as such because our views have been wrangled into such a small corral there is little difference between what is presently described as “Left” and “Right”.

To be right-wing apparently means one is an individualist, egalitarian, small-r republican, capitalist, and favors self-autonomy as the basic factor of society, social progress, unbridled liberty, and a degree of moral relativism. If I reject the profit-motive, speculation, free-markets, republican form of government, individualism, equality, self-autonomy, social progress, unbridled liberty, and any form of moral relativism; what does that make me? The reason for raising this point is that people have fallen into the delusion of believing those ridiculous corporate serfs squawking in the streets while getting hard reading ‘Common Sense’ are really not just people who have taken to defending a particular era of Liberalism.

They have adopted Whig History as their fundamental understanding of the past. Translated Edmund Burke’s conservative defense of the ancien regime into a defense of John Stuart Mill’s Liberal view of society as an opposition to the Socialists to create a pseudo-front; then rebranded themselves as Conservative. You want to conserve the social mores of the 1950s or the economic model of the late 1800s or the night watchman government of the early 1800s that is fine. But at least admit that you are just Liberals who found your comfortable place in the long march of ‘progress’ instead of taking from actual Conservatives our identity.

There is a Left and Right. Today we are given three options; Right-leaning Left, Progressive, and Radical. For all the petty bickering between Communists and “Conservatives” I see just a paper thin wall erected as a cover to keep us within this faux debate between two intellectual twins squabbling over which has the better appearance.

edit on 4/11/2012 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by ANOK

I would, but you haven't answered two questions that I have asked time after time.

1. How does more government lead to no government? (anarchy)

2. If workers control the market, who determines the market? (example: capitalism: supply and demand determine markets, socialism, the government owns a monopoly on the market and tries to dictate which way it will go.)

Now who's a grown up?

I would love to discuss this with you...but please don't bore me with another 3 page book report on socialism. I will get tired and fall asleep before finishing the second paragraph, And judging by the way you use paragraphs, that could be a very long time.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

Ok I guess ANOK is gone cause he doesn't want to answer those two questions, how shall we proceed?

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