hi again all, this is my first real thread im starting so pardon any non conformities....
When i signed up here i started an intro thread but didnt get into too much detail because i was a bit intimidated to come forth with my problem, i
still am but with the world, and my life, changing the way it is i have decided to disregaurd my intuition.
My original introduction thread can be viewed here....
hmmm ... what a strange journey this is turning into...
As you can see it was a fairly vague post in reguards to my intent and how i came across ATS.
Please understand that the experiences i am about to relay to you really happened to me (and at least one other person) and that by posting some of
this information i truly feel that i may be placing myself in danger.
I have choosen to relay this info because i have recently learned of that other persons death and i no longer feel i am protecting anyone else by
keeping it secret...
It is my hope that at least one member here will have some insight on what i have experienced if not more, so i hope all members will take
the time and bear through this post because the help i seek could be the slightest random experience from any one of you, even if you dont agree with
me or beieve my experiences are true.
To provide some insight into myself, from a young age i had always had an interest in things that were not your normal topic for someone my age, by
the age of 10 i had already read many books on spirituality and the idea that this life is like a practice round for a higher level of being and i
knew in my heart and experience that they were true. It was not long after that i began to practice meditating and having vivid dreams in which i
could control the entire environment around me including myself. Flying or teleporting (for lack of a better term) was as easy as breathing and i can
remeber some instances where i could manipulate and control objects and other "people" in these experiences.
From then on i became very aware of my surroundings and began to see signs all around me leading me on some path, back then i knew less about that
path than i do now, and even now i am searching for more information.
I began to have vivid dreams and experienced deja'vu on a regular basis and for many years. I could recognize when it happened and even be able to
follow incidents for several minutes or in one case a few hours where i am familiar with more than what surrounds me and able to (predict is the wrong
word) what was going to happen within that experience, something that i have not been able to experience for some time now, not really sure how
It was in 1996 in a southern suburb of Phoenix Arizona. WE had an experience that i can only describe as a joint OBE, only from an outside perspective
even our bodies were somehow unaccounted for which i can not explain because it was information that was relayed to me from a third person who insists
they were looking in the house we were in and could not find us.
It is hard for me to understand what happened exactly in this experience and even harder for me to understand how this other person, who was
definitely NOT a believer and to the best of my knowledge had no understanding of any of these topics, was able to join me. I sometimes wonder if my
endevours that night may have accidentally pulled him along with me...
As i lay there and entered my meditation i began to feel awkward, almost like a dizzy feeling followed by what i thought was wind, at first i thought
my freind had turned a fan on and i opened my eyes and turned to him to ask him to turn it off (i never liked fans) but to my shock, and it was a
serious shock, we were not in that room.
I remeber standing there in awe at what i saw, to the point that i could not move. I was above a large city but it was unlike an i have seen or heard
of. The entire city was build on and within a massive pyramid like structure that i was slowly approaching.
I could make out the inhabitants of this city perfectly and could see them all clearly (even the ones within the city itself). They all had the same
features which were not much to tell of, a dark hooded robe covered each of them from head to toe so that when they moves it seemed as they were
floating. The robes had a golden or orange hue to them but were still very dark and the hoods didnt even reveal the slightest feature of thier faces
but the same glowing hues shown even brighter from where thier faces would have been. The robes themselves were one peice and had no sash or rope to
hold them on as you would think of a bathrobe we would use and they were all adorned with a brighter, almost metal material around the openings of the
face and the hands and thier feet.
I couldnt beleive what i was seeing and i was seriously shocked to the point i could not move. It was once i recognized that i couldnt move that one
of these people walked from behind me and stood beside me, just behind my freind who i assumed was also in as much shock as me. This person then urged
me to proceed and pointed down towards the city. its presence was most comforting and i found i could move freely again, almost like in my vivid
dreams, but with far less control than i was familiar with. I could not influence these people or even my freind who at that point began to panic. I
grabbed his arm and tried to pull him along with me as i approached the city, but he didnt want to come and the "monk" as i now call them insisted
that i should go without him.
As i drew closer to the city i noticed that all these "monks" seemed to be performing some ritual and were all beginning to congregate near the apex
of this city/pyramid. They all seemed to be moving in sync with one particular group of these monks who were moving throughout the city and the others
would begin to follow them, so i found a place ahead of them and waited for them to pass. As they approached i saw that there were several of the
monks moving in unison around one in particular. and then i noticed something else began to change.
As they aproached where i was i felt a great feeling of power and of life and of love, and it was then that i noticed that the one monk in the middle
of this group was carrying a small light. As they drew closer i could also feel a sense of animosity comeing from the monks and it seemed tha it was
directed at me but they made no motions toward me or against me and allowed me to watch them pass by. The light that the one monk was carrying grew
brighter as it came closer and as it passed in front of me i looked and saw what it was, i immediately associated it with what some
spiritual/metaphysical writings refer to as the "source"
continued below...sry im running out of room...............