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Colloidal Silver - Still The Best Cure All?

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:21 PM
I have been promoting "home made" colloidal silver to friends and neighbors for years now after destroying a 2 1/2 year long super staph infection with it. I was inspired by Dr. Bob Beck...

There is a great thread about his research and advice here:

I don't consume it as often as I should, but when I do it really does the job.
Has everyone here who has tried it to eliminate a virus/bacteria infection had results as good as I have seen with it?

Right now I am trying to help a neighbor of mine who is suffering from many ailments. He's on long term disability and his health is in need of serious improvement. I introduced him to colloidal silver recently and he has begun making it at home and using it. He just started using it so we're waiting to see how it goes.

What I'd like to know from the ATS community is:

Has it worked well for you?
Is Dr. Beck's research really working for others?
What have you seen colloidal silver cure?

My neighbors are also suffering from severe tooth decay. Does anyone know what works best for eliminating the cause of such decay, besides brushing with baking soda? I've heard colloidal silver works well for that too but I haven't suggested that to anyone for tooth decay. Does it work well for that too?

Thanks in advance for any helpful input.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:31 PM
I have never tried it so I am curious as well to find out about more reports.

I suppose that since I am pretty careful with what I put into my body, and what types of hazards I am willing to walk within proximity to has kept me really healthy. I avoid a vast plethora of things that most people will have no issues with exposing themselves to.

And since I almost never get sick, nor does my family, I have never really needed anything like this nor have I had the opportunity to test it out against various infections.

It does seem to be a valid question. How good is colloidal silver for medical uses? I would like to know.

The only problem is that it's hard to trust any sources. The "mainstream" sources will ignore or condemn anything that their pharmaceutical corporations cannot profit from. And the "alternative" sources are difficult to trust because you can rarely tell if the person actually knows what they are talking about or is simply just spouting all of their opinions and cliches in 'fact form'.
edit on 10-4-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:44 PM
One major claim against the use of the product is the potential risk of "argyria", which is essentially harmless but causes your skin to turn blue.

A lot of the information out there is very hard core against the product, and claims it's really bad and it hasn't been proven to help.

I would like to see all of their studies on the subject, and find out what types of bias or corporate slant they take, who funded the studies, what their goal was, etc.

Also what made me really suspicious was that they said "dont use silver, use tamiflu or relenza for the flu". This set off a red flag because those antiviral medications can cause death.

Tamiflu and relenza are for sure dangerous products. The FDA only approves them because they are extremely profitable for the shareholders.

Here read my old thread about the topic : Warning AntiViral Drugs may Kill You!

I totally posted all the legit research info for everyone to see it for themselves and read about all of the horrific adverse side effects these drugs have led to. In fact, the point was so overwhelming that no one can really debate it legitimately and thus the topic never really got much traction and it disappeared into the ATS abyss.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:51 PM
My sister swears by it but I've never tried it. I also knew some old people that really swore by it. they'd electrify it with a 9 volt battery and all.

I have stumbled across the book. "Your bodies many cries for water"

In which the doctor states that lots of major illnesses can be cured just from drinking more water.

Has lots of great reviews on and I've been drinking alot more water.. I'm not sick but one thing I can say is that I feel great, and I'm much more positive since I started doing this.. like natural prozac.

As far as staph goes, I had it once in louisiana when I was volunteering for hurricane katrina. Hurt like hell on my little toe, could bairley walk. I found some website where a doctor advised taking garlic, cutting it in half and placing it directly on your staph infection. It burned like hell when I did this, but magically it went away.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I can't speak for all the claims about silver, but from what I personally have seen it do, I'm convinced it's a miracle cure for many things. I won't get into in depth details but I threw everything under the sun at that super staph infection I contracted from my former job, and everything just made it angrier. I was getting sick from the antibiotics I was prescribed so I went toward more all natural solutions. Nothing worked, just reduced the infection but didn't eliminate it.

I tried colloidal silver after all else failed. I drank 2 glasses per day for about 3 weeks, home made of course, using .9999 pure silver thick gauge wires and spring water, not distilled. After the 3 weeks, the super staph was completely destroyed and has never reappeared since.

I also have not been sick since I've been consuming the silver. I did have a 2 day flu like occurrence last year but that was all I've contracted in the past 4 years. I want to know what it's done for others suffering from their ailments.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:00 PM
How do you make the stuff?

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:02 PM
Absolutely No Side Effects, just ask this guy.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by Furbs


posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:04 PM
My experience with colloidal silver is most with the spray-on stuff helping with surface skin infections.

Silver has been used since the time of the Greeks, and modern day burn bandages are infused with it to prevent infections. I do believe it has value to cure infections.

I use an herbal preparation made from cat's claw (Samento), because I have rheumatoid arthritis which I believe is caused by a mycoplasma infection. I also use it on two of my cats who have feline AIDS. It is an awesome immune system stimulator. Silver, on the other hand, directly kills infectious agents.

Nature's pharmacy is full of effective medicine. If I had an infection that I couldn't get rid of with Samento, I would try colloidal silver, definitely.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by Furbs
Absolutely No Side Effects, just ask this guy.

Generally, "silver exhibits low toxicity in the human body, and minimal risk is expected due to clinical exposure,"[3] when silver or silver compounds are used in the treatment of external infections or in medical appliances. Lansdown states that "Chronic ingestion or inhalation of silver preparations (especially colloidal silver) can lead to deposition of silver metal/silver sulphide particles in the skin (argyria), eye (argyrosis) and other organs. These are not life-threatening conditions but cosmetically undesirable.”

Argyria - Wiki

It's essentially a harmless side effect. Please review the literature.

Let's weigh the options, and look at treatment of influenza:

Silver : may not work but side effects are harmless
Antivirals : Only slows down virus progression and puts you at risk for dozens of adverse effects, including various forms of horrific death.

Hard decision which one to take isn't it?

edit on 10-4-2012 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus

Silver has been used since the time of the Greeks, and modern day burn bandages are infused with it to prevent infections. I do believe it has value to cure infections.

True Facts.

Medical uses of silver-Wiki

Silver has had some medicinal uses going back for centuries. The Phoenicians are said to have stored water, wine, and vinegar in silver bottles to prevent spoiling.[19] In the early 1900s, people would put silver coins in milk bottles to prolong the milk's freshness.[19] Hippocrates, the "father of medicine",[20] wrote that silver had beneficial healing and antidisease properties.[19] In the early 1900s, silver gained regulatory approval as an antimicrobial agent. Prior to the introduction of antibiotics, colloidal silver was used as a germicide and disinfectant.[21] Physicians used it as an eyedrop for ophthalmic problems,[22] for various infections,[23][24] and sometimes internally for diseases such as tropical sprue, epilepsy, gonorrhea, and the common cold.[2][16][25] Colloidal silver preparations (CSP) were used to treat or prevent gonorrhea and gonorrheal conjunctivitis.[17]

So there is indeed a long historical precedent of using silver to kill infections.

Hippocrates praised it, which is a big deal.

Even the government approved of it's use before the giant pharmaceutical corporations took over.

Very interesting history here.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus

Nature's pharmacy is full of effective medicine. If I had an infection that I couldn't get rid of with Samento, I would try colloidal silver, definitely.

Also a good suggestion to add to your list :

Bee's Honey.

It has been used historically as an antibacterial agent and I have used it successfully as well with a tooth infection.

Depending on what type of flower pollen the honey is created from will determine it's potency and it's particular effects. I have personally been using clove honey and it has proven extremely potent and powerful against bacteria.

There is a ton of really fascinating and eye opening studies on honey worth looking into.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:20 PM
Dr. Robert O. Becker (Nobel-Prized winner), and Ken Adachi from his Educate-Yourself website, absolutely recommends it over everything else.
Other cures would be the macis (the orange membrane enveloping the walnut), clover, and the wormwood (the plant, not the asteroid of John's Revelation
edit on 10-4-2012 by starheart because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

Potentially biologically harmless. This is true.
Potentially socially disastrous. This is also true.

It all comes down to value of life, my friend.

I gotta tell you, if my wife would let me, I would have started taking colliodal silver years ago for the skin changing side effects alone.
edit on 10-4-2012 by Furbs because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

Colloidal silver is an amazing substance, and was the antibiotic of choice until modern antibioitics. I found it when a friend introduced us to it when my wife had a recurring antibiotic resistant infection after almost dying from an ecoli infection in her kidney that went systemic.

We cound not get rid of the infection till she tried the colloidal silver. It was like a miracle for her. About this same time period I came down with a rather painful gum infection. Being rather shy of the dentist, I decided to try some colloidal silver. It knocked it right out, and the sinus infection I had had for yrs with it.

An old friend had a granddaughter with mrsa that would not go away. The meds she was forced to take were not agreeing with her and she was suffering terribly. I told him to get her some colloidal silver and he said in three days it looked so much better he said it was like God came down and closed the wound. All in all, I just got three batteries to make a new batch, because I am a believer!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by JibbyJedi

It appears that the numbers add up fairly well here.

Colloidal Silver is an effective antibacterial agent.
Also, it appears safer than most alternatives as it's side effects are relatively mild.

So...why isn't this a staple of mainstream medicine? The agents that replaced it in the market have proven in most cases far more dangerous or less effective than it's precursor. Why?

$$$$$, that's gotta be why. Just a hunch.
I bet a ton of research could prove it, step by step.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 06:00 PM
My neighbor is only a couple days in to using colloidal silver, and he told me a little while ago that he was able to touch his tooth, which is infected badly, for the 1st time in weeks. His urine and stool are full of the toxins that he's apparently getting rid of in his system. He said he's already feeling better after a couple days.

Glad to hear similar stories of it working for others.
And the blue Santa guy, he really over used the stuff, and I'd rather be blue and live to 100 than tan and only live to 65. If you want to turn blue though, use it topically and ingest 10+ tall glasses per day like he did... or, use it in moderation like a normal person.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Furbs
Absolutely No Side Effects, just ask this guy.

he took silver salts not colloidal silver.

he put salt in it which gives you silver chloride salt...

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Furbs

I have not seen many videos with more dislikes than likes. But I saw one today. It's almost gotten to the point where you know its false info just by seeing that it came from a major media outlet like CNN... If I turned on theory channel and they said a meteor was about to land on my house, I would probably just go take a nap, or throw a large house party at my house. Nah, I know what I'd do, I'd go sunbathing in a speedo on my roof with a target painted on my body with the bulls eye centered at my groin.


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