posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 11:43 AM
This topic is a response to threads I’ve read over the years here on ATS. One of the most common topics I’ve seen is what I should do to prepare
for SHTF, what steps should I take for SHTF, most important what will SHTF be. Another is this; I am prepared to go live in the woods and be John
Rambo and live off what I kill. Is this realistic, I am very skeptical of the realistic possibilities of this, sounds like a great way to get killed.
I have come to many conclusions some I will share with you today, first and foremost is what SHTF scenario to prepare for.
My answer to that question has become very simple and yet I think complex, you must prepare for failure. I know that sounds so simple and even stupid,
“well duh of course I have to prepare for failure its SHTF stupid”. I hear that let me explain what I mean by Prepare for Failure.
Prepare for Failure – YOU personally must prepare for YOUR plan to include its eventual and inevitable failure. Failure because circumstance has
overwhelmed your plan or the situation has changed, or worst yet you have less people to accomplish your plan. An unforeseen event has made part of
your plan untenable, maybe destroying some of your caches or rendering equipment useless.
How To Prepare For Failure – You must be able to adapt, you must have made mental preparations in your mind, going over situation after situation
and adapting what you can to your personal situation. Examination of escape routes (more than 2) done over time before SHTF, caches placed in multiple
locations if possible on your routes, you must have a plan for escape. Have more than one place to escape to, living in the woods is no way to live,
find groups of like minded people, befriend them and discuss this topic. Learn multiple useful trades carpentry for one, failure is greatly limited
when one has multiple skills and knowledge.
Supplys that fit your needs, things that have multiple uses in multiple envirenments, food you eat today to reduce overall costs, items that fit you
and your area, dont forget the weather if you live up north like me.
Bugging In - Have a plan for SHTF that involves Bugging In, not just bugging out, make preparations accordingly for bugging in. This is usually the
cheapest way to prepare for a SHTF situation; however it is vitally important that you prepare for its inevitable failure as well if civilization is
not restored.
Get Out Of The Inner Cities – Just what it says, when there is a SHTF, just being outside of the inner cities decreases some of the things that will
happen to you and your family. There will be no escape from it conceivably, so being out of the cities and suburbs all together into small towns and
villages would be an even better way to reduce the amount of things that could go wrong. That would also make it more likely to find like minded
people who you would be able to work with, reducing even more the problems. This might be the best way I can think of to avoid the worst possibilities
of SHTF, to many supply lines, once cut chaos ensues, than it’s just a snowball that kills.
Inevitable Failure – Everything fails, this is just a fact of life, and it doesn’t matter if that failure is a death, structural, electronic, or
even societies. Failure is indeed inevitable we have come to call it change in its best circumstance and failure in its worst, but what is sure is
that there will be change. I have heard it put another way, the best plan doesn’t survive first contact, the ability to adapt, maybe more important
the WILLINGNESS to adapt is the key to winning, surviving and prospering. Just survival isn’t enough, thriving and prospering with the possibility
for a future better than our past is what most human’s desire, it has been our ability to adapt when things go wrong that has allowed us to make it
here. Will you be able to adapt as well as your ancestors did or will you be another statistic because you had your plan and stuck with it, until it
killed you and didn’t adapt.
Prepare For Failure!