Well they drove him to the point that he had no choice but to go down with his property. The Roswell, GA government goons kept on harrassing Andrew
Wordes (RIP) to the point where he had no choice but to set his property on fire and go down. He was a very nice man.
They kept on citing him with small things, annoying, pestering him, refused his FEMA requests for assistance, contacting his mortage holder and
coercing with them!!! I mean WTF is going on here!! isnt this a mob type mentality under RICO statues! They had his home vandalized, then they jailed
him and kept harassing him. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to his case. He then ultimately took his life over the illegal
forclosure. It reminds me of this case:
Some town is illegal to raise chickens
for the eggs and meat
This system and laws were created for the public
so everyone continu to buy and buy and buy until they die
Having Chicken would make us self suffisiant
Like this familly in the vid
Having chicken should be encouraged for every familly
to take care of themself and having the kids growing up with responsabilities
like to pick up the eggs each mornings
It would be great having chicken around
i wouldnt be able to kill them .. but will certainly take their precious eggs for an omelette
edit on 4/10/2012 by Ben81 because: (no reason
I agree, not everyone can live near a water source and go easy fishing, but eggs provide and excellent source of protein. It is protein that makes
your brain work at its optimal (it is turned into glucose which the brain utilizes). They do not want your brain working. When you are smart you are
able to resist.
Eggs are also very very diverse foods, that can be eaten with breakfast or lunch. Eggs, onions, peppers, and some cheese and you have a very good
breakfast to keep your energy for the day.
The last thing TPTB want is for people to become self-sufficient. They want people to buy food, not grow it independently.
There are two reasons for this:
Corporate greed. They want you to buy THEIR products. Not grow your own.
They want us to consume their poisons, not grow fresh food that hasn't been tampered with. They want us eating their products that have been
saturated in Monosodium Glutamate, Fluoride, Aspartame, Methylcyclopropene, artificial colours/dyes*, artificial flavours**, Benzoic Acid/Sodium
Benzoate, Canthaxanthin, Emulsifiers, Olestra, Potassium Bromate, Sodium Nitrite/Nitrate, and SO much more.
* Artificial colours/dyes: Researchers in the early 1900s developed many artificial colors from coal-tar dyes and petrochemicals.
** Artificial flavours: This blanket term refers to hundreds of laboratory chemicals designed to mimic natural flavors. For example, some imitation
vanilla flavorings are made from petroleum or paper-mill waste. In fact, a single artificial flavoring can be created from hundreds of individual
chemicals. New studies suggest artificial-flavoring additives can cause changes in behavior.
Petroleum and paper-mill waste?!?! The fact that so many food additives cause detrimental health problems and are still in the stores and not
banned by the FDA proves to me that the government wants this stuff out there. They want us consuming it. Why else would they allow this
rubbish to be sold?