posted on Apr, 13 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000
reply to post by nixie_nox
I agree with you both and as stated I also would have beaten his ass, but from my experience and perspective, They are real scum (at least the
majority) and that's coming from someone who knows how to act properly in according situations..
For starters, spitting or throwing of any bodily fluids, is a felony charge and they face 7 years in prison,(in NY). problem is as with anyone,
eventually your job just becomes repetition and it's just a reaction and movement. So a majority of the times they just assume they're dealing with
scum and treat everyone as such.
This guy though, I also would have whooped, but they're supposed to be held to a higher standard, are they not??? Well if so, they need to obviously
act in such a manner becoming. they're excuse is they're only human, and that's why they should be treated as such. Humans in power ar vile
creatures who abuse it and others.