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Dude, Quit Telling Me You Are Broke!

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Suspiria
What a shining example of humanity OP is..
I'm going to calm myself with a chamomile tea before I get myself into trouble by spitting venom.

Exactly what do you have a problem with?

I have stated my problem clearly. I have a problem with people refusing to work for money, downright rejecting work, because they prefer handouts over honest labor. And somehow this invites your sarcasm? And possibly venom?

What is your problem? I think it might be failure to fully read the original post & comprehend what was said.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:06 PM
Problem? Social Services, if people are enticed to get a free ride from the government using working taxpayer money, than they will.

Solution? Become an active member in your community and vote out the slick harvard lawyers that put these policies in place to use the under class as a voting block, starting with your county/state.

Action? Lets just WAH WAH WAH about it all day and get absolutely nothing done.
edit on 10-4-2012 by Konduit because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by Ameilia

your attitude is straight up ignorant...

obviously you have never looked into the creation of money & manipulation of a Nations economy..

while you dare yell at your fellow Americans you completely ignore that there are company's getting Government handouts to the tune of BILLIONS, along with tax breaks that bring their total to ZERO? that is hurting US ALL.

while you dare yell at your fellow Americans there is a monetary policy in this country DESIGNED to leech out all value & wealth from the average citizen..

the revolving door between wall street & the Government needs to be closed permanently!!

you need to drop your attitude & get some real knowledge on why the people..not just around you but the the ENTIRE county have fallen on hard times..

what a disgusting post.. and seriously uneducated.. rant all you want.. your flat out wrong.

the Federal Reserve is neither "Federal" nor has any "Reserves".. if you think theres gold in Fort Knox you delusional.. see the "Gold Comission" which Ron Paul was apart of.. %80 owned by FOREIGN investors %20 by the FEDERAL RESERVE nothing is owned by the Americans who if you did not know were FORCED to deposit thier gold within under heavy penalty's.. the FED is a private banks of 12 districts and a director that control the nations financial resources by controlling the money supply & available DEBT BASED credit by mortgaging the government through BORROWING.

if you can not wrap your head around that & see how it has effected each & everyone of us sucking out our value through interest & FIAT currency then I do not know what else to tell you.. other than you SHUT UP.. as you have ignorantly told others to do with out ANY real understanding of the State of the Union's economic situation today..and how we have gotten there through the control of our nations credit.

you dare blame the little guy?

good day sir.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by reeferman

So it's the governments fault that people are lazy.

If you (general you) are so lazy you refuse to work, that is not the fault of the government. That is the fault of you (again, general). Regardless of what country you live in, the state of your economy, or the level of corruption throughout, a lazy person is a lazy person is a lazy person.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by Ameilia
reply to post by reeferman

So it's the governments fault that people are lazy.

If you (general you) are so lazy you refuse to work, that is not the fault of the government. That is the fault of you (again, general). Regardless of what country you live in, the state of your economy, or the level of corruption throughout, a lazy person is a lazy person is a lazy person.
It is partly the fault of government. Hunger is a great motivator to get off your a** and go to work. That motivation is removed due to wealth redistributionism.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by Ameilia

ignorance is ignorance is ignorance..

who the hell is refusing jobs that you are so pissed of about? huh?

a person? a race? just call a spade a spade.. that's what you seem to be hinting at..

how can you call someone who you do not even know lazy when they are working their a$$ off in two jobs to make ends meet?

and you could not have watched ANY of those videos & come to any UNDERSTANDING within a few minutes..


your too lazy to see what is killing this country & are on some trip about people being lazy who work the same hours but get paid less.. do you have any understanding of inflation? didnt think so..

so why dont you just name the person or race you are so obviously blaming for being lazy, then by your glorious insight on this rant .. EVERYTHING would be alright..

all we have to do is work 40hrs a week ... at any slave labor job.. make that two jobs and your spouse... then.. boom recession's over..

but even though you admit we are in a recession.. you have no understanding of WHY.. or HOW to get out if it.. you just want to blame "LAZY" people..

deny ignorance and TROLL on ...

ps.. sorry for ranting back.. Im sure your a nice enough human being.. it just chaps my hide about the lack of knowledge regarding the thievery in the FED.. and how it does effect the nation as a whole..
edit on 10-4-2012 by reeferman because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:04 PM

Originally posted by Whateva69

I don't care

I don't care

what sad world we live in, when those that "have" don't care about those that don't have.


We care about those that "don't have and need." We don't care about those who "don't need and want."
edit on 10-4-2012 by Nite_wing because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by reeferman

who the hell is refusing jobs that you are so pissed of about? huh?

MANY people, that I personally have come across. They come in all colors, both sexes, and all races. I think your brain is going to race because of all the hate that's been going on lately. I'm talking about LAZY, which doesn't have a race.

how can you call someone who you do not even know lazy when they are working their a$$ off in two jobs to
make ends meet?

I'm not calling anyone I don't know lazy. I'm calling people I do know, have talked to, lazy, because they are. If you read the original post again, you will see where I excluded people doing their best, and included sitting-on-their-butt complaining about their finances people.

but even though you admit we are in a recession.. you have no understanding of WHY.. or HOW to get out if it.. you just want to blame "LAZY" people.. deny ignorance and TROLL on ...

On the contrary, I do understand why we are in a recession. If you would like me to explain it to you, I will have to make yet another thread. I am not promising right now that I can do this anytime within the next day, but if you are really serious, I can make it happen.
Also, I don't appreciate being called a troll. I am not trolling. I am posting in the rant section about lazy people. I'm sure you've called someone lazy sometime in your life right? ...oh wait, you called ME lazy:

TALK ABOUT LAZY!!!! your too lazy to see what is killing this country & are on some trip about people being lazy who work the same hours but get paid less.. do you have any understanding of inflation? didnt think so..

So, does that make you a troll too? Of course not. Just like I am not a troll.

Oh, I was going to pass over your rude comments about my lack of understanding what inflation is, but just for heck of it, I'll throw this out there. I have a degree dude. I have a degree in Accounting. I have a degree in Business. I'm pretty sure I have a more complete understanding of inflation than you do. Of course, I could be wrong about that, because you never know who you are talking to on the internet. You never know their age, job experience, life experience, etc. So, I try not assume I know more than someone, unless they give me a really good reason. You might want to try that (sincerely).

ps.. sorry for ranting back.. Im sure your a nice enough human being.. it just chaps my hide about the lack of knowledge regarding the thievery in the FED.. and how it does effect the nation as a whole..

Well, apology accepted but not necessary. We are in the RANT forum after all, aren't we? And I don't have the monopoly on ranting today, last time I checked.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 06:28 PM

I'm Broke !!!!

After paying my internet bill, my smart Phone bill, my cable bill, Netflicks, eat out 6 times a week and set aside money for Starbucks I have no money left hardly!

Seriously, I got laid off about 18 months ago and although it was really crappy and unexpected I am still alive.

I DIDN"T sign up for unemployment though like everybody else I hooked a (borrowed) trailer up to my truck
and bought a permit then went out and cut a trailer & truck full of wood in the forest and brought it home and split it and sold it for firewood. Then I did it again & again & again...ect

I am making an average of $1,200 a week.

It wasn't an option to sit home and draw unemployment for 2-3 years. I couldn't do that I would go crazy.

Aside from taking care of my family and actually making more money now than I did I also lost 25 lbs. and am in way better shape other than some seriously sore muscles.

If you can't find a job.........go out and create one for yourself. All it takes is some imagination and motivation.

Or you can set home and complain. Things aren't going to get better, at least for a loooooong time so you either do for yourself or eventually you'll go under. Unless you believe the government will be able to take care of you forever.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 06:44 PM

Originally posted by Ameilia
Yes, I understand we are in a recessed (or even depressed) economy.

I understand unemployment is high right now. It might be higher than you have ever seen, especially if you were born after 1975.

So you don't have a job, or you have a job that doesn't pay enough, or it does pay enough but you aren't allowed to work the number of hours you need. If you aren't helping yourself, please shut up! I feel like each and every person I come across in real life, and even in many cases "friends" online, has something to complain about financially.

And I bite my tongue.

I don't care that unemployment doesn't pay you the weekly salary you are used to. It has to pay everyone who is unemployed see? So that money is divided amongst you.

I don't care that you only have two weeks left on your unemployment, what the heck have you been doing the entire time you've been on it? Waiting for your dream job to roll back around? Sorry, I'm going back to sleep now.

Please Quit Telling Me You Are Broke!

I almost all circumstances, I think it's your fault.

Yes, there are exceptions. Obviously one cannot help extreme situations such as: illness of child, or spouse who contributes significant income, any natural disaster, a family emergency, etc. You guys, I am not talking to you.

Who am I talking to? YOU, who sits on your butt all day, and collects unemployment and other assistance, and complains there is "no work" or else "that job isn't good enough for me."

YOU NEED TO HELP YOURSELF. Not complain to every person who will listen, most of whom will then sympathize "oh, it's this terrible economy" and sooth your ego. But not me. I see your game. I see the excuses.

I will tell you ten ways to make money right this second, and you will sit and stare at me. You won't jump on the idea. You won't take an idea and turn it into something better, and work on that. In fact, you probably won't even listen.

Why? Because butt-sitting, mouth-complaining, hand-out for hand outs, is so much easier.

So please, don't blame your spouse, don't blame your old boss. Don't blame the economy, your state, the President, or anyone else, if you are sitting on your butt doing nothing to help yourself.

We are all sick of listening to you whine. All of us who bust our # to make a buck, we don't hear anything you say. It's like the Snoopy cartoons *blah*blah*blah.

Stand up, be a MAN or WOMAN and help yourself!

Even Christianity states God helps those who help themselves!

Majority are lazy, with the exception of a few unique cases.

Most others who are talking trash to you are in self denial. Their own ego will not allow themselves to admit that they're just not trying hard enough and most importantly, smart enough. Or they are simply waiting for the right job (dream job) to appear. As long as you have an "excuse" for something, you're not doing it right.

Ask yourself this way: "Are you willing to travel 600+ miles, relocate to a different environment to get a job?"

You know what, don't answer that, let me do it for you, you won't. What you're looking for is still the old 9 to 5, 15min to 20min drive from your home, preferably white collar office environment with air conditioning.

Or you're one of those Union workers who used to make $165,000 annually but still have the audacity to strike at Long Beach harbor.

Let me ask you this way, remember all the "stimulus" money we got from Obama? How many American citizens, do you think, took the "stimulus" check and used it as a small capital to convert that into more cash?

I don't know the exact numbers but I can tell you, probably not a lot.

Majority of us, took the "stimulus" check then immediately spent it by either paying their bills, buying a new iPhone, going to the strip joint, get another eighth to get high... etc..

My best friend bitches every day, how broke he is, he needs to borrow money from me....

Oh.. and guess who's paying for the EDD these ... helpless souls are collecting on? ME!! That's right!! YOU AND ME!! The ones who are breaking their backs at their jobs, getting a 27% tax cut every pay check.

It's called "Sheep wools comes from sheep", if no one ever told you that, learn it now.

Where do you the government gets all the money to aid all the folks bitching and moaning right now? From good ol' tax payers like me.

I'm under 30, single, no kids, no assets (that's about to get changed, thinking about buying a house soon). I'm currently amongst the top 20% earners in this country, for my age group. I'm paying almost a 30% tax bracket. And where does all my tax dollars go to? Well... EDD's and Welfare.... for folks who really don't want to make a living but instead just leech off someone else.

Did you know that we habitually have people come in, work for 4 months, then quit just to claim EDD?

Real world is a bitch...

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Ameilia

What if the person didn't complain? If the person just went: " Yeah...Im a lazy prick *shrug* " You'd still bash the person?

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by truthseeker84

Hmm...You remember this one from Carlin: " You show me a lazy prick who sits around all day watching gameshows and stroking his penis and I'll show you someone who isn't causing any f'ing trouble. "

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by dude69
reply to post by Ameilia

What if the person didn't complain? If the person just went: " Yeah...Im a lazy prick *shrug* " You'd still bash the person?

Nope. I'm talking about people complaining TO ME specifically. And not listening or implementing any ideas which I might provide to them on how to better their situation, out of pure laziness, not because some other factor prevents them from doing so.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by randomtangentsrme
reply to post by Ameilia

I will give you a for instance to prove you wrong.
Back in 2004 I was able to make over $20,000 working (laboring) 3 months of the year and playing drums for a church every Sunday.
Now I can not make my (cheap) labor price of $50 an hour as an independent contractor.
I'm lucky to get paid $300 for what was a $2500 job back then. Or not work.

I prefer to work as an independent contractor. So I do not get to collect unemployment, but get to make $10,000 for the year. As opposed to a potential of $80,000 depending on the year.

But yes, that's totally my fault for having an additional 8 years of experience.

If you want more, do more. Get a second or third job. If all you want to do is be an independent contractor, but can't find work and refuse to do anything else to improve your situation, then it actually is your fault.


posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:23 PM

Nope. I'm talking about people complaining TO ME specifically.

how dare people who've been f'd over
puncture your little bubble of delusion, with their petty problems
and even worse,they ignore you when you respond with
the traditional response of the "i've got mine" crowd: "GET A JOB!"

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

You're right. I should be 100% sympathetic when someone says "I refused work today because I don't want a job. Living off the government is much easier for me. I don't want to do anything to help myself. Do you have ten bucks you could spare?"

No. I have no sympathy for those who refuse work, then complain. If you LOSE work it is different than to REFUSE work.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by DarthMuerte

Originally posted by Ameilia

Originally posted by DarthMuerte
reply to post by Ameilia
List your 10 ways to make money. Help them out and remove their excuses.

Do you mean, in real life? This is what I'm complaining about...I do this and people just...don't care. They just don't. I can't even explain it.

Or do you mean, on the board? I can pop out some ideas if that's what you're asking.
Do both. Put your 10 ideas right here, or start a separate thread "10 ways to make money without a job".

Okay DarthMuerte, here is a the link I promised you!
edit on 4/11/12 by Ameilia because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:52 PM
I am broke.

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