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Cancer Cure Documentary - Dr. Burzynski Antineoplaston Therapy

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posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by mee30

His science is good, so perhaps one day he will have custom treatments with well-researched cures for many types of cancers. I hope he has more success in the future, but he isn't a miracle doctor quite yet.
reply to post by getreadyalready

Okay I get that you have had a bad experience with him and that may of tainted your view somewhat. But he hasn't exactly been welcomed with open arms has he? His research has been hindered by him being dragged through the courts a million times. How would you cope under that type of pressure?

He gets no funding only attacks and you wonder why it's taking time? He's been at this since the 70's... Can you imagine where he would be today if he was supported?

I hope his reasearch does get funding, and I hope his cure is real! I think, for the specific brain cancer that he spent the majority of his research on, he has performed miraculous cures. I'm not discounting his science at all, and I am rooting for the guy.

But, there is never any call for being rude, hanging up on people, not returning phone calls, and just giving piss-poor customer service, so that is a business problem he has, not a Medical one. He needs to run his business better, or hire a business manager that will.

Also, his treatment is only miraculous on one single strain of cancer. I pray he can get support to expand its effectiveness, but at this moment in time, unless you have that strain of cancer, his treatment is a gamble with a very large sum of money and precious time! I would caution against his treatment unless he and his staff are confident they can produce results. In their defense, they do seem honest. They don't just promise the moon to every patient, so as long as it is an educated patient, willing to walk away from the negotiation, then by all means check them out, but just like all the marketing out there on TV, "these results are not typical, and your results may vary." Don't go into it expecting a miracle, and don't spend your last dime on the treatment and be left with no other options if it doesn't work. Don't gamble your life away, that is all I am warning against.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Thank you so much ! I appreciate your warning. I have talked with over 20 parents that have used this machine. Not all of them have seen results but the boys that have improved have done very well with the treatment. I have been back and forth with my decision, but with no side effects from the machine I figure why not try. But again thank you for your warning and looking our for us.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Do you think the FDA are protecting people from Dr Burzynski? Do you think they are bringing him to court again and again and again for the benefit of the public? Did they steal his patents to help the public too?

Even you yourself said his science is good. If the FDA got off his back and opened it up the world don't you think the price would come down rapid? I mean they could even help the guy out! It's not like he's new on the scene.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by getreadyalready

Do you think the FDA are protecting people from Dr Burzynski? Do you think they are bringing him to court again and again and again for the benefit of the public? Did they steal his patents to help the public too?

Even you yourself said his science is good. If the FDA got off his back and opened it up the world don't you think the price would come down rapid? I mean they could even help the guy out! It's not like he's new on the scene.

NO, I don't think the FDA has been honest in their vendetta against Burzynski. Maybe they had good intentions at some point, but it became a pissing match.

Yes, if Burzynski had the full support of the FDA (which he does now), and if Burzynski had started human trials years and years ago and spent his money on research instead of legal fees, then perhaps his science would be developed to the level to help my buddy. It is a tragedy.

Still, in my experience, everyone needs to be very, very, very x10 cautious with any of these cure claims. The charlatans outnumber the scientists 1000 to 1, and the scientists are mild-mannered and cautious compared to the predators ramming their stuff down your throat. It is easy for me to assume anyone trying to sell me anything is a fraud and be correct 99.99% of the time.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by mee30

I get frustrated of the treatments they DO approve that are so harmful and then treatments like these cancer treatments with virtually no side effects they beat around the bush for 30+ years. Saying that the FDA actually has our best interest in mind is like using Kleenex for a condom.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Using chemo and having radiation therapy is a gamble though, and as you well know makes you very very sick and can kill you!

How can he hire a decent manager when he has to spend millions defending himself against the FDA? That's my point... It's a shame you had a bad experience. I can't say why they treated you that way as I wasn't there. And it does sound unacceptable...

I'm sure even in the documentary they dealt with more than one type of cancer though so....?

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by lindsay1984

Agreed! I mean why on earth wouldn't they give it a go when there is no side effects? It's crazy! I think his research has focused on the worst type of cancer only because that is all he's allowed to deal with. And that's only because people have been fighting the system for years to get the right to do it.

One day hopefully he will go mainstream and then we can get some real progress.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by mee30

Right!? If they actually used the millions raised yearly for researching treatments like this we would be a lot further in the cure and fight for cancer and other terminal diseases. BUT I'm sure it boils down to population control/natural selection. It's just hard to see it that way when you have a child with a terminal disease. I understand that if we start saving everyone with a terminal disease that there will be way too many people on we are damned if we do damned if we don't I guess.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:32 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

You say he has their support now? Didn't they just have him up in court again recently? I know it was this year anyway.

Having pissing matches shouldn't be in the remit of the FDA.

Definitely people should be very cautious! Especially about mainstream medicine in my opinion. The trouble is though people just blindly believe their doctors without any thought at all. Much like the policeman did in the opening scene of the documentary. But of course people should also be careful of non-mainstream products too. Question everything (including mainstream) would be a good mantra.

In my opinion the docu left me very little suspicion as it was so well done and all the evidence you could ever want was there for all to see. Even the court cases themselves! Hell even the judge in one of his first trials came and spoke on it on his behalf. It's a powerful, moving and sickening documentary. It made me very angry indeed.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by lindsay1984

Yeah that's the truth I think, they don't want to save everyone at all.. But when it is you or a loved one that needs the help it must be heartbreaking. I can not give advice, but I saw some promising things about garson therapy (might not of spelt it correctly). The interesting thing about it is you do not need loads of money to try it. It's about drinking tons of carrot juice basically and then you do regular coffee enemas (i know it's gross).

Like I say I can't vouch for it, but I would defo give it a go, or at least look into it.

My heart goes out to you.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by mee30

Thank you. It has been a rough road and it will get tougher as we go along but we are doing a lot of vitamin therapy and physical therapy and we are going to try the VECTTOR treatment. If it works then I'll be a happy momma. If it doesn't I will continue to find safe, alternative treatments. Someone has to look out for him and I don't have confidence in today's 'physicians.'

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by mee30
reply to post by getreadyalready

Using chemo and having radiation therapy is a gamble though, and as you well know makes you very very sick and can kill you!

Yes, but it is a known gamble, with known complications, and known percentages of success.

How can he hire a decent manager when he has to spend millions defending himself against the FDA? That's my point... It's a shame you had a bad experience. I can't say why they treated you that way as I wasn't there. And it does sound unacceptable...

He isn't having any money troubles. This was just a personnel issue. The people working there were just not very nice, or efficient, or caring type people.

I'm sure even in the documentary they dealt with more than one type of cancer though so....?

Yes, he treats many types of cancer with differing levels of success, but none of the successes are outpacing traditional treatments except for the brain cancer one. Some types of cancer don't respond at all to his treatment, some respond similar to traditional chemo and radiation. Only one responds miraculously. And, to their credit, they tell you this all upfront and let you make the decision. For my buddy's type of cancer, the treatment was not significantly effective, but it was significantly expensive, so he opted not to do it there.

You say he has their support now? Didn't they just have him up in court again recently? I know it was this year anyway.

Yes, he just won his last court case, and he now has FDA approval for Human Trials, and he isn't facing any additional charges at this current time. Hopefully it stays that way!

In my opinion the docu left me very little suspicion as it was so well done and all the evidence you could ever want was there for all to see. Even the court cases themselves! Hell even the judge in one of his first trials came and spoke on it on his behalf. It's a powerful, moving and sickening documentary. It made me very angry indeed.

Of course, don't forget the documentary is one-sided, with an agenda, and with a giant monetary payoff if the tide of public opinion is turned in his favor. Of course it is well-funded, well-done, and effective. It might also be true, and he might also be a great doctor, but don't let yourself be swayed by one side of any particular story.
edit on 9-4-2012 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:49 PM
reply to post by lindsay1984

Well if I were you I would be doing exactly the same thing to be honest. Just don't stop looking, because if this one fails at least you can move straight on to the next one.

I can't imagine being in your shoes, I have 3 children myself and it would devastate me. But this is why I do alternative research now, just in case.

The thing is mainstream will try to force you or threaten you into taking a particular path. It makes me sick! All you can do is do what you think is best!

I wish you all the blessings in the world.

Btw there was a guy today that posed a little experiment. It is regarding meditation. Me and my family are taking part, perhaps you would like to as well? I'm no hippy or anything but I thought it can't hurt and could be good for us. I think it could be good for you too. Here is the link.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by mee30

Thanks! I'll check that out when I get home from work. I'm all about total healing, mind and body.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Yes, but it is a known gamble, with known complications, and known percentages of success.

Knowing that the 'treatment' can kill you is a good thing?

He isn't having any money troubles. This was just a personnel issue. The people working there were just not very nice, or efficient, or caring type people.

You know his finances? How? I'm sure the research he is performing costs a hell of a lot of money. As do the court cases. How many is it now?

Yes, he treats many types of cancer with differing levels of success, but none of the successes are outpacing traditional treatments except for the brain cancer one. Some types of cancer don't respond at all to his treatment, some respond similar to traditional chemo and radiation. Only one responds miraculously. And, to their credit, they tell you this all upfront and let you make the decision. For my buddy's type of cancer, the treatment was not significantly effective, but it was significantly expensive, so he opted not to do it there.

That is only because the only types of cancers he's been allowed to treat are the very worst ones! Ones I might add that conventional medicine has zero success rate with. It's not really his fault is it? If some types respond the same as traditional chemo or radiation I would call that miraculous! Because there are no side effects! No sickness, no hair falling out, no fingernails falling off, no feeling drained and half dead! That is miraculous.

That was great then really because at least you got the truth, as opposed to mainstream.

Yes, he just won his last court case, and he now has FDA approval for Human Trials, and he isn't facing any additional charges at this current time. Hopefully it stays that way!

That's excellent news! Here is hoping, but I won't hold my breath. They have an agenda in my opinion, they won't stop.

Of course, don't forget the documentary is one-sided, with an agenda, and with a giant monetary payoff if the tide of public opinion is turned in his favor. Of course it is well-funded, well-done, and effective. It might also be true, and he might also be a great doctor, but don't let yourself be swayed by one side of any particular story.

Actually the director did the documentary off his own back because he heard about Dr Burzynski and couldn't believe what was happening. I believe he funded the project too. You can't fake real court cases though can you? You can't fake policemen standing up in court for Dr Burzynski... I do look at things with a critical eye. But the documentary is an open and shut case. And you admit that his treatments work! He hasn't had the proper chance to work on all types of cancer, for reasons which I've given already.

There was one point that I did want to raise (and this will prove my critical eye, hopefully lol)... Okay so at the start he said he found this property (sorry the name escapes me) in the blood of healthy patients but they were absent in cancer patients, which is what sparked his research to begin with. Now if that is the case, the body can produce this itself right? So why aren't they looking into getting the body to produce them again? I've often thought maybe that's where vitamin therapies come in, or perhaps the garson therapy. Maybe they are kick starting the body to produce the property that is missing?

Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say.
edit on 9-4-2012 by mee30 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by lindsay1984

It would be great to have you on board. Look forward to seeing you there. And don't work too hard!

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by getreadyalready

Do you know what specific tumour he has had most success with?

I was diagnosed with a grade 3 malignant tumour 10 years ago and came back as a grade 4, 4 years ago.

I have to admit I still suffer side effects from the radiation I had every day for 6 weeks, 10 years ago to treat my first tumour so appreciate it's not the best treatment, but has probably kept me alive longer had I not had it.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 06:27 AM
reply to post by mee30

It's not a documentary. It's an infomercial.

By the way, Burzynski is famous for hiring new media marketers--lovingly called "shills" on this forum--to harass his critics. Here is one story of his shill threatening a British schoolboy with legal action for a blog post.

The man is a ghoul and a fraud, sucking money from suffering people and offering them false hope.

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by FurvusRexCaeli

Do you have PROOF that he is a fraud? Because if you do (and I'm open to all evidence) then I'm sure the FDA would love to have it! They have tried to get him locked up several times! They have tried to get his practice shut down many times too. So contact the FDA with your evidence I'm sure they would love to hear it.

Have you actually watched the documentary? They have the actual court hearings on there. Do you think that if he is what you say he is he would have WON every single case? Before multiple judges? Come on think about it!

Are you suggesting that people are taking their kids into the court rooms and vouching for burzynski if he was a fraud? Are you suggesting that the police officer at the beginning of the documentary is lying to the courts? I have a hard time believing all those people are lying to the judges. But again as i said put forward your evidence.

So he threatened to prosecute for slander? So? What would you do if you were helping people and then you found others spreading lies about you?

Hey perhaps I'm a paid shill too...

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by mee30

No, there is no proof he is a fraud, and there is no proof he has a miracle cure. That is precisely why he battles back and forth with the FDA. He has had some miraculous success, and he has had some failures, but he has consistently charged exorbitant fees to desperate people. Maybe he is a fraud, or maybe not, it is a "buyer beware" situation.

I'm not calling him a fraud, although he may be, but he may also be a good doctor on the defensive because of an overzealous FDA. I don't know the "truth" if there is such a thing, I only know people need to be especially cautious when they are vulnerable to predators. Desperate families are extremely impressionable, and even when they are told the likelihood of success is very, very low, they still drop 100s of 1000s of dollars on unproven treatments that usually don't work.

To put it as an easier example. People do win the lottery from time to time. Some people buy 1 ticket, some people buy 100s of tickets. I could open up a business, and I could help people win the lottery. Of course, I would warn everyone that not everybody wins, but as long as a couple of people win, I can show their testimonial to how good my lottery system is. I can tell people the more they spend with me, the better their chances of winning, and I would be telling the truth. In fact, if someone puts up $40k up front, and spends $3k to $6k per month after that, I can be very confident that some of those people are going to have success at playing the lottery, and several might hit it big! Am I a fraudster? I'm not lying, I'm telling the risks and rewards up front, and some percentage of people will get exactly what I promise, some will get lesser amounts, and some will just be throwing away their money, but they knew that in advance.

There are a large number of predators out there that prey on desperate people. No one is more desperate than when they are fighting for their life, or the life of a loved one. Even a 1% chance of staying alive is a great source of hope, and people will throw all their money into chasing that 1%. That money could be better spent on a bucket list, or on traditional treatments, or on estate planning, or whatever.

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