posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:41 AM
Here we go, Rodney King all over again and this time it will be worse. It will spread like wild fire across the U.S.
TPTB plan's will work this time and full martial law will be in effect before the summer is over. People are performing just like the programmed sheep
they are. It will start like it is now. Small tit for tats will pop up all over the U.S. then mobs of roaming violence. Once peaceful neighbors now
will become hated enemies.People who lived in tollerance and understanding will now throw away all their common sense and logic and allow the media to
stir them into a frenzy of emotion and hate.
People have the power to stop all of this. Deep down people know they are being played but they feel they need to get caught up in all the hype
because everyone is doing it, and your not a good white person or a good black person if you don't take sides. If your white and you don't fall in
line your a ****** lover, if your black and you don't fall in line your an uncle tom. It's the oldest game in the book. Divide and conquer.
People can stop this they really can. People can stand side by side and deplore the violence and deplore the division, blacks and whites. Don't give
TPTB what they want. This is a distraction of epic proportions. It's a way to take your anger towards the government and the economic crisis and
channel it into what they want you to channel it into. This has nothing to do with Obama and race.Bush is just as responsible and Clinton before him
and the Bush before him and so on. There are no sides. They are all on the same team and they only create the illusion of left versus right. We need
to all be on the same team. TPTB are the ones who are creating all of this , not the blacks and not the whites like they would have you believe.
People stop taking sides and drawing lines in the sand. I am seeing it in here on ATS and its just a small reflection of what's happening on a larger
scale. We are all better than this. It only takes one person to stand up and say stop all of this madness. Remember Rodney King. When he came out and
said, "Can't we all just get along?"
It's just that easy. It only takes one person to make a change. If we allow TPTB to take us down this road once again, we lose. We all lose. We are
handing the TPTB exactly what they want on a silver platter.
We are all making this way to easy for them.
edit on 9-4-2012 by mark1167 because: typo