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Ghosts Real Or Not ?

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posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by Imagewerx
Not real in my experience.The deep subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than most people realise,witness it's power when producing stigmata which are real and are something we can actually see and touch.
Ghosts are conjured up in the part of the brain we have no direct control over or proper access to,hence their apparent appearance in the "real" world to us.

So I take it you are saying when several people all witness the same thing at the exact same time all of them are "conjuring up" the same image in their imagination at the same exact time? Oh, the ignorance!

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 01:12 AM
Real. I have had several experiences that I can say this with confidence. Of course, my personal experiences are not enough to convince the scientific community, but I know....

What specifically ghosts are and why they exist? I have my ideas but I don't know.....

I just know they are real.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 01:17 AM
I've been wondering if ghosts could be energy from other individuals in a different dimension that sometimes crosses over just a tiny little bit, just long enough to see or feel their presence. Of course if the ghosts are moving things around visibly, that is a different story.

Some people just don't believe in the paranormal either because they haven't experienced it or their mind refuses to see what is right in front of them. I myself might have a lot of doubts if I had not experienced some things first hand.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:31 PM
It's great hearing everybody elses views on this,i used to try to get people to tell me if they have seen anything they can't explain but i just get the normal jokes & things like that.
So many studies have been done that not al of them can be faked can they,i'm sure a few are just for a tv show to put on sometime during the cold nights.
We don't get alot of decent documentries about the paranormal in the uk,the odd thing here & there but nothing worth while watching.

If it was made offical ghosts existed after some huge funded project how do you think people would react ?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by rhynouk

If it was made offical ghosts existed after some huge funded project how do you think people would react ?

I don't need any funded project to tell me ghosts are real. I have the ability to see with the eyes God gave me.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 12:54 PM
I'm all for ideas and opinions, but too often opinions and ideas in this field are presented as facts, which is why in my own searchings I usually stay away from the 'true believers'. Like UFOlogy, the field is infested with kooks and opportunists spewing all sorts of biased bs. I have serious doubts that even one person who has ever walked this earth has any real concrete answers about the phenomena. I've had my own experiences, but I never rushed to judgement and said this was a 'ghost' or 'a spirit of a dead person'. I don't know what I experienced and I doubt if anyone else does either. I'm on a quest for real answers, not made-up rationalizations.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Balkan
I don't know what I experienced and I doubt if anyone else does either. I'm on a quest for real answers, not made-up rationalizations.

I know exactly what I experienced... Every day for over 10 years!

What kind of proof are you seeking? It would help to know what happened that you need answers to. But first, let me say you come across as being quite closed-minded. You will never find the answers you seek until you open your mind to accepting some things that happen in this world have no rational explanation. Good luck in your quest!
edit on 4/12/2012 by sled735 because: Change wording

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 04:34 AM
I don't believe in ghosts but have a true story.

2004 I rented a condo down in Daytona Florida. I remember my wife always asking me if I left the closet light on during the year we lived there. She would go to work and when she got home the light would usually be on and she would make a point to check it before she left. I got home before her almost never used that closet . I told her it must be the landlord coming in while were gone and snooping around. Anyway, on the other side of the closet wall was the hallway the lead between the front door and the living room and for some reason our cat would stop sometimes and sit, stare at the wall or ponce on the wall and run away. These things never really bothered me I never gave it much thought until my wife told me she wanted to move out and the place across the street was available. She said she got a creepy feeling from our condo. It was about a week after that I went out to the garage and when I turned the light on there was this black mist that qucikly went under the workbench. OK, I chalked that up to my mind playing tricks on me. Turned the light off and went back in the house. We moved across the street about a month after that. I did hear from the landlord that his parents died who lived there but I never told him that we seen anything strange.
Now move ahead to 2011 were now living in Chicago Illinois in a house. We have our first child he's about 2 months old. I'm holding him on the couch. I feel a cold prescence move by us from my left side to my right so I moved to the floor and the cat starts jumping on the wall by the couch. Man that was weird. To me it felt like that same prescence, I can't explain it but that same vibe I felt in florida. It seemed like it hung around in the shadows for a few days and left. Seriously, I really don't believe in ghosts. And I don't like that feeling of a cold prescence that makes you feel like it might harm you if it could.

posted on Apr, 19 2012 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by RooandRo
I don't believe in ghosts but have a true story.

2004 I rented a condo down in Daytona Florida. I remember my wife always asking me if I left the closet light on during the year we lived there. She would go to work and when she got home the light would usually be on and she would make a point to check it before she left. I got home before her almost never used that closet . I told her it must be the landlord coming in while were gone and snooping around. Anyway, on the other side of the closet wall was the hallway the lead between the front door and the living room and for some reason our cat would stop sometimes and sit, stare at the wall or ponce on the wall and run away. These things never really bothered me I never gave it much thought until my wife told me she wanted to move out and the place across the street was available. She said she got a creepy feeling from our condo. It was about a week after that I went out to the garage and when I turned the light on there was this black mist that qucikly went under the workbench. OK, I chalked that up to my mind playing tricks on me. Turned the light off and went back in the house. We moved across the street about a month after that. I did hear from the landlord that his parents died who lived there but I never told him that we seen anything strange.
Now move ahead to 2011 were now living in Chicago Illinois in a house. We have our first child he's about 2 months old. I'm holding him on the couch. I feel a cold prescence move by us from my left side to my right so I moved to the floor and the cat starts jumping on the wall by the couch. Man that was weird. To me it felt like that same prescence, I can't explain it but that same vibe I felt in florida. It seemed like it hung around in the shadows for a few days and left. Seriously, I really don't believe in ghosts. And I don't like that feeling of a cold prescence that makes you feel like it might harm you if it could.

You are in deep denial, my friend! If seeing one, and feeling it's presence doesn't make you a believer, I don't know what to tell you. Guess you'll just have to wait until it throws something across the room, hitting you in the head, and knocking some sense into you!

edit on 4/19/2012 by sled735 because: addition to comment

edit on 4/19/2012 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 09:26 AM
As a paranormal researcher and ghost hunter, I can 100% say that yes...ghosts exists.
But...exactly WHAT they are is something that I am not sure about yet. I don't think that all of them, or possibly any of them, are spirits of people who have died. I think there are a few other possibilities that need to examined (psychic manifestations, parallel universe theory, time glitches, etc).

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by rhynouk

Did it have a face? I've had friends tell me about this hat man.
Another girl called it faceless, because it had no face. The other girl said she could see only his nose.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:14 PM
reply to post by rhynouk

This has been discussed in many different threads here on ATS and always remains a point of curiosity. I myself have seen many ghosts, but not all as one might expect. Everything that lives or generates any form of energy leaves behind a residual energy even after their physical body/form has ceased to exist in the tangible. Ghosts, spirits or residual energy can take on many forms from the traditional "ghostly" form, to an icy or heated area, to a vibration that you subconsciously feel but don't necessarily acknowledge on a conscious level.

Yes, I believe that ghosts do exist as residual energy but that they manifest in a myriad of different way, some more evident than others.

posted on Apr, 22 2012 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by rhynouk

Yes I do believe in ghosts and yes, I have seen some. Not as a child though - as an adult. And, I was wide awake.

One time I was working in a locked building. It was a Sunday. To get into this building you needed a myriad of keys. I heard the outside door slam shut - as if someone was coming in. I went out to look and saw nothing. I went back to work and saw someone walk past the room. It was a man. I dropped what I was doing and went straight out to see who it was. Outside the room I was working in, was a long corridor. When I looked both ways down the corridor - there was no-one there. He couldn't have gone into any other room - all the doors were locked.

This same building, the security guard, a woman, would not lock up at night on her own. Many times she had heard doors open and close - yet when she checked, there was no-one there. Many other people who worked in the same building - would not enter the building after dark.

Co-workers checked out the history of the building. Some years before, someone had died in that very same spot.

I have had other experiences as well. One ghost woke me up from a sleep. I saw the ghost sitting on the end of my bed. I could not then go back to sleep.

I just thought I would put forward some of my experiences.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 12:13 AM
So I'm just wondering how many other people have reported a ghost or something opening up the door for them? How about 3 times in 30 minutes in two different buildings? That third time in my own dorm building was creepy.

If I do have ghosts, I believe the ones in my house are friendly. If it's not a ghost, I have no clue. Actually I'm not even sure what a ghost would be. Maybe I'm from an alternate reality and disturbances are going to keep happening around me because I'm not on the same frequency as most in this reality. I have no idea.

Maybe there are no such things as ghosts. Maybe there are people that most do not perceive just barely interacting with our reality. Maybe a few people accidentally slipped into this reality from a parallel Earth and some disturbances remain and keep popping up due to the lack of harmony between alternate realities. That sounds like some government project gone awry causing unintended side effects among a few people in the population. If a few people are caught between dimensions and only occasionally able to interact with this dimension, that could explain what ghosts are.

I don't know what would be more disturbing. Proof that ghosts are real or proof that some people are from alternate realities because their frequency differs from the natural frequency for everyone else here and ghosts are simply the people who didn't completely make the shift to this reality. Sounds like a project that could get government funding if some scientist thought there was a possibility of phase shifting live humans into another dimension enabling live humans to walk through walls or into buildings without being detected. The general population and foreign countries would be very alarmed at such technology if someone developed it.

Note: I'm not even sure why I'm thinking people in alternate realities would have a different frequency or that people in different dimensions would exist on a different frequency. I'm just trying to think what kind of frequency in matter or energy could exist for everything in the universe or this reality that there is a possibility of changing. I don't know. This sounds like Philadelphia Experiment sort of stuff where people supposedly shifted out of phase with our reality.

edit on 23/4/12 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 28 2012 @ 08:05 AM
Yeah Ghoust and spirits are definatly real!!

and if youve read my profile you'll find that im...h0w d0 i put this in a word that dosent potray me as a crazy person would be Special lol

one of the expirience's i had that almost got me killed was one when i was 15. this gave me the impresion that they f0und me interesting, or think 0f me as a threat. This story starts with me being invited to go churches around Fiji and tell them some of my life stories/ghost related. Fathers, ministers all around fiji knew what my grandad was involved with and wanted a close understanding to the person wh0 completly did things around sacred places in fiji where fijian spirit God's were. places like this need priests to get permission from the spirit god to enter and people have died when entering without permision, while he was n0t touched at all. And other things i cant write about. so finding out he had a grandson that he raised bye himself people from my shurch started mentioning my name to freinds and so on. So i pretty much became a freak show due to the fact that i grew up with a person who they thoughtwas Evil/scary.. So it was my last trip to a church in the other side of the island from the capital. i was in a airport, when i saw the most Beautiful girl/ in a red dress. she was dead staring at me i mean her beauty was Angel like and she was staring at me. i Would look away and look back at her and she would smile and just stare. it was final calling for people heading to the main island and i was ready to leave when i g0t a call that i church would like me stay an extra day, for they would also like to meet me. i really wanted to leave f0r she was also headed for the main island. but their was a constant voice telling me to stay. so i ended up staying and just before the plane left i went to take a good look at the girl/women in the red dress who was just so beautiful. the next day it was in the news that the plane had crashed with no suvivours and wer showing all pictures of the dead, i saw all the pictures of the dead but the beautiful girl/women in the red dress was nowhere in the dead pictures.

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