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The Coming Race War....

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posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

I would never believe in an ideology that would have the likes of me as an adherent!
I would be particularly concerned about one that views the world in such stark and dualistic terms as Marxism, with its projections of evil on to an Other. That type of apocalyptic thinking leads to war and hatred.

At the same time, I also believe that the System is derailing. A consumer economy is not stable or viable. That is not opinion. It is fact at this point.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 11:21 AM

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 11:23 AM

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 11:59 AM


posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:14 PM


posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:24 PM
Offensive post removed.

Please let's get back on topic. Thanks, Guys.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by Kali74
reply to post by Stormdancer777


A step in the right direction would be to stop going to liars for information, am I the only person that realized there was NO source for that call? How did a Breitbart liar get a hold of a phone conversation?

Beezer! Come on!

Beck O'Riley Rush et al....all they are doing is giving white racism a comfy place to be racist...good lord.

New Black Panther Party chief of staff Michelle Williams apologizes after George Zimmerman radio outburst

Michelle Williams tearfully apologizes for remarks she made over the Trayvon Martin case. "My words were out of anger."

Michelle said during the interview, "Let me tell you, the things that's about to happen, to these honkeys, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people, these ---- people. It has been long overdue. My prize right now this evening ... is gonna be the bounty, the arrest, dead or alive, for George Zimmerman. You feel me?"

I guess You were wrong.
I asked you to prove it was false.

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 03:18 PM

Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by RyanFromCan

Karl Marx was the "Father of Communism", you know that. He co wrote the "Communist Manifesto" with Engels. He embraced Hegelian dialectical materialism. I understand perfectly well what Marxism is. I posted those links to show you and others here who may be reading this to refute your position that Communism in Russia was not Marxist and to refute your position that race and class warfare are not part of the Communist Revolution.

Yes, Karl Marx is considered "the father of communism", not because he put into practice anything, but because of his, and Engels theories, the philosophical ideas they had. What you fail, or refuse to acknowledge is that both Lenin and Stalin perverted the ideals that Marx an Engels put forth in the manifesto, that Leninism and Stalinsm are different from Marxism, or "pure theoretical Communism", it goes back to the old saying power corrupts absolutely. Your problem is that you can't or won't differentiate, or accept that Marx's theories were polluted, that the Russian style communism we know, that you toss around as an insult, bears no resemblance to Marx's, or Engels theories, their intellectual philosophies. Leninism and Stalinism may be based loosely on Marxism, but they are pollutions of it.

You can't seem to see or understand the differences, you have lumped them together and labeled them bad, like you are scared of the big bad red ruskies, True communism as Marx envisioned it is a theoretical utopia, the reality of what happened in Russia was not the same thing, it was perverted for power and influence.

Lenin acknowledged that the proletarian movement would still have an Elite ruling on top to run things, and so in Russia they had the Politburo and the KGB to spy on everyone. Anyone who disagreed or was considered an enemy(such as doctors and learned people) could be put in the Gulags and deported to Siberia. Russian communism was as Totalitarian as Mussolini and Hitler's fascism, it's just that Hitler left a few private industries in place whereas Russia turned everything into centralized control.

I will agree with you here, but this is not Marxism, this is a pollution of his theories, a pollution of "true communism", and it is interesting to point out that these same kind of things are happening in the western world, and it is not just a "socialist" thing, we have a very right wing government in Canada right now that is doing this, removing rights, violating others, and trying to gain power by interfering in privacy, among other things, and it is happening in the US too, and neither country is communist in the sense that Russia was.

And yes, unfettered capitalism is a problem, it has, and is showing the potential to be as totalitarian as any regime, it is the concentration of power in few hands, and the abuse of that power, both are extremes, It does not matter if you go ultra extreme right, or ultra extreme left, they meet at a point called totalitarianism. This is not what Marx was about, he was about balancing personal freedoms and the greater good, about people getting what they need, and adding what they could, about using peoples strengths to better the whole.

Unfettered capitalism clearly does not work, we see that with the global economic situation right now, because it depends on people and institutions being self policing, and they just can't, power and the unholy worship of money gets in the way. I am not saying Marxism is the only way to go, neither do I believe in unfettered capitalism, there has to be a balance struck between them.

My problem with what you put forth is that you lumped Marxism, Leninism, and Stalinism together when they are not the same thing.

I will not dispute much of the other stuff you have to say, but lets be factual about this, what you refer to as "communism" (Russian style), is not what Marx or Engels theorized, it is it's bastard child.
edit on 4/11/2012 by RyanFromCan because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/11/2012 by RyanFromCan because: (no reason given)

edit on 4/11/2012 by RyanFromCan because: spelling

posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 10:46 PM
I don't know why, but I am starting to see similarities between this Zimmerman/Martin situation and the Rodney King/LAPD situation. I have a fear/feeling, whether it is TPTB planning it or not, that Zimmerman will be found innocent, and the ensuing riots afterward will make the LA riots look like child's play. It seems that we are just on a collision course with this one, and it won't be good. Aren't nationwide race riots a worthy cause for a Martial Law style crackdown? It seems so. I hope I am wrong, or my feeling is off base, but it just seems that it is inevitable. Thoughts?

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 02:36 AM
Obama's fingerprints are all over this. There are a lot of Black people who will not vote for Obama this time around.
The recent events will galvanize the Black people and their votes to Obama. This is the dreaded "Class Warfare" that everyone warned that Obama would continue to create. Some of the less informed Black people will "go with the flow" while most people would "stop, look, and listen" and not jump to conclusions. Everyone needs to stop and THINK about what is going on and determine the the consequences of any action that they take. Obama is going to take FULL advantage of these events. However, Obama will not have enough votes this time around because we have seen him for what he is.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 05:46 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

You're still on this? As I said in my reply to your U2U (lol) grats, it doesn't mean breitbart should be trusted. The Enquirer gets things right occasionally as well.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 06:10 AM
I kind of feel that the government (possibly media too) are tying to amplify things to cause chaos and civil unrest so that they can declare "Martial Law" which would in turn let them do what they have been wanting to do for years and that is have a reason to begin taking away our freedoms. I can be help by silencing some of the biggest pot stirrers like Jesse Jackson, Al, Sharpton, president Obama, skinheads, the Klan black panthers etc. that are making it seem that race is behind every little thing that happens in society. These use their power and influence to stir up the common folk on the streets with fancy words and exhortations.

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 03:13 AM

posted on Apr, 25 2012 @ 03:23 AM
I never hear of this particular topic being mentioned outside from this site? Therefore it can't be as serious of a situation as being perpetuated.

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