posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by zatara
The exact kind of situation? No
Something similar? Yes
In the mid 80's, the early 90's and now the present day I've met 3 particular women. They all had the same hair color, looked a lot alike in their
facial features, had pretty much the same build and the same personalities. Except for the one in the mid 90's. She was submissive to the point where
it felt to me that she had a problem with it. I'm all for playing games and such but....... Anyway, the other two share similarities that are kind of
spooky if I think about it too much.
They're both strong willed in their own right. Not dominant, but self-assured to the point where you can feel it. Their physical similarities are
VERY much alike. On the outside at least. I haven't had the pleasures of the current one so I can't vouch for that angle. They were both business
women. Business came first. The one in the mid 80's, I wont say what type of business, but she had a lot of money and she knew how to stay off the
radar VERY well. The current one, she knows how to keep a low profile as well. Different reasons I'm sure, but the same M.O.
The SAME method of operation.
Even though I know how to keep certain things close to the vest, and there are many more that I have, there are reasons why I just look the current
over for minutes at a time. I can imagine boots on her that come up nearly to the knees and..........Holy God. I'm transported back to the mid 80's.
She knows the obvious reasons, but she doesn't know them all.
She takes me back in different points of time for different reasons. Kind of like meeting different friends after many years but having them rolled up
in one mind blowing package.
Hope that answers your question.