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Video explaining the "DNA Phantom Effect"

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posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan
reply to post by Aim64C

Energy may not, but atoms do and atoms are made up of energies. Then mostly everything physical is made up of atoms.

Atoms have equivalent energies. They don't really have frequencies. I guess if you start stripping electrons off then you'll have emission spectra. But these don't change - they're characteristic of the nucleus' mass.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Since we have E=mc^2, we can conclude that the Universe is energy.

I love stuff like this. "We have an equation relating two things *mumblemumblemumble* everything is one of those two things." You're leaving out some really important steps in the middle of your "reasoning". I could just as easily claim that there are no hydrocarbons left in the Universe because:

CnHm + O2 -> CO2 + H2O

Since it can happen, it must have happened, right?

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by ErroneousDylan

Energy may not, but atoms do and atoms are made up of energies. Then mostly everything physical is made up of atoms.

You are missing a fairly key concept, here.

I will side with you in that "everything is energy" - but most of the energy we can see is already in stable/neutral or metastable/quasi-neutral form. It is energy that, left completely to its own devices, will not leave its locked/looped/structured form (disregarding entropy - which is a function of a system).

So, in that respect, yes - an atom is a "system of energies" - but that system is arranged in such a way as to preserve the function of the system. You could derive a million different 'frequencies' out of it, if you wanted to, but things on that scale do not like to behave according to integer equations; doing whatever the hell they feel like within a range of probable outcomes.

Which still brings us back around to the issue of: "What frequency(s) is(are) altered by a change in emotional state?" And: "How is this change propagated to other areas of the cells and/or organism?"

This is especially true considering the rather... uncoordinated nature of the claims coming out from around the "DNA Phantom Effect" - which was a test where "a strand of DNA" was placed in front of a laser (I believe it was UV) and the diffraction ("shadow") observed... after which, the strand was removed, but the diffraction pattern persisted as though the strand was still present.

To date - the experiment has never been successfully reproduced, and the authors have since developed some kind of theory involving a photo-holographic element to DNA sequencing. Which, while I find incredibly fascinating, do not place much stock in.

Supposedly, they claimed to have been able to use a voice-modulated laser to 'talk' to DNA and turn a salamander embryo into a frog embryo that later grew into a frog (or something crazy like that). I don't buy it... why would salamander DNA speak Russian? (I'm being silly - but making a point in doing so).

Where all of this "emotions change frequencies" came from, I really don't understand. The work the entire premise is based off of really never strays beyond a photo-holographic phenomena.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

I try not to accept a proposition without proof but I also dont reject a proposition at first sight. Indeed the Russian research results in genetic are quite surprising and their theory on the correct reading of the DNA helix contradict the mainstream genetic science mode of reading. However, here I am very puzled by the very fact that they have produced a device called physioscan which I have tested many times. Such a device is based on the emission of a soft IR laser (photon stimulation of DNA) acting on the DNA of cells related to an organ which organ by reaction provoke the emission of a resonnant spectral electro-magnetic field (EM) specific to the targeted organ. Such spectral EM (curve of intensity of field related to frequency ) is read and compared to a data base of curves related to healthy people organs. Treatments can be made by forcing the healthy spectral EM resonnance in the diseased organ. So far this device which result directly from the Russian researchs which are dismissed in your post work so well that it could be a beginning of proof that they are really on to something with their understanding of DNA function in the body which is very remote from the classical admited library of genes. I engage all sceptics to test that device which was used to treat the Russian cosmonauts before denying all their works at first sight !

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by DUSA922

I suggest you have a look at the Tuft University research related to a frog and its embryonnic stages (ATS thread last year, also "science daily"). You will find that they have video registered a ghost EM field imprint emitted by the cells of the larvae but having the spatial 3D shape of the would be "têtard". This EM field ghost shaped like the "têtard" give the mechanical instructions to the cells in order to re- arrange themselves using the electrical power given to them by the em field. This EM field probably result (Russian theory - as in the physioscan) from the larvae DNA reading process trough photons exchange in the IR field. This IR light is emitted this time at a low level of power trough the working process of the "living" holographic computer while reading (not as the mainstream genetic think it works) the DNA helix (information process following at this level the quantic theory rules)).The reading of DNA trough photons finally produce the DNA feedback emission of a corresponding EM field (here we are back in the material world with the law of classical mechanic) giving to the cells and organs the electrical instructions necessary to bioconstruct the têtard.
This Tuft University research is a second beginning of proof that the Russian are 30 years ahead of us in understanding how to really read the 100 % of the informations located on our DNA helix and not only the poor 5 per cent of the helix making the so called genes (they only relate to the hardware basic elements)
And if this is reversible, I see no reasons why your feelings (the ones important to store in the computer memory by the "living" computer in order to survive the best way) could translate trough an EM field into an encoded imprint on your DNA helix in the so ignored 95 % of the helix span.(such memory should be localized mainly in the organs affected by the EM transduced feeling)

Finally, when we age the telomeres shorten at each cell division. It is like an aging clock: your chromozons telomere lenght indicate your age ! After the cell division the chromozons reconnect to each other to rebuild the DNA helix and guess what, the DNA helix has lost some matter and its shape modify itself (histone scaffolding ..etc). well if this Russian theory is correct, our living computer is aging and losing its ability to maintain our body in the perfect young state because each of its component (DNA helix) loose their ability to exchange photon informations correctly. That is why I think that this telomere way of aging has not been understood so far as it must be. The aging process is not the fact that cell can become scenecent and cancerous but rather the fact that the efficiency of the computer decline and the bugs accumulate in the final product resulting from the computer activity :the body. Repair the computer and we repair the body !
I personnaly believe the Russian theory is the right one but given that it require knowledge in quantum, electrical field theories, information theories, the answer will not come out from simple biologists, geneticiens or medical doctors. We need to make research with a team including physicists, electrical engineers, ..just like the Russian made it 30 years ago.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by DUSA922

Since a lot of that seems pretty laden with the usual pseudoscience, maybe a link to the Tufts article?

Nothing's really jumping out with reasonable search terms.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 05:13 AM
reply to post by Bedlam

biophysics and quantum biology pseudoscience?

Covered in a July 2011 thread

Never before seen: Bioelectricity on single tadpole cell forms "face of frog"!!!,

Physorg has a Tufts release

The face of a frog: Time-lapse video reveals never-before-seen bioelectric pattern
July 18, 2011

For the first time, Tufts University biologists have reported that bioelectrical signals are necessary for normal head and facial formation in an organism and have captured that process in a time-lapse video that reveals never-before-seen patterns of visible bioelectrical signals outlining where eyes, nose, mouth, and other features will appear in an embryonic tadpole.

Published in a John Wiley-Blackwell journal [subscription reqd] :

V-ATPase-dependent ectodermal voltage and ph regionalization are required for craniofacial morphogenesis

Developmental Dynamics
Volume 240, Issue 8, pages 1889–1904, August 2011


posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by xecoybh
reply to post by Bedlam

biophysics and quantum biology pseudoscience?

Biophysics, no. 'quantum biology', well, yeah, unless you're talking about physical chemistry. All that stuff about the EM field expressing the DNA was just wrong. I thought that might have been the paper he was talking about. Looking at the abstract it didn't seem to fit the post's conclusions.

At all.

edit on 9-4-2012 by Bedlam because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by DUSA922

Finally, when we age the telomeres shorten at each cell division. It is like an aging clock: your chromozons telomere lenght indicate your age ! After the cell division the chromozons reconnect to each other to rebuild the DNA helix and guess what, the DNA helix has lost some matter and its shape modify itself (histone scaffolding ..etc). well if this Russian theory is correct, our living computer is aging and losing its ability to maintain our body in the perfect young state because each of its component (DNA helix) loose their ability to exchange photon informations correctly. That is why I think that this telomere way of aging has not been understood so far as it must be.

There are, actually, several chemical theories that address this.

The prevailing theory is two-fold. First - telomere shortening is necessary for the process of physical maturity to take place. When we undergo RNA transcription, segments of our DNA are, literally, broken from the DNA strand - which exposes them to oxidizing reactions. This is part of what all the "antioxidant" craze is about. Anyway - as these strands corrode, they eventually begin to corrode the transcription sequence, and result in RNA no longer being able to generate a valid protein.

Some sequences of our DNA actively suppress the expression of other parts - IE - prevent it from making proteins. Some of these have been found to be closely tied to physical maturity, and to have considerably shorter telomeres than the "throughout life" code sequences. When these strands that suppress genes reserved for later in life are rendered unusable by oxidizing reactions, other sequences are expressed and cause our bodies to undergo physical changes.

From the other end of age - the whole collapse of the body and death part - you already have the answer in the above. When your DNA breaks off to transcribe RNA - occasionally part of the strand oxidizes and shortens. This continues until it influences the RNA strand being encoded and results in the failure of the protein synthesis process. When cells can no longer produce proper proteins, they fail to divide, fall into disrepair, and die.

Skin wrinkles because the cells begin to die off and the whole system literally 'collapse' from under itself (while some cells that replicate more slowly stay in repair). Bones become brittle as the cell structure spontaneously fails and the enzymes that shape calcium deposits become infrequent. Hair loses color as the proteins for pigmentation cease to be synthesized properly.

You're not entirely incorrect... the process responsible for shortening telomeres does play a role in age - but there's no need to get into photoholographic DNA to explain the process.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 11:43 AM
thank you for your comments which correctly describe the chemical process theory of aging trough DNA transcription decaying.
The Russian theory, if true, indicates that when the IR photon computer loose more and more of its working components (the cells which divide themselves the most : ie in a wrinkle zone) trough telomere shortening locally the architect field is unable to maintain the body element in healthy state locally even before the cells become scenescents.(telomere limit lenght impeding division and functionning of the cell ) Well if we look into what we know about animals which dont seem to age like tortugas and lobster: their telomere dont shorten at all and as adults they keep on growing in size without showing any tissue sign of aging.
We, on the other hand are programmed to die trough telomere attrition and the day we stop growing (at about 25) we have no more telomerase in our blood stream and be sure that the light bio computer start to have problems for tuning correctly his components (the helix DNA in cells which modify their shape up to the scenescent stade) and we age. Well that is the Russian theory at least.

posted on Apr, 9 2012 @ 01:49 PM
I may add also that if the Russian theory related to the way the DNA is read and used by the living organisms is confirmed the following experiments could verify it : You all know that mices have longer telomeres than human and dont seem to die trough results of telomere attrition: obviously their cells'telomeres shorten (far less than humans), they age and die mainly from tumors. The Russian theory state that even for mices the living computer loose the proper healthy state tuning with the DNA helixes as they shorten and modify shape as well as genes accessibility (histone scaffolding modification when telomere shorten) So if we artificially maintain constantly initial telomeres lenght of young mices'cells in order that they keep the lenght of their young age without any attrition, the perfect tuning of the living computer should result in the following: the mice would show no sign of aging whatsoever (like a lobster) and if the telomere lenght maintained correspond to a period of tuning whereby the grow genes were actively used by the living computer for instructing the body, they would keep on growing.(apparently there are different period of different tuning ((reading the DNA differently when the helix is shaped long or short (less telomeres) in the life of a living organism probably directed by the actual telomere lenght :see morpho-genetic field and genetic field )
All cell in a living body is a part of the holographic living organism untill it loose its correct tuning within the computer because the helix shape decay too much.(telomere shortenings, DNA dommages...) In such a case if this cell, out of tune is not killed naturally because out of tune (apotosis or autophagy..) its life become independant from the architect field and it can grow on its own instructions as a bacteria and eventually turn cancerous. At a certain point the physiological part of the field architect which take notice of an "external " invader could become unable to program it out using its army of natural killers and the cancer would grow independantly of the organ where the remaining sound cells still respond to the field architect.(physiological part and structural part) I already mentioned the Russian PHYSIOSCAN. If you check with this device an organ with a substantial tumor the device will read very abnormal resonance EM frequency curves whereby the curves indicate that this organ is no more connected with the other organs of the body.(the cancer cells are out of tune). So far mainstream research indicate that cancers are linked with telomere shortening.( suplements astragalus, read the whole topic if interested))

posted on Apr, 10 2012 @ 04:30 AM
Last but not least, the Russian theory for reading the DNA (and its functionning as an antenna) adress a problem now faced by the classic genetic theory: the epigenetic programing. The complete analysis of the human genome has indicated that about 25,000 genes (representing the 5% lenght of the helix which is qualified as "coding", the 95 % remaining lenght is classified as "silent") will produce the 200,000 different products needed by the body to work "chemically". That is to say that a gene in a liver cell will be transcripted in differents ARN messengers than the same gene in a kidney cell for example. They dont know why. Recent research indicate that some intron (silent code inside the gene) and extron (silent code outside the gene) are dealt with differently following the organ in order for the ARN Messengers to be different.
I have already stated that the PHYSIOSCAN device report a completely different resonant EM spectrum (emitted by the DNA helix) for a liver than for a kidney. That means that a cell in a liver receive other instructions (in the EM field) than a cell in the kidney and if the Russian theory is exact that could explain why the DNA is not read as expected by the classical theory which is too shortsighting.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

As far as the Russian-based experiment goes, I can not comment on the authenticity.

However, I feel there is truth in the DNA-Mind relation, not to sound "woo". The best interpretation I can give is: The mind has a thought which causes the body to experience an emotion, causing the central nervous system to have a neural oscillation. Based on the frequency of the oscillation, the cellular molecules have a change in their atomic energy, causing the frequency at which the atoms vibrate to match up with the thought-caused, emotional neural oscillation.

Yet, I know not much of anatomy so I'm not sure if that is a proper way to convey my thoughts. I'm going to continue researching into this so that I can properly determine the validity in these claims and, if so, how to portray them in a more understandable and professional manner.

posted on Apr, 12 2012 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by ErroneousDylan

However, I feel there is truth in the DNA-Mind relation, not to sound "woo". The best interpretation I can give is: The mind has a thought which causes the body to experience an emotion, causing the central nervous system to have a neural oscillation.

Emotions, like thoughts, are enormously complex. There's not "an oscillation" that is specific for this emotion or that.

Based on the frequency of the oscillation, the cellular molecules have a change in their atomic energy, causing the frequency at which the atoms vibrate to match up with the thought-caused, emotional neural oscillation.

There would be no 'change in atomic energy' you could effect. By changing the body temperature you could change the amplitude of molecular vibration, but not the rate, type, or frequency, as these are set by molecular mass, bond type and the mechanical arrangement of the bonds.

However, these types of vibrations would be present for ANY matter that is above absolute zero.

You might be able to make a case for emotion causing hormonal releases which caused epigenetic changes in expression, and that would be a possible thing, that's part of an amazing system of adaptability that's only beginning to be understood (and has its very own woo artist already). But you don't need to ring in extra DNA strands or phantom quantum effects.

posted on Apr, 15 2012 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by Bedlam

Feelings are related to emotions. I will now explain how following the Russian theory your emotions are able to affect your biological hardware for life. When you feel hapiness or love, your body (apparently the heart: love heart break is really felt there) emit a powerfull EM field. You have the same when you feel fear but the EM field is different (apparently your gut participate more to the field emission). The Russian theory imply that these EM fields are generated by the simultaneous tuning of the emitting antennas constituted by the DNA (silent coded) of your cells.But of course your brain is heavily involved as it transcript electrically the experience lived at that time.
Your mobile phone emit and receive a powerfull EM field which is "modulated" (which mean vary in intensity but not necessarily in frequency)) by the information which are exchanged. It may be the sound of voice but also a full video clip which pass trough the air and trough your body (your body normally dont care as it is not able to tune properly to these frequencies (microwaves as a basis modulated in intensity by a lower frequency following the information transmission ) Apparently, the Russians think that it is the same here. While you feel this great fear and your body (I mean the information computer connected by EM waves with the brain ) emit this EM fear field, this later is modulated by the informations (EM waves coming from the brain) of the events generating this fear (the movie of what cause your fear, here with the vision, the noise', the odor, the touch, wathever is that experience of your senses transformed by your brain in EM modulating informations acting on the intensity of the main EM fear field)
So now what happen with this field carrying (like the field of your mobile phone) the movie of your bad experience generating this fear ? Following the Russian theory, the antennas (DNA helix) will understand the information pattern of the "fear movie" and will transcript it by coding the silent part of your DNA using EM field and IR laser light, using a recording language that the Russian claim to have understood and where in process of patenting. Let say that on the silent part of the DNA helix you can store (as the language is based on laser IR which the plane of polarisation beeing one part of the code (theorically an infinity of possibilities in space )) the whole emotional live (that is short clips of all your love and fear experiences, your instincts, ..) of many generations (yes, yourself, your parents, ...) That is the Lamarckists" part of coding of our DNA.
So the Russians postulate that your silent DNA store instincts, social behaviors, memory of bad circonstances, memory necessary for reproduction like love experiences..and so on. They found for example that the coding of the rat sexual social behavior (monogamic species versus heterogamic species) is coded there, on the silent part of the helix.

And the DNA phantom effect what is it linked to ? Well the whole body and the brain has an easy access (EM field translated) to an information, and coding system (IR laser based) using hardware elements which are in the size of atoms clusters. In this kind of size, the quantum effects are prevailing compared to the classic theory of matter effects. That means that we are in a Disney world compared to our world of solid matter where two objects cannot occupy the same place and where the time exist and has only one direction. With quantum theory we are in the world of synchronicity and entanglement, zero field theory and so on. This imply that all what is coded on our DNA (the emotions of our past, the emotions of our future ) is able provided a proper tuning to be read by another person even at a distance. Our DNA antennas properly tuned can read the other people experiences past, present and future: out of body experience, remote viewing and telekinesis are possible provided a good tuning state is achieved.
Anterior lifes can be read in hypnotic state when our brain receive the signals stored in our DNA silent part (some emotions video clips experienced by our parents) or trough entanglement from other persons we have an easy tuning with. etc;
Apparently, the Russian team of scientists who have made these findings on the DNA have no problems for understanding and admitting most paranormal science effects.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 09:56 AM

Originally posted by DUSA922
reply to post by Bedlam

Feelings are related to emotions. I will now explain how following the Russian theory your emotions are able to affect your biological hardware for life. When you feel hapiness or love, your body (apparently the heart: love heart break is really felt there) emit a powerfull EM field.

Demonstrably untrue.

You have the same when you feel fear but the EM field is different (apparently your gut participate more to the field emission). The Russian theory imply that these EM fields are generated by the simultaneous tuning of the emitting antennas constituted by the DNA (silent coded) of your cells.But of course your brain is heavily involved as it transcript electrically the experience lived at that time.

DNA doesn't emit powerful EM fields. It's a phosphate sugar with purines and pyrimidines mixed in, not a top 40 station.

Your mobile phone emit and receive a powerfull EM field which is "modulated" (which mean vary in intensity but not necessarily in frequency)) by the information which are exchanged. It may be the sound of voice but also a full video clip which pass trough the air and trough your body (your body normally dont care as it is not able to tune properly to these frequencies (microwaves as a basis modulated in intensity by a lower frequency following the information transmission )

Cell phones don't use amplitude modulation. Your statements also mix in apparently random technical-sounding phrases - your last parenthetical inclusion makes no sense whatever.

Apparently, the Russians think that it is the same here. While you feel this great fear and your body (I mean the information computer connected by EM waves with the brain ) emit this EM fear field

When you feel fear, it is a very complex interaction between various regions of your brain, plus some endocrine responses. The DNA doesn't enter into it in any direct way, other than to have set the stage and built the structure feeling the fear.

Following the Russian theory, the antennas (DNA helix) will understand the information pattern of the "fear movie" and will transcript it by coding the silent part of your DNA using EM field and IR laser light, using a recording language that the Russian claim to have understood and where in process of patenting.

No doubt. You do realize it comes off as a sort of neo-Lamarckism? Which would make sense for Russians, but it's still pseudo-science. Bring on the replication by reputable labs! This ought to be EASY to prove, right? Only - it would be pretty straightforward to detect any "massive EM field", you don't. End of theory.

That is the Lamarckists" part of coding of our DNA.

Lamarck was an early 19th century hack, whose work was disproven even then.

Apparently, the Russian team of scientists who have made these findings on the DNA have no problems for understanding and admitting most paranormal science effects.

I have no doubt.

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:35 PM
"demonstrably untrue" Well it has been demonstrated by the Russian and they have produced the physioscan
which work with the EM field of all organs of the body. Please check that up and come back.
they have kept their work on DNA electrical properties quite secret (like the CIA which just begun to declassify their spying activities trough remote viewing experiences )
But what do you think about these EM wave that the brain produce when it transcript all its experiences trough the senses. I tought you had learned about the researchers who have been able to use a computer in order to transform the EM activity of the brain back into the pictures seen and analysed by somebody . It has been on ATS if I remenber well but it is published in scientific reviews as well.
I wanted not to make it too complicated to understand but I have to add to all I have already written that the Russian PHYSIOSCAN use an helmet with a soft laser emitter (IR EM field) which provoke the answer of a specific organ which emit in response a resonant EM field that can be measured in the way of the brain as it is powerfull enough.

Mobile phone and amplitude modulation of a carrying EM microwave lenght; it is not necessary to make the
idiot, everybody understand what I mean when it is made simple. (I mention here the analogical

And no I dont want to convince any of you and trying to make a pseudoscientific exposé. I am a scientific open minded
who think that the progress in aging understanding will only be possible if researchers stop thinking that all life is simply chemistry coding and interactions; because anybody ma

posted on Apr, 16 2012 @ 01:54 PM
well the text has escaped too fast. I wanted to add that everybody who make the effort to learn thoroughfully any field of science will find out very quickly that there are more questions unanswered than with a scientific response.

The DNA is a chemical chain of bases assembled in an helix (double) incredibly long compared to the size of the cell. It is therefore looking like a ball of cables. But be carefull, all organic matter have electrical charge with a polarity and a protein may react electrically to another protein and move. This beeing said nothing impair the DNA chain to receive photons and emit an EM field. Read the book of C. POPP and the report of the Russian scientists (as a starter I recommend the excellent article on "VIEWZONE 2.COM" "is dna the next internet".

posted on Apr, 21 2012 @ 03:21 AM
reply to post by DUSA922

You're getting a little ahead of yourself.

To say that electrical charges are not, at all, involved in cellular biology would be a mistake on any scientist's part. To say that EM does not have any effect is, similarly, untrue.

However, the primary 'science' of our body is chemical. While chemicals can be made (by anything) to do a wide range of different things - including react to/with EM fields (to include light)... one would have to demonstrate that the body both produces chemicals that are receptive to EM stimuli in quantities sufficient and crucial enough amounts to be a cause for changes in mood and attitude; and that such photon-induced reactions are frequent enough to be of measurable concern.

Science is a tool - use it. It's not a religion where you have to believe one thing or another. It is a tool for demonstrating to others that you were able to isolate a number of variables to discern what effect they had upon the system being observed.

posted on Apr, 23 2012 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

If I have said somewhere that electrical charges are not involved in body functions then I should have been out of my mind at that time. There are not only the ions transfert in the cell, the muscular fiber contractions, the low speed nerve influx (low compared to the photonic information EM field) ETC but also the electric current induced by the resonant EM fields (like the epigenetic field) into each cell by induction. The Tuft Universirty researchers seems to work more on the currents than on the original EM field, however recently they succeded to generate suplemental eyes on the body of a tadpole by working on the current informations locally. the informations coded in the electric current are by induction the same as the informations coded in the morphogenetic resonant EM field.

Regarding the Russian findings, unfortunately there are not so many publications. It was up to 1991 kept secret. However, East Germany worked a lot with their Russian Master. That's why the texts available are translated from Russian into german and finally English. You may find some of these texts at this address

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