posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 12:08 PM
Here in the UK we have long prided ourselves on the accuracy and honesty of our election results.
Whilst we may have disappointingly low turn-out's we have always believed the results to be an accurate representation of the people's wishes in
accordance with our electoral process.
Unfortunately that no longer seems to be the case.
And it hasn't been for some time now.
Independant scrutineers have openly expressed dismay at how easy it is to apply for postal voting for ficticious people.
And it seems this is reaching alarming proportions with police currently conducting over 50 investigations.
Voter fraud could determine the outcome of the general election as evidence emerges of massive postal vote rigging.
Police have launched 50 criminal inquiries nationwide amid widespread cases of electoral rolls being packed with ‘bogus’ voters.
Officials report a flood of postal vote applications in marginal seats. With the outcome of the closest election in a generation hanging in the
balance, a few thousand ‘stolen’ votes there could determine who wins the keys to Downing Street.
Closer inspection reveals that concerns about failings in the UK postal voting system go back some years and various reports have been issued
highlighting these concerns.
When reading the above report it somes becomes apparent that this practice is indeed quite common and it affects all the major political parties.
With the introduction of the Political Parties and Elections Act 2009 it has become slighly more difficult but the practice is still far too common
and widespread.
However, as revealed in MSM invesigation it is still occurring and those involved can be quite aggressive.
It is worth noting that it is generally accepted that no elections have thought to have been directly affected by this, but who knows for definate?
And who knows about the future?
Voting fraud is completely unacceptable and every effort must be made to eliminate this practice and anyone found guilty of involvement in such
practices in my opinion should be punished quite severely and should also relinquish their own voting rights.