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Military Aircraft pursue UFO over Palmar Dam.

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posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 04:00 AM
Pretty crazy UFO incident from Uruguay in 1986 where two Pucara fighter aircraft were sent up to intercept a strange luminous object hovering over Palmar Dam which flew off at a 'dizzying rate of speed' as the aircraft approached -when the pilots returned to base the object reappeared in the same place and the aircraft yet again attempted (and failed) to intercept the object.

Colonel Ariel Sanchez, head of the Uruguayan Air Force UFO Office goes into more detail below about how the object changed colours from yellow to orange to red as it increased its acceleration and also mentions how a power blackout of Montevideo occurred at the same time of the incident due to the overheating of a power line which was directly underneath the spot where the UFO was witnessed.

UFO chase over Palmar Dam

Unsolved cases have a considerable high strangeness quotient for the FAU. For example, the 1986 pursuit by two Pucara jet fighters over the Palmar Dam in response to the maneuvers of a luminous sphere. The pilots joined together and decided to chase it. When they were about to intercept it, the sphere flew off at a dizzying rate of speed toward Argentina and could not be reached. When the pilots returned to their base, the sphere reappeared over the dam. But the same thing occurred - the chase occurred and it vanished from sight, changing colors from red to yellow


Excerpt of Interview with Colonel Ariel Sanchez (Cridovni)

Among those 40 cases with a high Level of Strangeness which one caught your attention the most?
Could you describe it?

The most shocking events involved Uruguayan aircraft pursuing a UFO. It occurred mainly in 1986. Two military aircraft tried to intercept a UFO which entered Uruguayan airspace without authorization. I believe the Official UFO Night in Brazil occurred in the same year and month (19 May 1986).

Do you believe this UFO pursuit in Uruguay was part of the same phenomenon seen in Brazil (When more than 20 round-shaped UFOs of around 100m in diameter jammed radars of several capitals in South-Eastern Brazil)?

I would have to check the dates in our files, but it is possible. It was around 20h30 when those two fighters I’ve mentioned tried to approach an object maneuvering over a dam. They tried twice to reach the UFO. They didn’t succeed because the object managed to escape maneuvering at great speed which our aircraft could not follow.

What were the procedures adopted in the investigation of this case?

We collected all the flight data such as the type of our aircraft, duration and speed of their flight, etc, then we had a thorough interview with the pilots. They were four pilots aboard two Argentine-made FMAIA 58 Pucara — a two-turboprop-engined aircraft for fast combat. (Pucara means fortress in Quechua language. This aircraft was often used during the war over the Falklands). The Pucara reached a 400 to 500/h speed but the UFO was much faster. We estimate it to be at around 1.000 km/h. That was double our speed if not more.

Besides the incredible speed did the UFO display any other signals of a possible extraordinary origin?

Yes. A peculiar thing was seeing the object changing colors while increasing its acceleration. It went from yellow to orange then turned red. It moved away at an enormous speed until it disappeared from our sight. In a second attempt to intercept it, the object did the same thing: when the Pucara got closer, the UFO vanished at an incredible speed towards the West. Without much they could do the pilots simply quit the pursuit and returned to the base.

For how long did they try to intercept the UFO in that second attempt?

Just for a few minutes, because it vanished when the pilots tried to approach. Strangely enough, the object always returned to the same spot after our aircraft moved away — as if it were playing with our crewmen. There was a moment when the UFO was surrounding the dam and our pilots tried to reach it with a fast maneuver - one with a 30 or 40-second response

Then what happened?

When the object noticed the maneuver it moved away to the West at a high speed.

What happened to the pilots after such an experience?

Due to the stress they cancelled their training and returned to the Durazno Air Base (FAU’s most important site, located in the middle of the country). By getting there they reported the event to the officials. At the same time they learned that Montevideo had been hit by a blackout. It lasted for a few minutes and affected the whole city. It was due to the overheating of a power line which came from the exact spot where the UFO was seen over the dam. I should add that the Durazno base is where pilot trainings are mostly held. There are many different aircraft stationed there.

Did Cridovni consider one fact against the other? That is, did you associate the UFO over the dam with
the blackout in Montevideo?

Yes. We believed the object must have affected the power line in some way causing the overheating. This is a supposition based on technical data provided by the power company itself (Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas - UTE). Their technicians detected an overheating in some transformers in the line that supplies the capital city. We suppose this might be a result of that incident. After all, there must be a reason why it was over the dam. It must have been doing something there. What it was we don’t know. Security guards and employees also witnessed the object flight around the dam that night. The object was seen from the ground and from the air. This leaves no doubt about its materiality.

Did you talk with the Pucara pilots? How was their emotional?

They were quite surprised with what they had seen. I personally interviewed the four of them, one by one, pursuant to our protocol for investigation. All narratives were coincident regarding the shape and maneuvers of the object. Our crewmen were affected by what they experienced.

Do they still work in the Air Force?

Only one of them remains in the Air Force.

Would you like to have been in their feet? What would have been your reaction if you were in one of those Pucara?

I would love to have been there (laughing), but I think my reaction would also be one of total surprise. Actually, I don’t know what I would do at the time. One never knows. The aircraft involved were twoturboprop-engined fighters. There could have been some kind of hostility between the parties. However, in such situation the pilot must ask for permission before taking any action such as to fire a missile. There is a protocol for that in our country. According to Uruguayan law, we can’t fire at an aircraft unless under presidential orders or in a real combat situation. A pilot might think about doing something, but will be subjected to superior orders and to the protocol for interception of unknown vehicles.

Full Interview

edit on 25-3-2013 by karl 12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 05:31 AM
Cool case.

Debunk: Cold case, poor English
Alternate debunk. No such dam, no such city, no such country/Fictional case from TV show
Backup alternates: Planet, sundog, smarm of fireflies, bird droppings on aircraft windshields, (several hundred others, in combination if necessary)

edit on 7-4-2012 by xpoq47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 06:13 AM

Originally posted by xpoq47
Cool case.

Debunk: Cold case, poor English
Alternate debunk. No such dam, no such city, no such country/Fictional case from TV show
Backup alternates: Planet, sundog, smarm of fireflies, bird droppings on aircraft windshields, (several hundred others, in combination if necessary)

edit on 7-4-2012 by xpoq47 because: (no reason given)

Actually, it's this place and it must be cross border or something, but it's there.

Interesting case.

edit on 7-4-2012 by Zcustosmorum because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by xpoq47
Debunk: Cold case, poor English
I didn't know that all UFO cases should be reported in perfect English. And which "version" should it be, American English or British English?

Alternate debunk. No such dam, no such city, no such country/Fictional case from TV show
The country exists, the city exists, the dam exists, here.

Backup alternates: Planet, sundog, smarm of fireflies, bird droppings on aircraft windshields, (several hundred others, in combination if necessary)
What's a "smarm of fireflies"?

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:49 AM
If an attempt to explain it as other than a UFO is utter nonsense, we call it “debunking.” If it’s actually the most logical explanation, we can be more generous and call it something like “quality control,” to help us avoid using questionable cases when presenting evidence for the existence of UFOs.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Is it just me or is anyone else bored to death with another UFO case with no real surprises, revelations or disclosures...and this one from 25 years ago?


posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:00 AM
reply to post by PulsusMeusGallo

If you are expecting only new cases with amazing evidences, I guess you will be disappointed most of the time.

But if you are just collecting information about all UFO cases, new and old, then this is interesting.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:05 AM
Nothing, wrong thread!

edit on 7-4-2012 by moonrunner because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:10 AM
Most of you will ignore and deny the fact that UFO's are top secret or experimental craft.

I laugh so hard when people are like " Look pa, there be planes chasing that other one"

Its called flight testing.

But aliens are funner for the younger mind.

To break down my post. UFOs are made by humans and tested in the air. No alien tech.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by Shadow Herder

UFOs are made by humans and tested in the air. No alien tech.

And to break it down even further the above is a statement of personal belief not a matter of fact , to say all UFOs are man made is to ignore the evidence and the history of the subject .
Some UFOs are no doubt man made , some are natural phenomenon and a small percentage are unidentified and anomalous , my personal opinion is those are possibly of Alien origin but again that's just personal opinion.

Another interesting case Karl

edit on 7-4-2012 by gortex because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

What's a "smarm of fireflies"?

I guess we can't expect all posts to be in perfect english be it American or British can we?

Sorry couldn't resist the temptation.

But if you are just collecting information about all UFO cases, new and old, then this is interesting.

You are correct especially with the internet,photoshop,and any other video manipulation software the older reports about UFO's seem to be more convincing than many of today.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:36 PM
I loved the reading, thank you for that. It is always good to fill my brain with knowledge.

Now it would be interesting to see if the dates correspond with the pilots story.

Much love

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 02:39 PM
Behave in an ingratiating way in order to gain favor: "I smarmed my way into the air force".
Ingratiating behavior: "it takes smarm and confidence".
sleek - smooth

source google.

I just wanted to let you know, he was using proper English. I can't agree that ALL UFO's are secret military craft though.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by xpoq47

Don't much see the point of your first post. If you have no interest don't post, if you think it is rubbish or otherwise, say so, in as good an english as you can muster, and not in pseudo-intellectual claptrap.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:04 PM
I'll believe in aliens when they park their ship on my front lawn, walk up to my door and ask to use the bathroom. Far as i am concerned there's nothing but alot of radiation out there itching to kill anything that lives.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:21 PM
reply to post by PulsusMeusGallo

Is it just me or is anyone else bored to death with another UFO case

It's just you.

@karl12, Another nice case for the collection! Awesome, thanks....

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:27 PM
Interesting, these are dozens of well documented cases like this one of professional army pilots following UFOs.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 09:42 PM
Interesting, I love reading about military sightings. They are loaded with details you normally wouldn't find in civilian testimony and the pilots' training adds huge credibility imo.

posted on Apr, 7 2012 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by smurfy

At least it's about the topic of the thread, which your post isn't, by the way. But I'll check the Terms and Conditions for prohibition of making smarmy jokes about how difficult a case may be to debunk. Or is that covered elsewhere?

Another point I want to make about this case in particular is that, even though it has received too little attention, it could become important if Uruguay, perhaps together with some other South American countries that have already made some pursuit cases public, decides to make a strong public statement about the existence of UFOs and complain that U.S. authorities may know something about the nature of the phenomenon.

posted on Apr, 8 2012 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by calnorak
Behave in an ingratiating way in order to gain favor: "I smarmed my way into the air force".
Ingratiating behavior: "it takes smarm and confidence".
sleek - smooth

source google.

I just wanted to let you know, he was using proper English. I can't agree that ALL UFO's are secret military craft though.

So it takes a smarm of fireflies and confidence? Cool.. Oh Wait..

is just too funny to ignore

edit on 8-4-2012 by Kaifan because: (no reason given)

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