posted on Apr, 11 2012 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by Misoir
Used to watch johnny bravo, the show was pretty funny back then.
The thing is he never actually did get any girl from what I remember, and they made him come out like an idiot it was pretty much the punch line in
every episode. The only smart normal character was his friend that little red haired girl who followed him around lil suzy, who I think had a crush
on him and was always getting him in and out of trouble.
But in reality I have seen people like him or people who did that stuff and they picked up chicks. I mean I don't do it because I am like totally shy
and stuff, no joke. But ya from what I seen it actually works and the ladies always seem to be complaining that they like guys with confidence, and
if there was one thing that johnny bravo had plenty of in that show, that one thing was lots and lots of confidence.
All those whining nice guys could take a few tips from 'ol Johnny.
Actually Misoir from what I seen the worst people to listen to if you want to get with girls, is girls. They never tell you the truth, they just tell
you there truth which they never actually follow or actually believe in it. You got a point you would be better off listening to johnny bravo then
pretty much most of the how to date advice out there.